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Messages - Hayley

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Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Well guys, it's been fun...
« on: July 19, 2011, 12:16:56 AM »
It was either her or my grandmother. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get rid of it...
And my mum is smarter than me when it comes to computer crap.

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Well guys, it's been fun...
« on: July 19, 2011, 12:10:28 AM »
Oh man. I got a really bad virus one day. I would get pop-ups of naked women all day long. It was really awkward having my mom get rid of it.

Bully 2 Discussion / Re: Well guys, it's been fun...
« on: July 18, 2011, 11:41:12 PM »
oh my

Auditory Experiences / Re: Knocked out quotes
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:55:39 PM »
- Where's mah brandy?...I just need a sip to sleep this off...
- At least...I get to watch some I recover.
- Ole' ladies gettin' beat up...what's the world comin' to..?
- This is an absurdity...I can't believe the day I've had...
- I just need my ultra (something) bed...that'll put me rye...
- I think I may have wet myself...

- Ohhhh, everyone will pay for this...
- There will be...payback for this...
- I'm very...very angry...
- AHH! My knees! Ohoho...
- Dr. Crabblesnitch will hear of this...
- You will not get away with this...!

- I'm gonna tell your mom about this...
- Cowardly sucka'...!
- Gonna be some repercussions up in here...
- Tryina' disrespect me...?
- Ma man gonna hear about this...
- If you broke my nail...I swear...

Martin (fortunately, it's easy to get knocked out quotes from him):
- Ughh you got the last laugh, pal...ughh...
- Ughh I think you threw my back out...! Ughh...
- Ughh I'm gonna sue you for assault, pallll! Ughh...
- Ughhh who's gonna pay my hospital bills...?! Ughh...

- I should've worked for planetary geographer (?)...
- The wind has left these old sails...
- It's all fading...slowly...fading...
- I despise you...and I will have revenge...
- This is an outrage!
- *Coughing*

- Agh! At least I don't have to go back to the mill now...ugh..
- Ugh! Mah horoscope didn't say this would happen...!
- Oh...the numbers were wrong...all WRONG!
- I-I musta' missed somethin' in the stars...this shouldn't be happenin'...ugh...
- This must be because of that black cat...damn you cat! DAMN YOU!
- Karma mah ass! Ain't done nothin' wrong...ugh...

- NNOOO....
- This is not happening...
- I just take care of people...
- I'm too old for this...
- I'm so, so tired...
- I'm just a frail, old woman...

- Ohh, Ivana I always loved you...
- What a country...
- Stinking American...
- Ughh, I see bright white light...!
- keed-neys (how he pronounces "kidney")...

- Officer down! Send backup.
- This ain't over by a long shot, punk...
- Suspect fleein' from the scene...he's five foot tall, white teenage male...looks kind of on the dumb side...
- You just...earned yourself a trip to juvie...
- Apparently both King Kong AND ratty teenage douchebags do have somethin' on me...
- This is so embarrassing...

- Why did I ever come to this place...?
- So much hard work...and this is what I get, eh?
- Heh...I cut ten thousand (?) haircuts...and this is the things I get...
- Just wait...maybe one day I SHAVE you...then you see...
- Maybe you go to prison one day...
- You are one of the bad ones...

- Uhhh...I can hear the music play...uhh...
- WHY did I become a COOOP?! Uhh...
- Ufff, sometimes I get sick of this job...
- My colleagues will get you...
- I should've gone into music instead...
- Ohhhh, my best bra is ruined...!

Mr. Gordon:
- You should be ashamed of yourself...
- You're hell for that...

- OHH! Help, somebody!
- All right, all right! Just...leave me alone...
- Ohhh! How humiliating...!
- Ohhh...R-E-S-P-E-C-T...!
- Ow! Ow! Ow-ho...

- Oh, man...
- This is...harsh!
- What happened to me?!
- Whoaa....
- I'm in...pain, man...
- I don't...feel too good.

- It's a conspiracy-ahhhhh...
- What did you do that forrrr...?!
- What did I do to deserve THAT?!
- That wasn't fair! Ahhhhhh....
- You cheated...!
- Call a doctorrrr...!

- Uuurrgghh...I'm jonesin' for some aspirin...
- Uhhhh...I'll be back, son...I'll be back...
- Tell Nalay (?)...I love her...
- All right...let' breath...
- I'm gonna...just...collect ma' thoughts...
- Yeah...ugh...I'm lettin' you win...

- Heh...this is not...convenient...
- son...will...AVENGE me!
- not good...
- I...hurt...
- I...can't afford...any sick days...
- (Oriental accent) I knew I shouldn't have fought...

- Leave me alone!
- No more...I can't take anymore!
- Call a doctor! Quick!
- I'll get you next time...
- I'm in serious pain...

- overrrr....
- Now need to put your towels on...ughh...
- Uhh...give a big cheer for Ozzy...uhh...
- Ohh...TOUCH...DOWNNN...uhhh...
- Ohhh...we're all alone, can give me your special cheer now...uhh...
- show me that

- Ohh...I do not deserve this...
- I was meant to do bigger things in life...
- Oohh, this is unbearable...
- This isn't happening...
- I need help...pleasssseee...
- All right...I give up...

- Why did I ever come to this school...?
- (Whiny) I've been trying to help you...!
- Gary was right...!
- You're...out-of control...
- WHY are you so angry...?
- *Cries*

- Ooiii...I can't believe a kid just beat me...
- Ohh...-inaudible- this is so embarrassing...
- Oii pardon...I'm sorry...listen, leave, I don't want anymore trouble, no mas...
- Could so-ooowwoo...could someone please call the paramedics...?
- Aarg th-that hurt...way too much...
- puerdo...I remember being better at fighting...

- I...can't anymore...
- What did I do to deserve this?
- Ohhh...I'm in pain!
- But I'm such a good person...
- I don't deserve this...
- I want my kids...

- I'm a lover! Not a fighter!
- I need a hot nurse to tend to me...
- That...wasn't supposed to happen!
- Aw, man! I might have to miss work...
- Ohh well that really SUCKED.
- I'm all right...I'll just get some chick to look after me.

- Let me just...gather myself...
- Am I imagining this...?
- Harrington put you up to this?
- You will never get my collection...
- Genius' will not be kept down...

- Aargh...I'll have you sued...I sweaarrrr....
- Ah...! Don't think the authorities won't find out!...*moan*...
- *Gasp*...You're more of a scrub than my SON!...aaarrghh...
- Ah, my my lawyersss...uh...
- *Gasp*...this is an outrage, a travesty...AN EMBARRASSMENNNN-ohhh...
- I'm just an old man...a feeble, weak, and scared old (fading away) man...

- Oh, you slimeball...!
- Why...meee...
- Ohhh, nooo....
- Ugh...I can't let go! Can't-let-go...
- did I let this happen...?
- meeee...!

