As you mentioned unlimited ammo, you probably have interest to some 'in-game trainer' mod such as Super Mod, Havoc, & Selector Mod lol. They provide unlimited ammo feature & some other contents too. However, they only make some changes in ammo mechanism and not visually infinite like Slingshot or Super Slingshot.
Or.. if you knew a guy called Lua 5.0.2
You can easily put PedSetFlag(gPlayer, 24, true) in your script to make your ammo infinite.
* credit goes to DeadpoolXYZ who found the flag id in 2015 *
Moreover, you can use FLiNG Trainer (External App) for Bully SE which make your ammo infinite & visually change your ammo.
But use it at your own risk, because most of game trainer app will be identified as a virus by many AV.