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Author Topic: y dis happen...  (Read 6687 times)

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Offline Unknownsoldier

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y dis happen...
« on: December 19, 2015, 03:07:16 AM »
y modz slow down now?

dont moov dis to general discussion it belong here in modz section.

remember when we used to have people asking for help every other day, then <insert names here> accusing and bashing them for "leeching"?

then uhh... some really talented (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) members (myself, along with the gods, Bail Organa and Miguel Prado who were falsely accused were posting pics of black men each day.

as much shit happened back then, i still miss those days sometimes. most modders had their own little group for modding, and bullymodding was at it's final peak. everyone trying to make the best mods. but nothing EXPLOSIVE ever happened right? just things being cancelled(not accusing any specific person, multiple people such as myself cancelled things). when even I was accused of leeching, and me and josh still had our modding duo thing.  w...... you get the point!

I don't see any good reason to make this post, cause we're all aware of the slow down in modding. The PLUS to this however, is there is less drama (if not any) going on anymore. I know some people might reply here saying this is just the BEGINNING of modding, and there are plenty of mods to come. Don't get me wrong, I love to see new modders come here. But what are they going to learn from when all the experienced modders are gone? sure there are plenty of tutorials here, but what they need is 1 on 1 communication. I think I do have good experience in modding if i do say so myself, I just haven't released or shown off any of my mods because in my mind I think people don't care anymore. But at the same time i don't want to be looked at as someone who doesn't know how to mod, and i've always been hesitant to say that. I learned most of my things from daboss, and even some of my music taste from him. maybe we're not the best of friends anymore, or friends at all anymore, but i'll still be thankful he helped my impatient self in modding last year. im too lazy to type anymore so reply to this and tell unknown how much i succ at typing :D

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2015, 04:14:37 AM »
I don't think it's slowing down too much but I still see some of your points. Swegta and I are working on a mod, Rambo7 is working on a mod, deadpoolxyz is too, and p3ti is as well. MadmaN may or may not be making some new mods (I best not say anything specific) after he finishes up some things.

Some people left, true, which that sucks a little for some people that left but honestly I think it's half for the best as most the people who left were credit whores and bullies who held the community back and harassed members. I won't say any names in specific though.

Bully-Board isn't that big but I honestly like it this way... in a way. When I go to gta forums for example, I see new people in most posts, I don't recognize anybody, and it seems few people do really know each other there. A lot of forums are like that too. Here on Bully-Board though, most of us know each other pretty well, and in a personal way too. It's what will probably keep me here after I lose interest in Bully, and it's also what's kept me here so long. I've met a lot of friends here, half of them have went wonderfully, and sadly half of them have ended pretty horribly. Some worse than others... including one I lost recently, since I really felt like we were best friends... but I'm starting to get a bit deep into personal stuff so let's move on.

There are still modders here to help people, and in my opinion there are still a lot of skilled ones too (most the "skilled" ones that left didn't know how to share or help others anyways). I always love to help when I can, MadmaN still comes on from time to time, Swegta can help once he returns to Bully-Board (he's gone temporarily due to a bet), and you, unknown, can help too. I know you're a pretty good script modder, but sadly you are a little impatient with making your own mods.

I'd really love to see more people modding, I'd love to see some missions from Algie Hunters maybe. I guess with the small amount of active modders it really is hard for there to be a lot of mods coming out. I don't think it was ever that much better though... sure more mods were being released but they were mostly tweaks to config files, default.idb edits. etc. Nowadays it's harder since modding calls for a bit more with scripting, and style mods are getting old. There really is a lot of potential, I just wish more people would learn to script mod... I'd love to see some custom missions by people, maybe some like "The Cure", a story to enjoy and maybe even a slightly comedic one, and of course some fun gameplay.

I think a big problem is a lot of Bully fans don't seem to speak English natively, so it's hard for them to learn and it's hard to teach them. Other people are just too lazy or just can't understand with the limited amount of tutorials. I've been tempted to make some Bully script modding tutorial videos on YouTube. I know it's late into Bully modding to do that but... maybe it'll help a few people get into it, and if they just help even one person, I'd honestly be happy. If I do decide to do that though I'll have to wait until I get a new mic.

