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Author Topic: Bully Roleplay  (Read 28157 times)

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Offline Manbearpig

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« Reply #75 on: December 02, 2006, 12:27:21 PM »
Mason was sitting on the edge of the couch when Ted and the other Jocks came in. They were bloody and beaten. "What happened to you all?" Mason asked. "That little punk David and his buddies got us," Ted said. "Where were you, by the way?" One of the Jocks asked. "Uhh, back here. Waiting for you all to come back," Mason explained. "Why didn't you help us, man?" Ted asked, shoving him. Mason was in disbelief. The Jocks were turning on him! He looked around for something to defend himself with. He picked up a chair and threw it at the group. They fell over and Mason dashed for the door. "We're gonna get you and that bitch David! Ted shouted after him. "Shit, gotta find those guys and warn them!" Mason whispered to himself. He pushed some Nerd off of his bike and began riding into town. "Another crushing blow for Fatty!" The Nerd exclaimed, rolling around on the ground.

Offline Gaunty

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« Reply #76 on: December 02, 2006, 12:45:19 PM »
Name: Karl Sharp

Age: 15

Clique: Greasers

Look: Long, untidy brown hair. He wears untidy clothes and has a scar on his left hand but it is hardly noticeable.

Biorgaphy: Karl was sent to Bullworth due to his bad behaviour and severe lack of punctuality. His parents stay in touch, but Karl now hates them for sending him here and refuses to meet with them again. This is his second year at Bullworth Academy and he now calls it his home.

Offline Bully_Nut

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« Reply #77 on: December 03, 2006, 03:30:05 AM »
Dave caught up to marcus. panting he sed "damn preppies.. what were they doing out here anyway..""i dunno man.. lets just get to this townie hideout and find out what the hell is going on."they made their way though new coventry dave noticed how few greasers were around. "wow.. i wonder why so many of our guys needed to go to the hideout.""Yea man it looks a bit suss.."they proceeded on to the hideout....

Offline Coolio G

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« Reply #78 on: December 05, 2006, 06:16:34 PM »
Name:Sam Duff


Apperance:Brown hair,round 5 foot 8,red nike hoody an cream tracksuit bottoms,kinda broad.

Bio:As a former fat kid Sam was bullyed all his life.When he was 12 he started boxing and eventually lost the weight and got revenge on those who bullied him.He won a few minor boxing tournaments and was runner up in the state championship.He had only got his first kiss when he was 14.Now at 15 he has moved to the town of bullworth as he's dad has found work there as a psychiatrist in the mental asylum.He does not bully weak kids only those who would be a challenge.He heard there is a boxing club in bullworth an is eager to check out what compotition they have to offer.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 06:18:35 PM by Coolio G »

Offline Manbearpig

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« Reply #79 on: December 06, 2006, 03:26:03 PM »
Mason pulled up at a large building in the town. It was supposed to be the Greaser hideout. "Damn, they ain't here," Mason whispered. He turned and heard the sounds of the Jocks behind him so he sped off. Going through the tunnel of New Coventry and looked around for the crew. 'Where are they?' He thought, biking up through the New Coventry area.

Offline Coolio G

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« Reply #80 on: December 06, 2006, 05:56:58 PM »
Sam asked his dad to drop him at the bullworth boxing club as school was over."Ok son ill drop you here but im ringing the school at 9 and if your not there ill make sure you never leave the school grounds for the rest of the year!" "Ok dad dont worry ill only be here for a while"As Sam left the car his dad said swiftly"And dont get into any trouble.We've had enough of that from last year" "Ok"Sam said with a sigh.He made his way towards the doors of the club.When he entered there was no one around.A voice came from down the stairs."Who are you?I dont think iv seen you before?" "Thats cause im new.I heard that this place is pretty good.Who's the best fighter here?"Right then Bif Tayler came down the stairs and saysI am.Whats it to you?Sam stared at him whit a smile.He knew this would be a challenge just looking at him.Care to have a little boxing match?Bif just laughed.This angered Sam.Wats wrong feelin a bit scared?
Bif squared up to Sam."Id never be scared by the likes of you,YOUR ON!Gord go get this chump geared up.You gonna wish you were never born."And whit that Gord went to get Sam the boxing gear.When they were geared up the two men entered the ring.The bell rung and Sam seen what he was up against.He gulp whit fear but he wasnt backing down.They started to fight Bif getting the better of troughout the first round.The bell for the second round went.Sam was really shocked whit the sheere streght of Bif.Sam got a few nice punches in but Bif got the better of him trough the 2nd and 3rd rounds.The 4th round came and Sam could barly stand.Half way trough the round Bif hit him whit a cracking haymaker and Sam was down for the count.Bif went over to pick his carcass off the mat."Your not to bad Sam.Id say you'd be pretty good if you trained here for a while.Beat on some of the less talented boxers here"Sam said breathlesslySorry man i only beat on the best,win or loss""Well your welcome back here any time" "Thankes ill remember that"Sam went and got changed and then made his way towards the school.....

Offline The_Werewolf

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« Reply #81 on: December 06, 2006, 09:18:21 PM »
ricky was recovering slowly but surely. he was walking back to his dorm room when out of nowhere jimmy hopkins ran by. Ricky gave chase. they ran behind the boys dorm then ricky stopped when he saw jimmy standing next to russel.

Jimmy:GreaseStain, meet my friend Russel... right now he hates you...ill give ya a 10 second head start

ricky starts running.

Jimmy1...2...10!! GET HIM RUSSEL!!!!

russel catches Ricky but ricky kicks him in the balls

Russel: AWWWWWGG!!!!

