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Author Topic: Create your own Bully Character.!!!!  (Read 45658 times)

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Offline Bully-Freak

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Create your own Bully Character.!!!!
« Reply #45 on: June 08, 2009, 09:23:52 PM »
John McGinty:

Home:Old Bullworth Vale
Clique:Skater Boys(new)
Wears:A Skater beanie with a "Green Day' hoodie and ripped up kakhi jeans with converses.
Bio-Was born and raised as a sweet little child but after being abused for so many years he ran off to live with his aunt in Bullworth and since he knew how to skateboard he decided to join a skater club down in New Coventry and joined together with some friends from the academy to make a skater boy clique.To bad skating is something the teachers and prefects hate so him and his crew kind of have to lay low so they dont get spotted.They tend to skate in the parking lot and near the autoshop where the prefects almost never go unless they have to.The End...

Offline Levarr

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« Reply #46 on: June 13, 2009, 05:08:17 PM »
Name: Leo Ryan
Age: 16
Apperance: Cyan sweater-exclusive for him (inside black shirt), blue jeans, white nike air force ones, hair: Ceasar haircut.
Clique: None
Biography: Leo is a rich kid wich always have problems with his parrents thats why he is in bullworth. Hes rich but not like the preppies...
« Last Edit: June 13, 2009, 05:55:34 PM by Levarr »

Offline BullyNr○1

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« Reply #47 on: June 13, 2009, 06:07:49 PM »
name: Me
reason: am to bad to be around
              I would probably always be with Jimmy xD
I would where skirt with black flash and a white shirt xD
moving from Belgium(stinks) to be a good girl (i almost puked with these sentence!!)

Offline MIK83

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« Reply #48 on: June 13, 2009, 08:36:01 PM »
Name: Mikhail Karamazov (Juri's brother)
Nationality: Russian
Age: 17
Clique: Goths
Looks: He is tall and muscular, taller and more muscular than Gurney, has a shaved head with a red goatee, has a tribal tattoo on his left arm.
Wears in spring/summer/autumn: Black T-shirt that says "Licensed Townie Torturer", Black cargo pants, black army boots, spiked wrist bracelet on his right wrist.
Wears in winter: Long black coat over his "licensed townie torturer" shirt, black gloves, spiked wrist bracelet on his right wrist, black army boots
Fighting style: Likes to shoulder tackle, has a devastating death valley driver, and a punishing torture rack hold
Biography: Juri's older brother, has an immense hatred for the townies and jocks.  Was originally in the same school that the townies once attended until the leader Edgar planted a bomb that he used from the chem plant to look like a dirty bomb in Mikhail's locker, got expelled and was enrolled at Bullworth Academy at the beginning of the 2007-2008 school year.  When he sees a townie on his turf with other goths he attacks them immediately.  If he sees any townies or jocks around town, he harasses them and bullies them.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 09:05:23 AM by MIK83 »

Offline MIK83

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« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2009, 10:15:56 AM »
Name: Ezekiel Schneider
Nationality: Jewish
Age: 16
Clique: Goths
Looks: He is short, about the same size as Jimmy, he has black hair that partly covers his left eyebrow.
Wears in spring/summer/autumn: Black T-shirt that has a metal skull on his front, Black leather pants, black Riot shoes, spiked wrist bracelet on his right wrist.
Wears in winter: black hoodie over his metal skull shirt, black gloves, spiked wrist bracelet on his right wrist, black Riot boots
Fighting style: Likes to shoulder tackle, Lou Thesz press and punches, and a punishing torture rack hold
Biography: Lives in a newly built part of New Coventry, he has a strong hatred for townies, jocks, greasers, and preps.  Has a deep hate for the adults and teachers, he thinks they only serve as a means to push their propaganda on kids, if he sees anybody from the cliques mentioned above, he attacks them.  If he sees anybody from those cliques around town, he harasses them and bullies them.