- motherrr....
- (Pained voice) Please...don' wife....
- Get me a hernia's acting up...
- III haaate myyy lifffe...
- I'm just an accountannnt...
- Call the poliiiice! Leave me alooooonnee!
- I'mmm too ollllld for thissss!

- Aahhh...the be delivered...ahh...ah...
- L-looks one...gets...mail today...ahhh....
- did this happen? I'm trained! I know how to...handle myself...ahh...
- Eh...I'm the laughingstock of the post office by now...ahh...ah...
- Ehhh...I gotta start getting...danger pay...uhhh... *And then you hear the director say 'perfect', LOL*
- Eh, eh...remember not to fight anymore...I ain't no spring chicken...

- Ehh...Oh my Christ! Medicate me...pleeassee...!
- What the...?! My pipes never lose!...aaaghhh....!
- Uhh, it's getting dark! Dark and cold! Feels like a tranq...
- I'll get you, kid! You're marked...with the blood of Theo...
- N-noo! How did I lose that?! I'm gettin' old...
- Uhhh...Ah man! Not again! I ain't never livin' this one down...
- Aarghh! I can't ever go to the bar again...!...I'm ruined...!

- I guess I don't have it anymore...
- Shoulda' stuck to fixin' bikes...
- Time to hang up my gloves...
- This old man is in pain...
- Ain't a young hellraiser no more...
- Shoulda' stuck to arrangin' races...

- I should've stayed in my laaab...
- What was his name? I have to remember his naamme...
- No respect these days...
- I need some smelling salts...
- This would never have happened to Rutherford...

- Mummify me so I may live forever...
- Cromwell...I'm coming!
- Sing my praises in your songs...!

- Agh! Mm!
- No! Not yet!
- Spare me!
- Can't...let go...
- You little devil!'ll get yours...
- Argh! How could this happen?!

- Ugh! This is just like high school...ugh...
- Ugh! This is humiliating...!
- Aargh-I just got owned!
- Urgh, I hope the police don't laugh at me when I report this...
- I should've stayed home reading comics...
- Oh, why did I get out of bed today?! Oh...

Auditory Experiences / Re: Knocked out quotes
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:54:20 PM »
- I need a vacation...
- Palm tree...sand...mountain...
- Put me in the meat locker...
- Dr. Slawter...mmmmmm....
- Someone disinfect the grill....
- Not the flying waffles...WAFFLES...

- Ahhhh, take me hommmee...aaaahh...
- Aahaaa, I'm done for...ohohoo...
- this is how I go...oh...
- Ohoho...I could've done so much more with myself...aaahaha...
- *Weird coughing and moaning*
- Hahaha, well...thaaat's that...ahahaa...

- Urrrghh, crap! Uhh...
- Aarghh, just one more minute, it's all I needed...
- I...I never lose...
- Ohhhhh, nooooo....
- Argh, oh, I'm not READY to go...
- Aaargh, how did I let this happen...oh...

- Oww...don't send me back to the bighouse...ahh...
- the warden...
- Oww...take the...infirmary..oww...
- I-I just need a little shut-eye is all...uhh...
- Owww...I'm coming...nightmares!
- Sleep...per chance to dream...uhhh...

- Ah! I need another drink...uh..
- Ahhh in all my years of teaching I never...
- Oh, you perfect BRUTE!
- Hah I'm getting too old for this.
- Why do I even try?
- Serves me right for even trying.

- I need...painkillers...
- Thank god I've got...good health insurance.
- Maybe I can get worker's...comp now...
- This is an on-the-job injury, ughhhh...
- That one is a baad case...
- That one's...only going to get worse...

- Uhh...home sweet home..
- Ugh...back to bed...for me then...oh...
- Ugh...I need a drink...
- What am I doin' on the floor again...
- head hurts again...
- Oh, mmm!...hey, there's some chewing gum down here... (LOL)

Mr. Hattrick:
- O-oooohhh! My herniated disk!
- My kidney just prolapsed!
- Nurse! Help me! HELP MEEE!
- I need a doctor! I want medication...for egomania.
- Get the headmaster!
- I'm being assaulted!

- Ugh...what kind of life is this? I want to go back to broadway!
- I'm so umm...
- It's not fair...! Life just...ain't fair...
- I'll hunt you down...sniff you out...and kill you in your sleep.
- Revenge is sweet, my friend, and I'll get mine.
- I made a life of wreaking games...I'll wreak your goddamn life, boy.

Helper Elf 1:
- Stop, you're making father Christmas cry...
- *Cries*
- Ohhh, Christmas is (while crying) hard as an elf...
- -Inaudible-
- You feel powerful now, Jimmy? Oww...DO YOU?! *Cries*
- Et tu, Jimmy?
-'re a real big man, Jimmy...
- Owww, my jingles...
- I was just trying to scare you...

Helper Elf 2:
- Ugh...nice Christmas spirit...*Cough*
- Ugh...down for the count, toy-making days are over...all over...
- didn't have to take it this far...
- Agh, no more leave me be...
- You're gettin' coal for the rest of your life, do you understand?! Oh, owww, owww....
- Ow, my poor little heart can't take this...*Cries*
- You stole my life, life...
- But all I like to do is make toys...
- My tiny ribs are busted...*groan*
- Ahh, why don't ya pick on someone your own size...

Hobo (Mr. Grant):
- Of all places, this is where I bite it?
- I need a drink...
- I don't...feel so good...
- How did it get to this?!
- Just like...back in Korea..
- I'm gettin' old...too old.

- Ughh...I need my pills...don't let the blackness take me...sweet mercy...aghh...
- The world ain't the same as it used to be...ugh...WHY?!!
-'ll get taught one day kid...and you won't like it at all...ughh...
- Oh, denies my permit...get beat up by some else ya got for me life?!
- Ohmagawd...whatever happened to respecting ELDERS?!
- Ugh...I can't go on this way...DON'T LOOK AT ME!

- Ugh, I need a drink and some stitches, son!
- Yo, I just got merked bad, yo.
- I hope welfare comes with medicade (not a typo), son..uh...
- Eh...Yo, I guess he...snuffed my fuse, yo...
- The bomb got diffused, son...
- blew the bomb up bad, son.

- Ugh...I wanna go home...
- Ugh, I need to be taken care of...
- Uh,
- But how could you? uh...
- I should've never come to this down...uh...
- I thought small towns were safe...uh...

- I don't get paid enough for this!
- Aww, man! My reputations gonna take a hit...
- One day...I'll come for you...punk...
- You're going to day...
- That...was an ugly do...
- I...I think I'll just rest here for a bit...

- Aaarrr-rrgh...
- You son of a...
- Tell my wife I love her...
- No! I can't go yet...!
- You'll regret this...I swear...
- I've been...defeated...

- Uhh, that's gonna hurrrrt!
- Ughh, I hope I can still get pregnant...
- Ugh...cramps! Serious cramps!
- Typical! Ughh....
- Ughh...I need a Pinot Grigio IV...stat...

