Johnny woke up in the infirmary. He didnt know what time it was, he couldnt even remember what happened. He sat up, but as soon as he did, he felt an excruiting pain in his stomach, so he quickly sat back down. "Nurse!" He called, nobody answered or came. But a few moments later, Dr Crabblensnitch came in, pulling Marcus along with him."You have two minutes" Crabblesnitch said. "Bro!" Johnny shouted happily,"Hey man" Marcus replied, as he was sitting on the bed."Whats going on?" Johnny asked. Marcus looked worried."You were stabbed man" Marcus replied,"I gave the guy a real beating though" Marcus said, with a smile."Alright, man, as soon as i get outta here, we're taking action! and i mean action.." Johnny replied. Dr Crabblesnitch came in, and quietly asked Marcus to leave, so Marcus left. Johnny felt a little dizzy, so he went to sleep.