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Author Topic: Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating  (Read 8481 times)

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Offline Stabbo

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« on: January 19, 2007, 07:03:20 AM »
In chapter 6 (Endless SUmmer) you can go round belting people in the gym and they dont fight back.

Especiailly the guy who is boxing the boxing bag. you can just beat him non stop. hurt his disgusting face as much as possible and he wont fight back. eventually he wil collapse to the ground like a sack of shit.

Offline Manbearpig

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2007, 03:08:55 PM »
Well... that's nice to know... =P

Offline Woodnote

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2007, 03:21:57 PM »
Really? Shit pops out of them when you belt them?

Offline Peter

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2007, 03:39:28 PM »
Dear Stabbo,

My brain endured your senseless posting for over two weeks. With every post you made the amount of brain cells within my head decreased. I would like you to know that I am now brain dead. You see, when your brain loses all brain cells you cannot possibly think anymore. I have no idea why your posts do this. Maybe it is because they have the personality of a mentally handicapped person, or perhaps they are just so repetitive, boring, and old that my brain overloads. Anyway, if you be so kind as make an effort to at least make a decent post from your own brain maybe I will be able to restore my brain cells.



Offline Bully_Nut

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2007, 06:14:52 PM »

he loves you:D

Offline bu!!y

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2007, 07:09:38 PM »
hahah lmao lol rofl

Offline AjaxWarrior

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2007, 07:10:00 AM »
I think that Stabbo posts funny facts, even though at 99.99% of the times i see one of those facts i already know it.

Offline Stabbo

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2007, 10:56:28 PM »
Listen here PJ_69, you cock goblin.

You're messing with the wrong guy.  I will destroy you.  You can't come into my thread posting your pseudo-intellectual bullshit and try and seem smart.  You look like a fucking retard with a goose jammed up your ass.  If you were in the game Bully you'd be the dog, and i would belt you repeatedly with a cricket bat.

But there is one thing that you've got right, it's your lack of brain cells.  You make a decrepid rotting camel carcus seem like Einstein you disgusting piece of shit.  Your horrible face makes me want to puke.

Get out of my house.

Quote from: PJ_69;31318
Dear Stabbo,

My brain endured your senseless posting for over two weeks. With every post you made the amount of brain cells within my head decreased. I would like you to know that I am now brain dead. You see, when your brain loses all brain cells you cannot possibly think anymore. I have no idea why your posts do this. Maybe it is because they have the personality of a mentally handicapped person, or perhaps they are just so repetitive, boring, and old that my brain overloads. Anyway, if you be so kind as make an effort to at least make a decent post from your own brain maybe I will be able to restore my brain cells.



Offline Bully_Nut

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2007, 11:01:12 PM »
listen to me

this is a video game. this is the internet. you will not see these people ever. the game is not real in any way. please just stop posting stupid things about it. oh and last but not least


Offline Woodnote

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2007, 11:04:29 PM »
I wish I could add to this topic with something that will sound cool.


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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2007, 11:07:23 PM »
anything you say is cool woodnote


Offline Peter

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2007, 11:08:19 PM »
Quote from: Stabbo;31730
Listen here PJ_69, you cock goblin.

You're messing with the wrong guy.  I will destroy you.  You can't come into my thread posting your pseudo-intellectual bullshit and try and seem smart.  You look like a fucking retard with a goose jammed up your ass.  If you were in the game Bully you'd be the dog, and i would belt you repeatedly with a cricket bat.

But there is one thing that you've got right, it's your lack of brain cells.  You make a decrepid rotting camel carcus seem like Einstein you disgusting piece of shit.  Your horrible face makes me want to puke.

Get out of my house.

First of all if you where to take your head out of your ass and look around you would realize that your sarcasm meter was off the scale on my post. Second of all, this is not 'your house' this is DGAF's house, since I don't see you doing shit to keep this forum up. Third, you claim that I am a retard with a goose stuck up my ass, yet you are the one who can even imagine a goose being stuck up a mentally challenged being, you sir are the retard, since no normal human would think of such things. If I was the dog in Bully, you would be the shit that comes out of my ass, I would leave you in the middle of nowhere while you get eaten by maggots and turned into compost. Furthermore, if I make a "decrepid rotting camel carcus seem like Einstein" then you fine sir would be the equivalent of a still born fetus with no brain that was dropped over a thousand times once you left the wide vagina of the whore you call a mother.

Oh, next time you compare my intelect to a "decrepid rotting camel carcus", learn how to spell "decrepit" and "carcass" idiot.

Offline Bully_Nut

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2007, 11:11:41 PM »
Quote from:
Second of all, this is not 'your house' this is DGAF's house, since I don't see you doing shit to keep this forum up.


damn straight

Offline Stabbo

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« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2007, 12:33:43 AM »
Relying on typos for a comeback is an immediate sign of losing.  You lost my friend.  You lost completely.  Don't worry, your mum still thinks you're special.

BTW Bully_Nut, I know this is a game and the internet, please don't take what I say too seriously.  Everything I say is tongue in cheek.  It's not like I'm actually getting worked up over what some inbred retard is saying on the internerd.  Cool?

Offline Peter

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Belt the shit out preppies in the gym without them retaliating
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2007, 12:47:15 AM »
Well way to go missing the rest of my post retard. I have won, although what I have won is still a a mystery because I have not been arguing with anybody since you cannot put together two comprehensible words in a row. Try reading my whole post and then mash your keyboard in hopes of creating a reply.