- I-I need my vitamins...
- They're sure...makin' 'em harder today...
- Must of
- Enlisted
- Don't trust anyone...under 72...
- Fill 'er up...h-height test (?)...please.

Auditory Experiences / Re: Knocked out quotes
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:53:48 PM »
- *crying* I don’t feel good!
- *crying* (in a whiny voice) I hate losing!
- Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?

- How dare you… *moan*
- *coughing* I’m down! *coughing*
- Ahhh, defeat! Ooh…
- Uh… how the mighty have fallen…
- Ooh. Majestic… even in defeat.
- Aaaah, my Achilles' heel exploited!

- We’re at the line of scrimmage! Here’s… the.. tip!
- 15 yards… 10 yards… 5 yards…
- I have to wash my letter now. It’s so dirty…
- Please turn the hot water on, coach!
- You’re in trouble now!
- When I get up, you’re pound cake…

- You could have proved your point without fighting.
- I haven’t even achieved half my goals!
- *moaning*
- You’re just like the rest of them… pathetic.
- Why me? WHY ME?
- I’ll remember! I’ll revenge!

- *coughs* Gotta quit smokin’…
- Ooh, this sucks to my ass. *whine*
- Ooh, I need a smoke!
- Gotta switch the filters…
- Ooh, I hope no girls saw that.
- Ah, what a stupid fight…

- Ah… I shoulda watched TV instead!
- Can’t feel face!
- O-Okay… I-I’ll get a job in the… morning.
- Wish… there was… universal… healthcare.
- That wasn’t supposed to happen!
- Ooh… well that… *groan* sucked.

- I’m gonna tell Johnny!
- Johnny’s gonna get you for this!
- I can’t believe you hit me!
- That really hurt, ya know!

- Crap! *moan*
- Ooh no! Damn it! Aah…
- You little S.O.B.…
- I can’t believe this… I lost!
- Aaaah, you cheap mother-!
- Aah, I’ll be back!

- Aaah… please… stop now… aaah…
- Ah… that’s enough, alright? Ah…
- Ooh, wow, I’m really hurtin’ here.
- Somebody… throw in the towel, please…
- I want my mommy!
- Ah… I need a doctor!

- Who beats up a cheerleader?
- You’re crazy and abusive, you know that?
- You have serious problems!
- *whine* But… *whine* but! I’m popular!

- Aah…! Call in the medical unit!
- Ouch! … I’ve sustained heavy casualties… ooo…
- I think I broke something!
- Someone get the license on that truck…
- But the law always wins!
- You should become a prefect…

- Why would you hit a girl…?
- Ooh, my nose!
- That didn’t go the way I expected…
- Could somebody please call the nurse?

- *whines* Need resurrection scroll!
- Can’t find… D20... for saving throw…
- I calculated my odds to be better than that!
- It’s only a flesh wound!
- Internal organs bleeding… life signs fading… beam me aboard…
- Ooh, please call a cleric! I need a healing spell!

- I didn’t see that on coming…
- I’m never gonna hear the end of this…
- Who needs all that teeth anyway…
- This hurts way more than that time I was jumped into my gang.
- This isn’t over. You and me are gonna settle this real soon.

- Off we go into the wild blue yonder…
- I regret, but I have but one life to give for my country.
- *groan* In the navy, you can sail the seven seas…
- I’m coming Elizabeth…
- Oh well… that’s showbiz…
- *groan* Win some… lose some…

- I’m dying!
- *groan* My head hurts!
- *groan* I feel ill!
- *groan* It hurts all over…
- *moan* I wanna go home!
- *moan* Oh crap! *moan* 

- I hope no one saw that…
- That wasn’t fun at all…
- Why did I get beaten again?
- You’re gonna pay for this…
- I hope no girls saw this…
- I think I wanna go home…

- Uncle! Uncle!
- I-I give! I give!
- Okay! You win.
- Aaah, mommy! Johnny…
- S-Sorry… Johnny…
- I-I did it for Johnny…

- I’m coming, mama…
- What does calling me Ishmael even mean?
- I’ll get a job in the morning, mama…
- Pancakes? Where are the waffles?

- Ouch! Come on…
- Come on, don’t kill me!
- Get the nurse!
- That hurt, you moron!
- Well done. You’re still a jerk.
- Aaah, come on! Stop!

- Someone call me daddy… please…
- (in a teary voice) I think I’m gonna cry!
- You ruined… my makeup…
- Did anyone see that?

- Ooh, somebody call my mom. She’s my emergency contact… ooh…
- Books made fighting seem a lot cooler… ooh…
- Ooh, if only I would stopped imitating things I read in books. I wouldn’t be in this mess…
- Ooh, I know you beat me up, but we can still be friends if you want.
- We’re going to look back on this (faint chuckling) and laugh one day haha- *whine* oooh, my rib!
- From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.

- Ooh… at least this numbs the pain in my heart…
- Ooh, live fast, bike hard, never say die.
- This ain’t too bad. She’ll feel bad for me. Maybe visit me in the hospital.
- Please tell my girl… I never meant to lose her.
- Looks like I’m a little rusty. A lot rusty.
- I should stick to fixin’ bikes…

- Ooooh, ooooh… Russell nauseous…
- Russell n-no feel so-o good…
- Ooh… Russell… go to heaven now?
- Defeat tastes bitter.
- *moaning*
- Why world hate Russell? …why?

- Ooh, that was not how it was supposed to work out.
- Ooh, the others will avenge me. Ooh…
- Ooooh, I should have won!
- Ooh… that should not have happened…
- But! But! I’m a prefect!
- You’ll get yours soon enough…

- My tummy hurts…
- Why do I always get beaten?
- I’m gonna tell Mr. Crabblesnitch…
- I’m gonna tell Mr. Hattrick…
- I’m gonna tell Miss Danvers…
- I didn’t think that was fun at all…

- No daddy, stop! Stop!
- Why, daddy? Why?
- I’m sorry daddy, I’m sorry!
- Please, daddy, don’t hit me anymore!
- I’ll do better next time dad, I-I promise!
- Don’t punish me daddy, please!

- I think I gots a concussion.
- Call the trainer! I’m hurt!
- I’m on injured reserve!
- Man down. Call timeout.
- I’m a wounded duck.
- I got jacked up. Bad.

- I give up!
- Please, stop!
- I surrender!
- That’s enough!
- Mercy! Mercy!
- My life is flashing before me!

- *groan* I’m too young!
- They got me! How could I let them?
- You can kill me, but the gears keep turning.
- I won’t let go. I can’t.
- I-I-I must have gotten too close.
- It’s over… I’m over…

- That’s all you got? *coughs*
- You ain’t nothing.
- Next time I’m gonna…
- Russell’s gonna hear about this…
 - *groans*

- *whine* Tell my dad I’m… nah, never mind…
- Tell Russell I love him! …as a friend.
- My love of fighting boys can’t be beat… ever.
- So much for the army…
- I’ll never see a war now…
- I’m coming, Mr. Gacy.