More people are helping each other and being friendly, many people even posting their mods open source. I thin that is a huge step forward in the community at least, even if it is a small community...

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2015, 04:29:20 AM »
"Algie Hunters" Algie hunters is long gone, unless other members joined a deadbeat mick. I'm not that helpful, and yes I am impatient with my mods. But about mick, the last time i even seen any activity from him was right before Alex told him to kill himself. I don't wanna release the log, but it was funny and a coincidence, he's not dead(pleez not another masterreys being pulled).

As for algie hunters, the relationship between mick and I has been rather negative, as is most of my relationships between me and modders. You and I have a okay public communication but lets not talk about our private problem here. I don't even talk to any modders in private anymore. The only BB people I talk to is Josh(we haven't had problems in a while), Alex, and Rambo who still mods I think. Rarely AfterLife, and Reath. and removed shrimp just today.

I don't really enjoy this boring time as I used to. I miss the days when everyone hated me lol. cause it was the time where i modded like everyday. It seems un-enjoyable from an outer point of view, but for me it was like the finger-tip-chilling time. and a lot of songs are nostalgic and remind me of teamviewer and modding n stuff.

I think it's nice there's peace now, but i don't see a point of staying here. I don't mean for you, i mean for myself. All I do is play the forum games now, and i haven't mentioned bully in a long time. and i know people would be happy with that lol. but in all seriousness i have every forum im on bookmarked on Chrome, and the first thing I do when i turn on my PC, is check my replies on each forum, then replies on youtube. As fun as it was doing that for the past 3 years, it keeps me waiting ALL DAY for a good reply on anything, so I can have fun debating/discussing something with those people.

and shit i feel like i dislocated my middle finger or something so ima go kthxbai.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 04:35:35 AM by Unknownsoldier »

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2015, 10:01:33 AM »
Well i've been testing and fixing some things I havent been modding as much because i've been so much. The modding community hasn't really slowed down it's just that no new mods are being made.

I'll probably be away from modding for a while after finishing Pete's Missing it took me forever to make that mod and I still have to test for glitches. I have most of my files back but i'm never home anymore that much anyway.

What needs to happen is that small new mods are made it doesn't have to be some The Cure or Pete's Missing fancy shit just a normal script mod or ide mod.

Unknown why don't you try working on smaller mods like a ez to go Custom Mission and you to Daboss I just woke up so if not spelled right fgt it.

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2015, 12:56:37 PM »
Oh I forgot to mention you AlphaTech!

AlphaTech can also help modders when he has his files.

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2015, 03:54:54 PM »
yea fgt u never hav ur fiels dood sign on mediafire at werk

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2015, 10:06:10 PM »
@Daboss - and i think he might have actually left. i heard something he told to The Lone Joker(adam) so idk we'll w8

Offline AlphaTech

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2015, 12:53:20 AM »
I do have my files now fgts but I am not releasing anything as of now but if a new newbie fgt modder acts like a lil bich and needs help Ill help em.

Lol to be serious though Daboss and Unknown you two should try and make some short Custom Missions like I did with Find Gary even though it was a Tutorial Mission i'd still like to see some custom mission mods get released it doesn't have to be 10000 lines long just aomething simple I guess modding is indeed getting boring because no new modding videos are made. Last video I seen that made me watch was Reath's Pirate Boss Fight rather than that on youtube all I see is people using that fgt Super Mod V3 no offense Daboss but seeing that mod makes me wanna hurl.

All I see on youtube is Super Mod this and that which they are just using your mod and making a video out of it. I can see if they used it for a Machinima or somethin but their are countless boring shitty super mod videos on youtube. As gary said "What What durr can't you say anything else?" Referenced to them it would be "Super Mod Super Mod durr can you idiots create anything else?" Basically meaning the samething can't those youtubers create their own shit instead of using someones mod over and over. I can see if it was a mission or fight club but nope just Super Mod.