Name: Jonathan Dedmon
Nationality: American
Age: 18
Clique: Goths
Looks: He is medium sized, muscular, has his hair in red spikes.
Wears in spring/summer/autumn: Wears a leather jacket over a scary clown shirt, wrist spikes on both wrists.  Wears black jeans with a chain.  Has a pierced lip.  Black Riot shoes.
Wears in winter: Same as before, only with fingerless gloves.
Fighting style: Likes to shoulder tackle, fights with large chains in the boss battle.
Biography: The leader of the goth clique, can sometimes be found with the other goths drinking coffee at Bullworth Vale Cafe in certain cutscenes.  His father served in the war in Afghanistan while Jonathan and his mom moved around for three years before settling in the New Coventry region of Bullworth in late 2007.  Has a deep hatred for the townies for their lack of ambitions, doesn't trust adults.

Name: Luna Giordano
Nationality: Italian
Age: 16
Clique: Goths
Looks: She is average size, has two toned long hair, part black part red.  She keeps a locket of her mother that passed away from cancer when she was 9 years old.  She wears a black top, with a picture of Shirley Manson on it.
Wears in spring/summer/autumn: She wears a black top, with a picture of Shirley Manson on it.  Fishnet wrist bands on both arms, black leather skirt, with black sneakers.
Wears in winter: Black leather coat over her Shirley Manson top
Fighting style: Likes to knee men in the balls, scratches people in the eyes.
Biography: The goth chick in the goth clique, has had relationships with both Mikhail and Ezekiel, and is currently dating Ezekiel.  She hates the way the media and people objectify women and young girls.  Also has a rivalry with Zoe Taylor, who she once went to middle school with before Zoe transferred to Bullworth in her early high school years.  She also hates Lola Lombardi, saying she's an insult to whores everywhere.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 10:27:13 AM by MIK83 »

Offline JessiLikesRainbows

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« Reply #50 on: July 02, 2009, 07:30:05 AM »
Name: Gail Baehr
Age: 16
Clique: None
Apperance: White, has very long light brown hair (reaches her belt), thick rimmed glasses, wears school skirt, white knee socks, pink tennis shoes, white short sleeved button up shirt with long sleeved shirt under it. Sometimes wears jeans or boy's slacks. Adds a zip up jacket in the winter.
Bio: Tends to hang out by herself, doesn't talk to many people aside from her twin brother, Alex. Isn't disliked by many people due to the fact that she's so quiet. Because of that other cliques don't mind if she hangs out on their turf for a while. Listens to her iPod a lot and draws and writes a lot. Has a little crush on Zoe but knows she probably doesn't have a chance. Enjoys hanging out with the other gay/bi kids on campus from time to time.  

Name: Alex Baehr
Age: 16
Clique: None
Apperence: White, very tall (6' 4"), has long blonde hair (a few inches longer than shoulder length) usually keept in a ponytail. Wears boots, jeans or school slacks with school vest and a long sleeved button up shirt under it. In the winter he adds a leather jacket and a black beanie.
Bio: Hangs out with his twin sister, Gail, if she asks him to but has casual friends from almost every clique. Dislikes the Greasers and Bullys. Loves headbanging to Manowar and sometimes joining the Jocks in a game of dodgeball. Has a major crush on Christy and talks to her as often as he can. Is also very strong physically. Is sometimes ganged up upon by the Bullys but can kick most of their asses.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 07:36:01 AM by JessiLikesRainbows »

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Create your own Bully Character.!!!!
« Reply #51 on: August 06, 2009, 06:04:43 AM »
Age: 17, Almost 18
Clique: None
Appearence: A James Dean kind of character, A Loner, looking somewhat like a Greaser, But smarter than any Nerd, Tougher than any Bully, More athletic than any Jock....No one at the school will fuck with him, not even the Prefects, for legend has it that he nearly beat the biggest, baddest bully to death when he first came to Bullworth years ago....BRAND has 100% respect of all the cliques, for he will not attack unless provoked, and no one wants to do that, for he alone can whip a Prefect's ass....BRAND just hangs around the school, Indifferent to to silly turf wars between the cliques, he is far above all that, and is an overshadowing presence at the school, leaning against a wall, smoking a fag, unconcerened with the world around him, the ultimate COOL, not even the adiministration will screw with him.....Like a prowling Lion, kids, Prefects, and Adults will move out of his way wherever he walks....Near the end of the game, at the very last, He will aid Jimmy with the overthrow of Gary at the School Tower.....And then return to his Loner status once more.......

