2,133 - Mandy is a looker
2,134 - Seth Kolbe is mentally ill (Anger problems)
2,135 - Seth Kolbe is probably gay (just a hunch)
2,136 - Jimmy Hopkins birthday is August 31 (he doesn't have an official birthday, so I made him one
2,137 - The Tenements have been unsafe to live in for years as evidenced by floor collapse
2,138 - You can smash up all the stuff in the warehouse and no one gives a shit. It even re-spawns so you can smash it every day for months on end
2,139 - I can whip up birthdays for all the main characters if you ask. They're not Rockstar official though
Bonus (not in count): April 21 is the best day of April. April 21 kicks more ass than Jimmy Hopkins with a Spud Gun. If they got in a fight April 21 would win.
2,140 - Spud Guns are awesome at taking out prefects, cops, or that fucking bitch in the blue dress in town
2,141 - The summer at the end of the game is awfully long. Global warming, anyone?
2,142 - Nothing ages in Endless Summer. The story line might be 1984-1985, but if you play long enough it might be fucking 1996 and yet Jimmy Hopkins is still 15 and all the characters are still the same