- Bon voyage, cruel world…
- Ooh, I coulda been a contender.
- Ooh… one way ticket to OuchVill… *groan*
- Aah, you’re tearing me apart… aaah…
- Oooh, what a buzz kill.
- Major drag daddy…

- Oh god, my ribs!
- My dad’s… gonna give me… the strap for losing…
- Aah… I can’t get suspended again.
- How’d I lose…? I’m Wade!
- I’ll get you… I’ll make you pay…

- Good fight!
- You’re tougher than I thought!
- You got me there!
- I shoulda stayed home and read a book.

Auditory Experiences / Re: Knocked out quotes
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:53:18 PM »
- I’ll… get… revenge!
- Victimized… again.
- I’ll get you for this!
- How humiliating!
- One day you’ll be sorry!
- I won’t forget this!

- I’ll be back…
- I think I’ll just lie here for awhile.
- You ain’t half bad…
- Good fight…
- You’re good…
- *coughs* Ow!

- It’s… it’s not fair!
- J-Just let me… catch my breath…
- You can’t… do this to me!
- You’re in… BIG trouble now…
- I need new underwear…
- I need my inhaler. *sobs*

- Ninja… rebirth! NINJA… REBIRTH!
- No…! Not… acceptable!
- This is all a part of my plan!
- I… c-can take it!
- Doesn’t… hurt me at all!
- UH! … got… anymore?

- How can you do this?
- I’m finished…
- Just… get out of here!
- Ah… my gallbladder!
- Oh, please don’t puke, please don’t puke, please… don’t… puke…
- Mommyyyyy!
- With my last breath… I stab at thee.
- Uh… a warrior has fallen…
- Oh, I feel something coming up…

- OW! I’ll get you for that!
- Ah! Man, that hurts!
- Ouch!, give me a break!
- I won’t forget this!
- I’ll get you back for this!
- This ain’t over!

- You wouldn’t hit a scholar with glasses, would you?
- Defeat is inevitable… I yield.
- A single loss is not a final one! *sob*
- Be noble! Show me mercy!

- My Aquaberry sweater…!
- My dad… is going to sue you!
- How did that happen?
- Oh, I can’t believe it!
- It’s just a minor setback…
- I’ll make you pay for this for the rest of your life!

- I would have won if my asthma didn’t act up…
- I could have had you… I let you win!
- You had to cheap shot me! *moan*
- You’re a coward! I can still fight! Come on!
- Yeah… I figured you’d walk away… I just need a breather, that’s all!
- If my back wasn’t acting up you’d be dead right now!

- Ooooh, man!
- I think I broke somethin’…
- I’m really hurt!
- I hope my face isn’t hurt…
- I’m in pain!
- Oooh, I need a nurse!

- Oooh, that hurt real bad…
- Oooh, I don’t feel so good…
- I think you broke my ovaries…
- That’s gonna bruise!
- In two/three days when I heal up you’re a dead man.
- So… maybe you can fight…

- Ugh, I needed a nap…
- Just my luck…
- Uh… the agony of defeat…
- Haven’t I suffered enough?
- Typical day for Ivan…
- My spleen! Oh…

- I can’t feel my legs!
- I think you ruptured my stomach!
- I’m dying, don’t leave me here!
- *sobbing* How did that happen?
- I feel weird…I can’t see!

- Ugh, that hurt…
- *moan*
- Oh, man…
- That sucked!
- I’ll get you for this…
- Ugh, I’ll be back for you later…
- You better hide…
- I’m gonna get you…
- Oooh, that stings…
- *groan* That hurt…
- Oooh… not bad at all.
- I’ll be back!
- That’s nothin’!
- *groan* I’ll live!
- I bet you feel big now…
- My teeth feel a little loose…
- Now that was a good fight.
- I’m gonna learn from this…
- Don’t worry… I’ll be back.
- I can respect a good beating.
- Payback’s coming!
- Alright… you win.
- Can’t argue with a solid beating.
- I don’t know about this whole violence thing…
- Maybe I did deserve that.
- Ugh, how did that happen?
- Whoa… I got my ass kicked!
- This won’t stop me for long.
- You think this solves anything?
- Ugh, that was brutal.
- Don’t worry about me.
- I’ll be alright.
- I think I might have pulled something…
- I might have a cracked rib there…
- It’s just a few scrapes…
- Well… that didn’t go too well.
- That wasn’t the outcome I hoped for…
- Lucky shot.
- Alright… that hurt.
- You win this round.
- Now I really hate myself.
- Aw, man, why does this keep happening to me?
- This place really sucks.
- That hurts far to much…
- That’s sooo not fun.
- What a waste of time.
- *groan*  Why didn’t I just read a book?
- Hey… how’d this happen?
- Let’s… do this again tomorrow.
- Well, whoopee.
- I’ll let you win this time.
- No sir, I didn’t like it.
- Alright. You win.
- *groan* I don’t feel so good.
- I’ll find you, stupid.
- I bet you think you’re real tough, don’t cha?
- I’ll get you later!
- I didn’t really enjoy that.
- Why did I ever come here?
- I hate this place.

- My face!
- I hope Lola didn’t see that…
- It’s just a scratch…
- That didn’t hurt at all!
- Oooh, you took down Johnny Vincent!
- Lola, please come find me!

- How, how could I be so weak?
- W-Where did that come from?
- Ah, I need to train more!
- I don’t understand! How…?
- It’s… getting blurry!
- (while sobbing) Oh no! That didn’t happen!

- Stop, please! I’ll pay you!
- Pick on someone your own size!
- I’m still richer than you!
- You’ve ruined my fine features!
- I would have paid you not to beat me!
- This isn’t supposed to happen to rich people…

Auditory Experiences / Knocked out quotes
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:52:25 PM »
Thanks to Mike_W for the first 8 quotes, and major props to Red Blaster, who did almost everything else.

Dr. Watts: "Ohh, I hope Edna doesn't find meeee..."
Wade: "Aww, bullcrap. That was!"
Troy: "Ugh, tell my dad I'm, nah, nevermind...."
Jerry: "I'm bleeding for Christ's sake!"
Officer Morrison: "Ohhh, my best bra is ruined!"
Ozzie: "Ughh...touch...downnn!"
Eunice: "Oh, you....heartless...*sobs*"
Norton: "So you can're still a tool."

- I don't think I can get up...
- There GOES my knee again...
- I think my doctor is right...I...I AM getting too old for this...
- I would've won if it wasn't for my cataracts.
- Just give me my medication and...I will be all right...ugh.
- I can't feel my legs...*whimper*

- I want my mommy.
- Mommy...where are you?
- I wanna go home...
- Why does this always...happen to me?
- I think I broke something...everything.
- You're just a big bully.

