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Messages - GovernmentMan123

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 8
GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: ~~~GovernmentMan123's Videos~~~
« on: April 02, 2012, 11:10:18 PM »
governmentman123 if you have the time could you check out my video in the community stories section? I know i need a lot of work, and feedback from you would be great

Are you deliberately being invidious? This topic and the others in my section are no places for advertisements from outside users. I'm not going to give you any feedback anyways because it looks like another clone of the Adventures of Vance and Lefty. I can't believe people are actually "inspired" by that rubbish series I made.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: ~~~GovernmentMan123's Videos~~~
« on: April 02, 2012, 10:11:55 PM »
- Added "GTA SA - Half-Life characters as Gang Members" to "Single and Miscellaneous" section.

GTA SA - Half-Life characters as Gang Members

Ballas as the Marines.
Vagos as the Zombies.
Unused Gang as Black Operations.
Grove as Science Team.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: ~~~GovernmentMan123's Videos~~~
« on: April 01, 2012, 09:24:07 PM »
- Added "GTA SA - Cutscene Model Rigging Test 2" to "Single and Miscellaneous" section.

GTA SA - Cutscene Model Rigging Test 2

Tenpenny, Pulaski and Hernandez replaced with various skins of the drill instructor from Half Life.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: ~~~GovernmentMan123's Videos~~~
« on: March 30, 2012, 08:18:04 PM »
Another update:

- Added "GTA SA - Cutscene Model Rigging Test" to "Single and Miscellaneous" section.

GTA SA - Cutscene Model Rigging Test

Big smokes cutscene model replaced with the black variant of "Otis" from Half Life.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: ~~A Tad bit Mad~~ (Mini-series)
« on: March 17, 2012, 07:25:19 PM »
Been a while since I've worked on this, hasn't it? Looking back in retrospect I can say that this series is pretty awful. Awkward camera angles, tedious fighting and rubbish sound editing among other things. I don't know if I'm ever going to make a part 4 since I'm focusing on an ambitious project of mine at the moment. I don't suppose having excessive self-criticism is going to help any, but if the populace enjoys such things then it won't matter.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: GovernmentMan123's Mapping Showcase Thread
« on: February 03, 2012, 10:58:37 AM »
My memory is extremely foggy, as I haven't played Half Life in a while...but is that from chapter 2?


It's the the starting map of the cut Air Exchange chapter from Half-Life 2.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: GovernmentMan123's Mapping Showcase Thread
« on: February 03, 2012, 10:33:06 AM »
I can't see it.

It's giving me that domain unregistered garbage.  :-\

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: GovernmentMan123's Mapping Showcase Thread
« on: February 03, 2012, 10:08:39 AM »
I'm now working on another map. Take a guess as to what it's a remake of:

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: GovernmentMan123's Mapping Showcase Thread
« on: February 01, 2012, 06:02:47 PM »
I've added a new video, see the first post to view it.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / GovernmentMan123's Mapping Showcase Thread
« on: January 29, 2012, 04:55:58 PM »
Welcome to my mapping showcase thead. In here you'll find videos and images in relation to maps I've made for various games.


Deus Ex: Subway Tunnel War

War in the Subway Tunnels.

Deus Ex - Half Life 2 BETA - Air Exchange Facility (Alpha)

A remake of the Air Exchange Facility in Deus Ex. This map is still in alpha stages. More updates may come soon.


Deus Ex - Half Life 1 & 2 Zombies Remade (Part 1)

A simple test map showing off my Half Life 1 & 2 Zombie NPCS's. They're not perfect replicas of their counterparts by any means, but that was not my intention.

These NPC's are still in beta stages and need a few final refinements.

Part 2 will include the remaining Half-Life 1 Zombies.


Deus Ex - Half Life 1 Cliff Level Remake (BETA)

A remake of the cliff level from Half Life 1. The old combine soldier NPCs I made are just placeholders until I make some HECU characters. Hopefully I'll be able to create a helicopter NPC soon as well.


XIII Custom Maps - The Jungle(ALPHA)

A nice alpha version of a Jungle map for XIII that will take place before the first map at the SPADS base. Still lots to be added like NPC skins, improved geometry, etcetera...


XIII Custom Maps : The Mine ( Beta 1, Video 1 )

A simple mine level that will take place after the first part of the canyon level.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: Recent Inactivity.
« on: November 19, 2011, 04:59:31 PM »
I have an update regarding my youtube channel page. I've finally made a new background for it since the Harrington house one was definitely getting old. Check out my channel to see it, you will be impressed.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: Recent Inactivity.
« on: November 13, 2011, 11:48:24 AM »
Besides Half Life, what other projects do you work on?

Another project I'll be finishing up on is "A Tad bit Mad - Part 4". It should be completed around January next year. "State Of Destruction" is another one of my primary projects, so I'll be working on it after "It's a Mean, Mean Lifetime".

I also have a few backseat projects, but they'll probably never see the light of day.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Recent Inactivity.
« on: November 12, 2011, 10:12:10 PM »
You're probably wondering why I've not been so active over the past couple of months. Simply put, I've not had the time or inspiration to focus on my creations. I'm going to start working on them again soon, but mostly on my main project "It's A Mean, Mean Lifetime".

I'm also cancelling the adventures of Vance and Lefty. I might start working on it again in the near future, but for now I've got bigger projects to focus on.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: ~~~GovernmentMan123's Videos~~~
« on: September 23, 2011, 06:01:51 PM »
-Cut- See first post.

GovernmentMan123's Corner / Re: ~~~GovernmentMan123's Videos~~~
« on: September 23, 2011, 03:51:50 PM »

- Added "Bully SE : Chemical Plant Exterior Mod" to "Single and Miscellaneous" section.

Bully SE : Chemical Plant Exterior Mod

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