Bully2 wishlist
1.join any sport you want (football,basketball,hockey,track,volleyball) including, having home and away games
2.more classes
3.bigger towns
4.having phones (like blackberry,sidekick,iphone,)
5. 2player mod
6. better weapons(paintball gun,BB gun,pelet gun)
7.having a actually lunch period (if you dont eat lunch then your hunger well go down then evenually yu'll pass out)
8. steal cars and drive them
9.making your own gang
10.add more characters in each group
11.Having wars in the boys and girls dorm ( like pillow fights, going in other peoples room and beating them up)
12.Having parties ( school dances)
13.Switching schools
14.new fighting styles
15.Better rides at the carnival
16.join any group you want(jocks,greasers,preps,townies nerds... well not soo much on nerds)
17.Better clothes
18.new hair styles
19.create your own character
20.Having a online gameplay(after you beat the whole game you can play as anybody you want and chat with people thats actually playing it and games modes which is like having paintball fights, food fights,dodge ball wars, and having a all out war just fighting with anybody)