- You may be tough now...but you'll come to a baaaad end...
- I hope you go to prison...
- *Cough* That REALLY hurt...
- I wanna go hooome...

- did that kid...beat me??
- I need to stop...hitting...patients.
- *Moan* Wherre am III?
- I think I might need medical...ahhh-attention...

- *Pained wail followed by crying*
- WHY is the world against me?
- I can't die...I have to go to med school...
- I'm not a happy UNIT...*Sob*

- SPARE me...
- You animal...
- Please...let me die with dignity...
- I never thought I'd go like this...
- Just go away...just go!
- I hope you're proud of yourself...UGH!

-'ll get yours! Ugh...
- Ohh, nooo...I can't give up!
- You cheated! BASTARD you cheated...
- This is...not what I expected...
- Ohhh, no...don't take me...not yet!
-'s really overrr, ughh...

- I need my nanny!
- This isn't over by a long shot!
- My dad is so gonna fire yours!
- Ohh, mommy...!
- You may have beaten me...but I'm still rich!
- Doesn't mean anything...there was no title on the line...

- Errrghh, NOOOO....!
- Not now, I'm too young...!
- Eeergghh....
- I won't forget this!
- Nooooo...
- You son of a...!

- Ughhh...I'm never gonna hear the end of this...ugh!
- shouldn't've done that...ugh...
- Argh I need to rethink this wrestling stuff...ugh...
- *Sob* I just want to be loved...and HELD with strong arms...
- Winning is the only way my dad will think I'm a man...
- Ughh...I think you cheap-shotted me...ugh...I think...

- Call a doctor...
- Somebody help me...
- It's all over for me...
- I can't go onn...
- There's no fight...left in me...
- Crap.

- mm-Protect my shares...
- Eeh...someone...bury my treasure! *groan*
- Bring
- WWhere's...where's my tapper?...*groan*
- ehh-My yacht has run aground...ehh...
- Mmm...Change the state tax...

- The fighting machine is out of gas...
- Uhh, guess my training failed me.
- The fight...machine is out of order...
- You-beat-my expensive training.

- Uh, I'm broken...BROKEN! *Pant*
- Where's the brugada? WHERE?! *Pant cough*
- I'm washed up...*Cough* one...*Cough*..nothing...! *Cough*
- Ahh...what good does a family do now? *Cough*
- Ehh...I'm just another old man now...ohhh...uh...
- Ahh...I used to big...BIG! *Pant* Look at me now...

- Once again...I fail...
- The WORLD is out to get me!
- That shouldn't of happened at all...!
- I'm gonna sue somebody for this...
- I think I broke my...chin or something...

- Ohhh, my duodenum is ruptured...ohoo...
- Ohhhh, I think I need an AMBULANCE...ohh!
- OWWW!...Granny's gonna be so angry!
- Ohhh, I won't forGET this...EVER!
- Oh, I'm so cold...
- Nothing ever goes my wayy...oh...

Bum Santa:
- Elves! My -inaudible- (sounds like Hose)...why have you forsaken me?
- I think I'll just lie down here and have a little nap then...
- All right...that's win.
- Ugh, way to go, just killed Christmas...
- I don't really feel like scrappin' anymore...

- *Pant* That ain't fair!
- Somebody get the nurse!
- My hernia's ruptured!
- Aw, man...that's rotten.
- Get a doctor! It's an emergency...!

- Help mee...!
- This...really hurts...
- My suit...ruined...
- I think...I'm..bleeding!
- That wasn't very niccee...aaahh...
- You nasty fellow...

- I am NOT doing well...
- Ohh...I feel baaaad.....
- Thiiiis is no good...
- I am feeling very weak...
- I WANT MYY boooks!!
- I am tired nowww...!

- I gotta train harder...
- I can't believe you beat me!
- Coach better not hear about this!
- How did that happen...?
- I'm gonna miss practice tomorrow...!
- He had to be cheating!

- Aarrgh, my wife's gonna kill me..!
- At least now I get to spend the night at the hospital...oh...
- I see a light! I'm FREE...of my marriage, of my kid...thank you!
- These bruises don't even COMPARE to my mental anguish...
- I'm so tired of the world...of my life...
- Ughh, at least if I go I get out of my debts...

- Call my my lawyer...
- Is my face okay...? Oh geez...
- Oh man, am I dying? Is this it...?
- (Groan) Aaahhhh...
- Oh...a hundred dollars for an aspirin, please.
- Ugh, my TUMMY...

- I'm finished...uhh...
- What will everyone say...?
- Please don't tell anyone...
- Wake me up when school is over!

- Uhh...Oh Jay-zus...ohho...*Scottish accent*
- beat me...ohh damn ye...ohh...
-'s over now...ohhh...
- Uhh...tell my wife...I love her...uhhh....
- Ohhhhhh, nooooooo...
- Uhhh...that's it then...uhhh

Clint (aka Henry):
- Uhh, live fast...die young...ohh...
- Ehh...okay...I...let you win...
- Ehh...that...all
- Eh...let me just...*pant*...catch my breath...
- Ohh...somebody...get me a cold beer...
- Stinkin' good...uhh...
- Uuurrrrghhh...

- die...
- I...hate you...
- Everything hurts...
- Ughhhh...I can't TAKE IT anyMOOOREEE....
- Why did you do that...?
- You'll..regret day...

- The end is in sight...
- I can see a bright light...
- God help me...
- Ohhhhh...that hurts...
- I'

- It is a difficult calling...
- It hurts ME, more than it hurts YOU...
- This...goes on your permanent...record.
- I'll fix you yet...
- I...just need a quick rest...
- CHILDREN today...

- I-I-I want some cotton candy...
- Send in the clowns...
- Step right up...step...right up.
- How old are you? Really?
-'re not tall enough...
- Please, me a stuffed animal...

- This is so embarrassing...
- Okay...that actually hurt.
- I hope coach doesn't find out about this...
- When I heal up, you are so dead...
- You bested me...? Enjoy it while it lasts...
- There goes my scholarship...

- head...
- Ohhh...crap...*Cough**Cough*
- Don't let anybody see me like this...ugh...
- Uhh...I can...ugh...take it.
- This really hurts...uhhh...
- Ohhh...that hurts...

- Dr. Crabblesnitch...where are you?
- This is...shocking...
- How could you?
- I need...the doctor...
- Discipline is completely gone...
- Something

- Okay...okay...stop...
- I'll get revenge!...I swear it...
- Aaaaargh, DAMN YOU...!
- I'm finished...I hate you...
- Egh...didn't think...I'd lose.
- *Cough*'s over...

- Uhhhhh...Why did you have to kick my...apadravya...!
- ripped off my NIPPLE ring!...umm...uh...
- Oh...not cool man! Not cool! Ugh...
- Hu-! I-It's okay...I was out of line...ohh...
- Ugh...what does a ruptured spleen feel like?! Ahh...ohh...