Ricky Grabs a Soccor Ball And kicks it at jimmy hitting him in the stomach
then  he runs  outside of school and throws an old lady off her bike and makes his way over to New Coventry.

Offline GTS

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« Reply #82 on: December 07, 2006, 04:18:23 PM »
The gary idea rocks. Sorry for the bump :( :( :( :(

Offline Nazz

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« Reply #83 on: December 07, 2006, 06:20:51 PM »
Dace and Marcus couldnt find a way into the townies hideout,in front of them was a huge gate, but it was padlocked.Dave turned to Marcus, "Think we could climb it?" Marcus shrugged. Dave noticed some construction work going on near the building, "Wait here" said Marcus. He ran towards the site and grabbed a large metal pipe, and ran back. Dave looked confused."Watch this" Marcus swung the pipe towards the padlock, cracking it. The gate swung open."Nice!" Dave shouted. They ran into the building.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2006, 06:27:03 PM by Nazz »

Offline The_Werewolf

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« Reply #84 on: December 07, 2006, 09:42:15 PM »
Ricky saw Dave grab a pipe and break a lock on gate as he was running up to them. he tried shouting at them to get their attention, but they couldn't hear him Dave and marcus ran inside ricky followed

ricky:DAVE!!! MARCUS!!!
marcus:huh? HEY! Its Ricky!
ricky:Whats Going on guys?

Offline Layzie

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« Reply #85 on: December 07, 2006, 09:44:15 PM »
Name:Dave Woo



Look:Jock Jacket(Letterman Jacket),Blue&Green Clear Jay`s(Jordons),Black Pants,Fresh Cut.

Biography:Dave Was The Best WR Of The Football Team Gained 10,000 Yards In 1 Month!But His Mom Didn`t Want Him Playing For Cow-Worth Academy She Wan`t Him To Play At Bullworth Academy Becauce It Was Closer Home,And Because It Was A Better School Than Cow-Worth.

Offline McHaggis

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« Reply #86 on: December 08, 2006, 07:09:40 PM »
Name: Axel Rönn
Age: 15
Clique:None (yet)
Look: Tall, buzz cut, white T-shirt, black jeans, blue canvas shoes and his beloved backpack.
Axel is not the strong, fighter type even though he's been in a few, he's been sent to Bullworth cause he kept on insulting the teachers with his smartass style. When Axel arrived at Bullworth (about a month late) he understood by the look on the people's faces that it was dark times. He walked to the boy's dorm to pack up his stuff on the way he met a bald kid who looked pissed and stuff seemed to magically appear in his hands all the time. Axel didn't like the look of the kid so he tried to find a room but every room seemed to be taken, then he noticed the hatch in the roof he opened it and found a room that fitted him perfectly. He lied down on the bed and fell asleep.

Offline McHaggis

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« Reply #87 on: December 09, 2006, 07:08:26 AM »
Only after a few minutes of sleep Axel awoke by the sound of fighting downstairs, he climbed down the hatch and there he saw the bald kid fighting a mob of angry bullies. Axel was smart enough not to get involved so he quietly sneaked out of the dormitory. It was only a few people on the playground one of them was constantly egging a window. Axel walked to main building and entered. There he overheard a couple of greasers talking.
"You hear about the townie meeting? Johnny seemed really pissed when he left.""Yeah, I hope he's not going to start another war like with the jocks.""I don't think so, but he did bring Jeremy, he's one hard motherfucker." The two greasers saw that Axel had heard what they said and one of them shouted. "Hey you! What are you doing? Didn't your mom teach you not the poke around in other peoples business? Get out of here!". Axel hurried away from there but he didn't see the group of bullies that was following him. He opened his new locker and started to fill it with his brand new schoolbooks, but when he was going to close someone grabbed his arms and one of the bullies came up to him and said. "You better not tell on us fighting in the boys dorm or else...". He said and took one of Axel's schoolbooks and ripped it apart. Axel was furious but he knew he didn't have a chance of winning a fight against the group of bullies. The group walked away laughing and Axel shut his locker and locked it. Then the bell rang and Axel headed of to Art class.

Offline Sheldon

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« Reply #88 on: December 10, 2006, 11:20:32 PM »
Name: Audry Williams
Age: 15
Clique: None. (It's possible! Cristy and Sheldon aren't in one.)
Looks: She's an attractive girl, but not all that hot and obvious as maybe Mandy or Lola are so boys tend to not notice her. Audry has light brown eyes and medium-ish brown hair that goes to her shoulders. She wears the navy Bullworth sweater-vest to go with the navy pleated skirt. Her white dress shirt is tucked in but the sleeves are rolled up. She wears thin rectangular framed glasses most of the time, but still seems casual.

Biorgaphy: Nothing in Audry's life has ever been overly spectacular. She's never been the 'queen bee' or 'princess' of any cliques, she's never been filthy rich, or ever been diabolically ambitious. She sort of blends in with the uncatorgorizable crowd and watches the wars from afar. She is, however, much smarter and less gullible than most of the girls in her grade. And even though she's no where near being as smart as Beatrice, the teachers ask her to tutor some of the more 'delinquent' boys. Reason being they know the Jocks and Greasers wont pummel her if she tried to quiz them for the chemistry test.

And as for her home life, her mother was an alcoholic and her father never did anything to change it. She was never physically abused but the emotional damage is there even if she doesn't show it. She's a girl with a good sense of humor and never takes herself too seriously. However, if she feels like something is wrong she will speak up (And has been less afraid to do so since the rules against hitting girls are enforced so well).

....And is the only girl!

Offline McHaggis

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« Reply #89 on: December 11, 2006, 03:47:18 PM »
This thread is dead. That sucks.