Offline CeREaL(Andy Magdalene)

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« Reply #52 on: September 10, 2009, 02:16:16 AM »
Andy Magdalene
Female, 17
No clique
wears a black sweatervest with the bullworth crest and her dress shirt untucked with sleeves rolled up. Also wears black dress pants and shoes(which later changes to a black pleated skirt with black gothic-styled thigh highs and doll shoes), and a blue and silver bracelet.

Average height, kinda thin and lanky. she has short, messy blond hair and green eyes. Wears eyeliner that appears darker because of the dark rings under them and has a pale complexion. When not wearing her uniform, she has a pull over black hoodie she wears almost constantly to avoid social affliction, but ends up being beaten up anyway for being mistaken as a boy.

Offline ZombieBully

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« Reply #53 on: November 08, 2009, 11:33:55 PM »
Name: Nicholas Howes
Age: 15
Clique: None
Appearence: Tall and skinny, wearing ACU or JROTC dress uniform.
Bio: Sent from a junior military academy to help at the JROTC program at Bullworth Academy. He is also a prefect, but not a bitch like the other ones. He is considered to be one of the best students even though he doesn't really care.

Offline Miss Ordered

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« Reply #54 on: November 11, 2009, 01:09:29 AM »
Name: Campbell Hewett
Age: 17
Clique: Jocks
Appearance: Tall and muscular.  Almost inhumanly attractive, with blonde hair and odd blue eyes.  Wears the same thing as Casey, which is why they don't get along.  Jimmy gave him a cut on his hand, but he's not mad.  Honest.  Oh, and Zoe called him ugly, so she's on his hitlist, too!  Wait...
Personality: God-awful fighter.  (Can't harm the face, you know!)  Extremely narcissistic and lacks decent judgment skills.  Generally shallow, manipulative, and mean.  However, he's extremely easy to make a fool of/coax into failure.  Every guy (and some girls) in school despise him, and the reason they haven't ran him out of school yet is because his tight group of fangirls will be on their tails for the rest of the semester.  However, it's implied that he's aware of his own dependence on his looks and that he might have some severe neurotic issues that he believes is normal.  In a place like Bullworth (or any school full of teenagers), it is.  Plays cornerback on the Bulls but wants to be quarterback, so he has a whole defensive line to guard his pretty face.
Bio: Got kicked out of his last school for being deemed a "distraction towards education".  Oh, and also for making that one guy...and girl...commit suicide.  Oopsie.

Offline T-Bone

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« Reply #55 on: November 11, 2009, 11:16:55 AM »
Carl Avery
Age: 16
Clique: Nerds
Description: Tall, scronny, giant glasses, laughing stock, and a pascifist.

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« Reply #56 on: November 11, 2009, 11:34:13 AM »
All your characters could be part of the Never Ending Story ! Take a look :

Offline T-Bone

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« Reply #57 on: December 12, 2009, 09:30:25 PM »
C'mon people!! Take part in the story!

Offline dudemann5798

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« Reply #58 on: December 13, 2009, 05:10:52 PM »
Name: Kurt (last name unknown)

Age: 15

Clique: Rockers (new clique)

Apperance: Shaggy brown hair, flannel jacket, jeans w/ rips, skate shoes

Biography: His parents couldn't stand his attempt at being a "grunge god", so they sent him to Bullworth to put their trouble in someone else's hands. Kurt immeadietly fits in with the rockers. And from there...we don't know.

Offline T-Bone

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« Reply #59 on: December 13, 2009, 08:31:25 PM »
DUDE!! You HAVE to add him into the Never Ending Story!