- Oh no! The father will have to sue for this...
- lawyers will have to cover this up for me...
- Ah...fighting won't be good on my record...
- Harringtons don't lose...that-was-a-draw...
- Ughh...I'm still more handsome than you...
- This doesn't change anything...I'm still're still poor...ow...

- TEETH...aghh...
- Mm-m-mooommyyyy...
- GGGGet away from meee....ohh...
- Uhh-I-I give up...moron....
- Uhh, I didn't...deserve that...
- I should've just run away.

- I got nothin' left to give!
- You got me! I've had it...
- All right, my check (?) is up...I did it!
- Some life I've had.
- YYYEP...sure got my butt handed to me.
- I shoulda' given ya the roundhouse kick!

- Carney life is hell...
- The others will avenge me...
- I'm gonna get you for this...!
- How did I just get beat up?!
- respect for carnies I tell ya...
- Why'd you have to go do that?

- Ohhh...*Cough*...that SUCKED...
- Uhh...where is...everybody learning to fight all of a sudden...?
- Uhh...this hurts me...more than it hurts...
- Wow...that's a lot of pain...
- (Slowly) Who saw that coming?
- I can't believe, I got beat by him...

Auditory Experiences / Stealing a bike quotes
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:39:35 PM »
Mike_W did the first four...

Trent: "Gimme that!"
Bucky: "I'm spreading my wings, branching out! I! Am not! A nerd!"
Ethan: "I think I'll take that off your hands."
Fatty: "Official game master business!"

- I didn’t mean it!
- I didn’t wanna do it!

- Gimme your bike, loser!
- The rich get richer.

- I must have that bike!
- I’m sorry, but I need your vehicle!

- You deprived scum, get off that bike!
- This bike is for bluebloods only!

- Come on, Bucky, you can do this! Take no prisoners!
- I’m spreading my wings; branching out. I! Am not! A nerd!

- Give it up, dweeb!
- Nice bike!

- Important popular kid business. Off!
- Sweet bike! How ‘bout a test drive?

- Hey kid! Lemme see that bike!
- Today is your unlucky day.

- I really need this bike!
- Someone just stole my bike!

- I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please don’t hit me for doing this!
- I really need your bike; I promise I’ll bring it right back!

- Gimme your bike, punk! I’m cross training today!
- This my bike now, sucka.

- I need this more than you do!
- Hey, you better gimme that bike. I play football for the school, ya’know.

- Hey punk! Get off my new bike!
- Yo, you with the bike! Don’t move a muscle!

- Can I borrow that?
- Property is theft, friend.

- Gimme your bike!
- Let me borrow your bike!

Ethan: I think you’ll be handing that to me!

Fatty: Time to take action!

- Excuse me! I need to barrow that.
- Don’t mind me, but I need your bike.

- Sorry, sucker, but you don’t deserve that bike; I do!
- Nice bike. Now it’s mine!

- You don’t need that!
- Yo’ bike is my bike.

- Gimme the bike you skinny little runt!
- Maybe if you were bigger you can stop me.

- Time to share.
- Gimme that bike!

- I really need this bike, but I don’t have time to explain the reason why.
- That’s mine, isn’t it?

- Get off that bike.
- I’ll take that.
- Take a walk.
- Get off of that.
- Get lost, sucker.
- Scram!
- That’s mine.
- Need a bike.
- You just got bike jacked.
- Don’t worry. I won’t scratch it.
- Gotta borrow this for a while.
- Walking’s good for you.
- I need that.
- Sorry buddy.
- Need a ride.
- Just gimme the bike.
- You’ll get it back later.
- Can I borrow this?
- Excuse me.
- Forgive me.
- Gimme that.
- Move!
- Off the bike. Now.
- Don’t make this any uglier.
- Sorry about that.
- Sorry, but I need this.
- Can I use your bike?
- Gimme that, now!
- Eat it!
- Mine!
- You don’t need that.
- I like your ride.
- Don’t worry!
- Just relax!
- Just chill.
- Take a rest.
- Sorry. Need your bike.
- That’s my bike.
- Sweet bike!
- Nice wheels.
- I’m takin’ your bike.
- I’m takin’ this bike.
- Gotta use it.
- It’s okay. I’ll bring it back.
- I appreciate this.
- Thanks for the bike!
- Thanks for lending me your bike.
- Gotta borrow this.
- I need a bike.
- I’m sorry, were you using that?
- Learn to ride.
- Look out!
- Look where you’re going.

- Ha! I’m going to take your bike! Heh!
- Haha, try to stopping me!

- Look out, peon!
- I need that!

- Move it, wimp!
- That’s mine, wimp!

- I hate to admit it, but I’m starved for attention.
- Sorry pal. I need to take that bike from you.

- Hey nice bike, I’ll take it!
- Hi, I’d like an upgrade to your bike!

- I need your bike!
- Gimme that!

- I’m takin’ this whether you like it or not.
- This is mine now. Get used to it.

- Time to get off!
- I’ll take this one.
- You don’t need a bike, loser.
- Go jump off a cliff or somethin‘.

- Pardon me, for I need your trusty steed!
- Hey! Gimme back my bike!

- Get off it!
- You don’t deserve this bike!

- Your ride is my ride now!
- Gimme that bike!

- Gimme that bike, you dumb kid!
- Grr, you better gimme that bike!

- You won’t be needing that!
- That’s my bike!

- That’s my ride, loser.
- What are you doing with my bike?


- I want to take this! …but please, don’t hit me!
- Look at me! I’m stealing a bike like a cool kid! Now you’re the loser.

- I can’t watch you trash her anymore. I’ll put grease is places you never knew existed.
- Sorry, sucker! Me and my wrench got a date with your ride.
- You don’t deserve to ride this beauty!

- Russell take, and not give back!
- Your bike belong to Russell!

- I want my bike back!
- That’s my bike!

- You don’t deserve that bike!
- I should have that bike!

- I shall confiscate that bicycle!
- I hereby relieve you from that bicycle.

- Hey. I want that bike. I want it!
- I deserve that bike, and I’m gonna get it.

Trent: Nice bike, dorkwad.

- I need to borrow this! I’ll give it back, I swear!
- I need your bike for a sec.

- My bike!
- Give me!

- Oh, cut out! (kiddo?) I need that!
- Hey kid. Let me see that!

- Thanks for the bike, chump!
- Haha! Have fun walking!

Auditory Experiences / Has bike stolen from quotes
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:37:58 PM »
Mike_W did the first two...

Trent: "Consider yourself dead, SNOTBAG!"
Fatty: "Gremlin thief, gremlin thief!"

- You’re so mean!
- I hope I didn’t scratch my glasses…

- How dare you!
- For once in your life could one of you savages not steal?

