Kay is hanging out with Bucky and Earnest in the lirary, finnishing her homework. Yeah right.
Bucky: Wemust launch our attack on the Jocks before they kille Algie!
Earnest: Why algie?
Kay: Because they've got him in the pool building! Kirby caught him trying to climb the tree by the football field and now they are gonna kill him!
Bucky: See? We have to go help him!
Earnest: I see. Well, we'll have to go and recruit teh others!
They run out the librry, Kay with a spud cannon in hand, towards the pool. Earnest and Bucky go to find the other Nerds.
Ten minutes later, they show up beside the pool with Donald, Fatty, Melvin and Beatrice (Yes, the girls are going to be kick-ass in this!) each wth a bottle rocket launcher in hand.
Kay: Are you guys ready?
The nerds: Yeah
Kay: Then let's go!
Melvin: CHARGE!