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2015, 12:56:26 AM »
Super Mod was a great mod but got overrated over time. Daboss, well idk about now but I heard he's been working on mods last he told me. And I get bored on the first problem with missions.
I've attempted like 5 since this summer, and everytime there's a small bug I can't fix in 5 attempts i just say like "i'll work on it... TOMORROW" and just repeat that for 9000 years until i completely forgot about it. xD

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2015, 01:19:01 AM »
Super Mod is overrated in my opinion too, I could make it a lot better. I am glad people like it though and I absolutely love watching videos of people playing them. If I didn't make the mod, I admit they'd probably be boring as fuck, but since I did it really makes me happy to see them enjoying it. That's really the most rewarding thing in releasing mods for me.

I made The Cure 2 in just a few days actually, and the first The Cure in just around a week. I thought about doing weekly missions before, and honestly I probably could, but if I do that they may start to lack variety. I started work on The Cure 3 a long time ago but I really made it get kinda crazy. It's really cool so far to be honest but the way I'm doing it it'll take a long time to finish. I won't give any spoilers on that though. I may restart it all together too if it ends up being too much but I probably won't have to do that. I could make it a lot better though if I started over...

Bullshit is currently my main priority though for Bully modding. I've been procrastinating a little bit on it but I think I'm gonna start work on it again soon. I started rewriting the script a little while ago to make it better, so that is why there is a little delay in progress. However it was for the best, since a lot of things have improved since I started over. The mod is now more stable, the script is neater, the mod is less laggy, I made more easy to use functions for when we get into missions, and other small things. The goal with Bullshit is I want to have it be really open and easy to add onto. There's basically 2 parts of Bullshit's source. You got the core code that runs everything: first person, time cycle, inventory system, blip system, stores, social interaction, mission starting, etc. Then you got the part that sort of defines everything, the more creative part: store locations, item info, the social options, the missions, etc. The core part is taking a while because I want it to be as perfect as possible so the other part is easy to add make and add onto. I mostly do the core parts while SWEGTA comes up with a lot of the ideas and does a lot of the missions/activities themselves, plus the whole mod idea was his to begin with. But uhh... starting to get a bit off topic.

After Bullshit... I'm not sure if I will continue Bully modding. I may take a break from it, but maybe not. Simply because I am getting older and I want to do more things other than just Bully modding. Once I do get that going though I'll probably love to return to making mods.

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2015, 01:36:40 AM »
The Cure took me like 9 attempts to complete in the first version.

And I probably won't make a mod, well ever. I've ran out of ideas a long time ago. I did have this idea for just EVERY IDEA I had added onto it, in freeroam, but I had everything working. Then I had the biggest part of it, was a wizard where you can do and get a lot of shit, but I fucked that entire part up. I KNOW what I have to do to fix it, but I have to remake the ENTIRE function for him. It already took me 2 days to get what I have now. I'm dreading to continue work on that mod. Also, I don't think other people would enjoy things I'd enjoy. With the mod scene dying, it's really anticipated that someone release a HUGE mod, that revolutionizes bully modding for another 2 months.

So it's safe to say I'm done with modding. I haven't even been playing games these past few weeks. All I've been doing is listening to music, but school gets in the way of everything, and i just think of music all day during school. But idk what to even do here, at home.

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2015, 04:11:38 AM »
I never touched bully for a long time. Nor did I ever make any mods. I just kinda experiment around codes and shit.

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2015, 02:15:37 PM »
That is actually modding, it doesn't have to be a big thing to be considered a mod. Even if you just set the player's health to 600 that is still a mod.

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2015, 08:43:47 PM »
hey faggots, i'm back from the dead.  cause i actually killed myself when alex said so.   

That is actually modding, it doesn't have to be a big thing to be considered a mod. Even if you just set the player's health to 600 that is still a mod.

Yea even the slighest change to the game is a mod.

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: y dis happen...
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2015, 09:15:04 PM »
dammit man! i got happy!
now i can TRULY say...

y dis happen . . .