- You just signed your death warrant!
- I won’t take this lying down, you know!

- I’ll just buy another one, scumbag!
- I was going to throw it away anyway!

- Oh, come on! My granny bought me that bike when I was six!
- I think you broke one of my watches. NO ONE BREAKS MY WATCHES!

- Whoa, dude!
- I’m gonna get you, thief!

- Drop dead!
- If I got stains on my khakis, man…

- Wait, I’m the neighborhood bike thief!
- Get off my bike, pipsqueak!

- Do you want my sweater as well while you’re at it?!
- That’s the second time today! Can’t you people buy your own bikes?!

- You mustn’t do that, it’s my bicycle!
- Unhand my bicycle this instant! …please?

- That’s your ass!
- Nobody steal my bike!

- Hey, you can’t steal my bike!
- What are you doing?!

- When my boys hear about this, you’re not even gonna be able to ride that stupid bike!
- You just signed your death warrant, you little SNOTBALL!

- Aah, that’s mine!
- That’s illegal, pig!
- You can’t do that!
- That’s like, armed robbery pal!
- You’ll end up in prison!
- I hope you crash and die!

- Ow, that was mine you jerk!
- Gimme my bike back!

- More training, that’s all I need!
- Do you think you can beat me?

Fatty: No! My faithful steed!

- Buy your own bike!
- My daddy’s gonna sue you!

- What the heck! I was about to do a 360 back flip, you jerk!
- Hey, you can’t do this to me! I’m gonna tell on you!

- What do you think you’re doing?!
- You’re gonna be sorry!

- That was my bike you skinny little maggot!
- Come on! That was mine!

- Yeah, don’t mind me! Idiot.
- And my clothes get dirty. Thanks.

- But I’m training for the Olympics!
- You can’t do that to me! Do you know who I am?!

- That’s my bike, you twinkie!
- What’s your problem?!
- Get back here!
- You did not just do that!
- Alright, that’s it!
- That did not just happen!
- What are you doing with my bike?!
- Do you wanna die?!
- You think that’s funny?!
- You’re gonna regret that.
- You got some nerve to do that!
- That’s my bike!
- Very funny.
- That’s my move!
- You think you’re original?
- You know who you’re jacking, kid?
- I will make you very sorry for that!
- You want a war, kid?
- That was a dumb move, friend.
- You better not be stealing my bike, moron!
- I need that bike, idiot!
- You can’t rob me, idiot!
- You gotta be kiddin’ me! Jacked by you?
- You think you can just rob me and I’ll take it?
- I don’t have time for this nonsense!
- You think you’ll get away with that?
- That was not a good idea!
- That’s a junk bike anyway!
- Did you just do that? For real?
- That’s my bike, buddy!
- Hey! Get back here!
- Who do you think you are?!
- You really wanna mess with me?
- Are you outta your mind?
- Hey, I’m not supposed to be the victim!
- You can’t take my bike!
- Stop that!
- Alright, now you’re pissin’ me off.
- Um, I was riding that bike?
- What’s your problem?!
- That was not fun(ny?).
- What do you think you’re doing, dumbass?!
- You just jacked my bike for real?
- Um. I kinda needed that.
- Uh, I was kinda ridin’ that.
- That was not very nice.
- You really want me to beat you, don’t you?
- That was not a good idea!
- You think I’ll let you get away with that?
- You better apologize right now!
- You’re makin’ me angry!
- You don’t do that to me!

- Ah! How did you do that?!
- That was pretty good. Now you die.

- That’s my property!
- My dad paid good money for that!

- I’ll be back, wimp!
- Lucky shot!

- What is this? An attempt to make yourself feel superior to me?
- Why you being so chate? This doesn’t make you cool!

- Crap! It took me forever to break the lock on that bike!
- I just stole that bike!
- Yo, this school is gettin’ too dangerous.
- Why don’t they have self-destruct on those things?

- I can’t wait to drive an SUV instead.
- I wish they had ejector seats on the bikes.

- Ho ho… you’re so dead!
- You just signed your own death warrant pal!

- Hey, what are you doin’?!
- Nobody touches my bike!
- Bring my damn bike back!

- Hey!
- Not fair!

- Not cool! I stole that bike fair and square!
- Hey that’s mine-! Well, not really mine but I was usin’ it!

- Ow! My tushie!

- Hey punk! You better run!
- I just stole that bike!

- Stop! Criminal!
- That’s my bike!

- You are so dead!
- Johnny…!

- Give it back!

- Oh brother!
- Why me? I’m cool; I read books!

- Don’t do it man! You don’t know how to ride it!
- That’s my ride man, my life! I can’t lose her, she’s all I got left!
- Aw, man! I was just about to lube her up! Her chainstay manual’s snapping! Aw, freak!

- Blood. Boiling!
- That’s Russell’s bike!

- Aw geez, not again!
- You know. You’re not allowed to do that!

- No, it’s mine! It’s mine!
- Come on, it’s my bike!

- Stop! Thief!
- Help! Theft in progress!

- Ooh, you’re so dead!
- What the hell are you thinking?!

Trent: You know who I am?!

- You coulda just asked for it!
- Hey, that’s my bike!

- (half growling) I’m angry!

- Whoa! Don’t have a cow!
- Will you watch the hair?!

- What’s the deal?! You got a death wish?!
- Oh my god, I’m gonna bash your friggin’ face into the ground!

Auditory Experiences / Re: Swirlie quotes (pre-dunk and post-dunk)
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:27:56 PM »
Gord: Evening, chaps. My date and I need a little privacy… if you know what I mean. Mind helping us out?
Justin: Sure thing.
Tad: Oh Gord, you and your cheap thrills.
Justin: I’d be worried about catching something.

Auditory Experiences / Stink bomb quotes
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:22:53 PM »
Kudos to Mike_W and Red Blaster for doing a ton of these.

Trent: "Aww, that stinks like your mom!"
Trent: "Who cut the cheese?"
Troy: "I-need-shower!"
Troy: "I must have farted....or something!"
Tom: "Aww, who ripped that cheeser?"
Tom: "Aww, why don't you just say it? You think I stink, right?"
Ethan: "Wahh, what IS that?"
Ethan: "This is a ninja tactic, aww man."
Davis: "Ohh, ack...cough!-cough!"
Davis: "Uggh, oh, that smell is just WRONG!"
Wade: "Oh, hahaha, stink bombs ROCK!"
Wade: "Eww man, I'm gonna blow chunks!"

Fatty: "Uggh, that stinks worse than me!"
Melvin: "Oh God! I think I'm gonna puke!"
Melvin: "Sweet Christmas, that stinks!"
Cornelius: "Quick! Evacuate the area! Someone's unleashed the putrid stench of HELL!"
Cornelius: "aww, that smells bad!"

