599. Constantinos seems to be crazy, as he talks about a second floor of the Boys Dorm.(I know there was one in the beta)
What was his quote on that?
601: Hal is gets turned on by Edna and Eunice
602: Parker gave a hobo a dollar
603: Crabblesnitch dose not like the Greasers because he thinks they will turn out to be "gang members" but appreciates that they fix things up.
604: Crabblesnitches favorite clique is the Jocks.
605: Justin wants to be friends with Ted
606: Justin wants to have a party at Tad's house with the Jocks.
607: Derby dose not give a crap about anyone.
608: Vance is a ginger.
609: Vance's hair nearly got set on fire
610: Small talk claims Neil use to be the Greaser leader when he was younger
611: Damon goes after Mandy behind teds back
612: No we won't Scum xD