Hi. I've been recently comparing the beta-Bullworth environment (via screenshots) while I'm playing.
Anyways, I've always been fascinated by the features of beta bully, so I sometimes observe the aspects of beta bully in-depth from the screenshots to establish inferences.
For example, it's known that Gary was supposed to betray Jimmy during Chapter 2 instead of Chapter 1... this is made evident by the Holiday Special trailer (The one where Gary says "SPANK ME!" lol).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbfxTT6wP1M Anyways, I was browsing through promotional screenshots, and found one depicting "Russel in the Hole", and it appears that the students spectating are wearing winter clothing (including Gary).
Perhaps this is even more evidence that initially Gary was to play a larger role?
Also (and forgive me if this has already been covered), I was comparing screenshots to in-game, and found that the area between the girls and boys dorm had a beta trashcan. The trashcan appears to have absolutely no opening. This implies that dunking students into trashcans wasn't implemented yet. It's minor, yet I'm still interested.
Also, note the gargoyle-like heads in the screenshots.. I've always been curious on them. I haven't come across a single person to mention them, yet they made Bullworth look gothic. In a cool way, atleast. So, the "heads" were replaced by lights. So we can kind of obtain a grasp at how early/late in Bully development from these screenshots
Anymore info on the heads would be appreciated
So that's all I have for now. Any thoughts?