Peanut: "Smells like the boy's locker room after basketball!"
Peanut: "Who blew up a jock strap, blah!"
Lefty: "Blah, wahh!"
Ricky: "Oh man, did Lefty let one rip or what?"
Ricky: "Oh God, that's worse than Edna's breath!"
Hal: "Oh man, that stinks!"
Hal: "That smells like old people and whale's(?) butt-hole!"
Vance: "come on man, hold it in!"

Damon: " smells like a hot tub full of jockstraps and baby diapers."
Dan: "Who grunted? Hahaha!"
Casey: "I think I'm gonna wretch!"

Gordon: "I'm gonna puke, ble-blah!"
Ray: "I think it's burning my nose hairs!"
Trevor: "cough, cough!, that is BAD!"
Lance: "Aww...who died in here? GOD!..."

Bob - *Cough* Aw smells like Ted's jockstrap...not that I've smelt it before, because I haven't.
Dan - Hahahahaha...dude, did you fart? Hahahahaha.
Derby - *Cough* Come on...who did it? GROW UP! Sheesh...
Wade - Hahahahaha, STINK BOMBS ROCK!
Wade - Pheewww, man, I'm gonna spray chunks! Nasty!....Hahahahaha.
Watts - *Cough* I recognize that *cough* compound...
Watts - *Cough* Benzyl...Bromide *Cough*
Ivan - Aww, who squeezed the weasel?
Theo - Aggghhh...stinks...stinky!! Friggin' REEKS!!
Luis - Dude...that smells like Juri's armpits or something...
Karl - What a vile smell...WHERE'S IT COMING FROM?!!
Max - Disgusting...but...effective.
Maria - Whoooo....who squeezed the cheddar?
McInnis - Whhooooooweeee that's some thick stench!
Mihailovich - Ooohhhhh my poor nose.
Mr. Oh - Oh, dis' smells worse than a dumpster.
Mr. Oh - *Cough* Who is eating durian?
Gary - Geez, Jimmy, you stink!
Gary - Ugh! Take a bath, Jimmy!
Pete - Ow, stink!
Moratti - That smell *Cough* Oh boy! *Cough* What is it?!
Edna - Whatever that smell's giving me some recipe ideas.
Edna - Mmm...what is that appetizing scent?
Galloway - It's just like a trench in...*Cough* Flander's Field.
Galloway - What a *Cough* ghastly smell.
Jerry - Did you know that stink bombs only work in the Northern Hemisphere?
Hattrick - Aww,'s an old factory assault (?)!
Burton - That's revolting! Call the police!
Bryce - Take a bath you blue collar dirtballs!
Bubas - Ahhh, another accident? That's the third time today! No wonder the family left me...

- I think I might get…! *cough* Asthma! *coughing and gagging*
- I think I’m gonna- *cough/gag* puke!
Beatrice: Stink bomb must be one of the most underestimated weapons! Ugh.
- *coughing * Ew, gross! Oh man!
- That is nasty! *coughing* Worse than grandma’s feet!
- Chemical warfare is illegal!
- That really stinks.
- *coughs* What compound *cough* is that?!
- I think I made that! Ironic, isn’t it? *coughs*
Fatty: Who found my cologne?
Melvin: Oh god! I think I’m gonna puke!
- *coughing and gagging* Disgusting!
- *coughing and gagging* This smell is too much!

- *coughs* My nose! My nose!
- No smell good! *coughs*

- Ugh, smells like a zombie abortion in here!
- I gotta get out of here!
Bryce: Filthy stinking indigents with their stinking filth!
- Smells like *coughs* poor people.
- Ugh. What is this? Cow cutter? Get me out of here!
- Aw, what an awful stench!
- Oh my! It smells like… like poor people!
Derby: *coughing* That is absolutely revolting! *coughs*
- *coughing*
- That stinks like *cough* greaser.
- That smells horrible!
- What *coughs* is that?! *coughs*
Pinky: I think I might get sick.
- Ugh, little baby smell!
- It’s too much!

- Oh man! *coughs*
- *cough* Whoa! *cough* That reeks!
Lefty: What a *cough* reek!
Lola: That reeks!
- This is horrible! Ugh!
- *coughing* Who the hell would do this?!
- *coughs* What’s that smell? *coughs*
- *coughs* I gotta get out of here! *coughs*
Vance: *coughs* Aw, that’s brutal! *coughs*

- Oooh! What is that stench?!
- *gagging* I gotta get out of here! *gags*
- Oh man, that stinks!
- I think I’m gonna retch!
Damon: Who the hell did this?
Dan: Hahahaha, who grunted? Hahaha.
- *coughs* That smells like *coughs* nerd!
- What a hideous *coughs* smell!
- Oh man, who laid one?!
- What is that?! Ugh!
- *coughs* Man that *coughs* that stinks.
- Dude, that smells like Juri’s armpits or something.
Mandy: *coughing* Oh my god! *coughs*
- P.U.! Flag on the play!
- Personal foul; B.O., 15 yards!

Angie: *coughs* Yuck!
Christy: *coughs* This is so much worse than I heard.
- I hate stink bombs!
- That’s not funny, it just smells!
Eunice: Ugh, what is that smell?!
Gloria: The musky odor of stink fills the air!
- This is disgusting! Who let that rip?! Oh man!
- I’m gonna puke! *gag*
Ivan: Toxic! Ugh!
Karen: *coughing*
Lance: (in disgust) Aw…! Aw…! *cough* Aw!
- I never get used to the smell!
- I have to get out of here!
- *cough* Oh mama, it smells!
- *cough* I’m scared! *cough*
Peter: Very mature. Stink bombs…
- I think I’m going to throw up!
- I think it’s burning my nose hairs!
- *cough* I think I might throw up! *coughs and gags*
- Ugh, it really stinks!
- *cough* Oh, that is bad!
- *coughs* It’s making my eyes water!

- *cough* Dude! That is not right!
- Ewww, who let the dogs out?!
- *cough* This smells!
- I’m gonna hurl!
- Ugh! *coughing* Ugh…
- Ugh, that’s rotten!
- *cough* Oh no! *cough*
- Ugh, I have like, three dates tonight!
Jerry: That is a seriously bad smell!
- *cough* That’s rotten!
- That’s *cough* awful!
- *cough* Someone lit my puke on fire!
- *cough* Flaming sewage!
- Aw, that stinks!
- That’s rotten!
Zoe: That’s *cough* rancid!

Auditory Experiences / Re: Swirlie quotes (pre-dunk and post-dunk)
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:19:46 PM »
Dave likes babes in tight leather?

Auditory Experiences / Re: Swirlie quotes (pre-dunk and post-dunk)
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:16:00 PM »
That's weird. I guess no one will ever hear the girls' ones.

Unless a modder could make it happen.

Auditory Experiences / Re: Swirlie quotes (pre-dunk and post-dunk)
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:08:08 PM »
I guess at one point in time you could grab the girls and give 'em a swirlie, as they have audio files for the action.

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