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Author Topic: Needs to change asap  (Read 18485 times)

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Offline Azuku

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Needs to change asap
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:58:40 AM »
I've been roaming round BB for a couple of months now and all I see is modders being selfish and even more, bully board is supposed to be fun and release mods so people can enjoy them or help other modders out but I don't see it I see modders looking down on people because they have something people haven't, I'd love too see a change in the community by sharing , helping  and actually releasing mods what other people want instead of creating it and just having it your self and get bored and not release it or leaving the community and not release any of the mods which the person has created, I do understand its the creators choice to release it or not but you get where I'm coming from. Not moaning or anything just stating my opinion.

Dont know if its the wrong section or not Idk...
Thanks for reading...
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 08:31:18 AM by Azuku »

Offline denizthebest

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2015, 08:38:16 AM »
You are right,but i don't think this situation will easily change.I'm not happy about this either  :mellow:

Offline Shrimp

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2015, 08:49:51 AM »
I agree, I created a similar thread about this; due to the fact people are being fool's over some shitty ass strafes.

Offline denizthebest

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2015, 08:52:06 AM »
I agree, I created a similar thread about this; due to the fact people are being fool's over some shitty ass strafes.

yes i readed that topic you are right,some people are selfish on forum not gonna give name's

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2015, 08:56:10 AM »
I'm not mad about people not releasing mods at all. It's entirely the choice of the creator and I respect that. However, the real problem arises when someone chooses not to release their mod, but then gets mad at other people when they try to make their own version. For example, a P_Striker_A full style re-creation. One modder could do it, show a video, and be done. It'd be nice if they released but it was still cool to show it off. But if they go to someone who makes their own version of a P_Striker_A and insults it calling them a "leech" that's pretty upsetting. If a creative idea (like some mission story line) or a chunk of code was stolen from someone, then they'd be in the wrong. But re-creating a style already in-game.... come on! It's ridiculous.

Your topic wasn't about style modding I know but it's obviously a big part of modding. However lately I see modders are turning to new content... mainly missions, which I think is great because with custom missions you can really let your creativity flow, and I think so far everyone is being very friendly with mission modding.

If your request is for people to stop being greedy and well how some people are right now, a lot of people want that too...

Honestly though I think people complaining about it just as much as it's done... it's really not helping the problem much by complaining about it. Here's an exercise that could help: reply to this topic (or start a new one) with something about bully modding that you've never shared before. Big or small, just share something.... help out the COMMUNITY.

Here's mine... even if it's small and a very simple function, I don't see people use it and it's really cool. This function called PedFindAmbientPedOfModelID(modelid). It takes a single argument (model id/model index, see default.ide) and returns a ped of that model. This for example has been of use to me in my new mission... instead of spawning new enemies I got all the ones of a certain faction that were already spawned and had them fight Jimmy. This way it actually really seems like the peds in the open world are being interacted with instead of just being brainless. This function returns an ambient ped, essentially meaning a "free-roam" ped. This function can't get a mission ped, but it can get ambient peds. Side-note, if you want to spawn a "free-roam" or ambient ped you can use PedMakeAmbient(ped). Also, make sure you use PedIsValid(ped) to make sure the ped that was returned by PedFindAmbientPedOfModelID is valid, because if there is no ambient peds of that modelid it won't return a valid ped. One last thing, be careful using PedFindAmbientPedOfModelID in a loop because if the function is called constantly, the peds it gets act a little strange... experiment with it yourself to see.

It's nothing huge, but it's a contribution to the community that I've never really posted publicly before nor have I seen it been posted about. Just to try and get some people in the spirit of working together... you guys post something now!

Offline Azuku

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2015, 09:20:57 AM »
Thanks for commenting on this DaBoss :) , I just need the community to open up its eyes and realize we are better than this all this arguing over full styles etc, We wouldn't have the problem if the creator(s) release it or  helped others making a replica of a mod  , but people shouldn't care about others on bully board trying to make a replica of the persons full fighting styles and like DaBoss said its already in the game.

I came from Playstaion modding to this and its ridiculous, Yes I have seen the full P_Striker_A with evades by Jedijosh on his youtube channel and I looked at the comments and I see people arguing to release it and Jedi calling AfterLife a leecher  etc am not hating on Josh before people get the wrong idea and its up to him to release it or not, but all I am trying to say is the people in bully board open up your eyes and realize we're on the same team so go and help people if they need it , have a heart and release mods which people have been after for ages or even help them make it. 

Offline AfterLife

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2015, 09:21:56 AM »
I came from Playstaion modding to this and its ridiculous, Yes I have seen the full P_Striker_A with evades by Jedijosh on his youtube channel and I looked at the comments and I see people arguing to release it and Jedi calling AfterLife a leecher  etc am not hating on Josh before people get the wrong idea and its up to him to release it or not, but all I am trying to say is the people in bully board open up your eyes and realize we're on the same team so go and help people if they need it , have a heart and release mods which people have been after for ages or even help them make it.
Exactly. People need to open their eyes. Instead of calling people a leech for no apparant reason. We DO NOT need to be competitive, if everyone shares a little, it would be a great community. That can happen if people would just...
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 09:24:01 AM by AfterLife »

Offline Azuku

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2015, 09:30:38 AM »
Exactly Afterlife! I have noticed that a few  people on your unlisted videos on Youtube of P_Striker_A evades  have commented on it asking you too release it , by sharing it the community would be a little bit nicer. I care less for people getting mad over mods and fighting styles in the end its just a GAME.

Offline AfterLife

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2015, 09:40:47 AM »
Exactly Afterlife! I have noticed that a few  people on your unlisted videos on Youtube of P_Striker_A evades  have commented on it asking you too release it , by sharing it the community would be a little bit nicer. I care less for people getting mad over mods and fighting styles in the end its just a GAME.
But then Josh would say something like. "OMG, unknown sent you this, you fucking leecher." When unknown obviously did not.

Thats the reason why I dont release mods anymore.

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2015, 09:53:03 AM »
I'm not taking sides but if you want to help the community you need to put something in it if you get where I am coming from? besides Josh has left Bully Modding so he shouldn't care less, not insulting anyone before people get the wrong idea. I'm not forcing you to release it AfterLife or any mods you have done for the matter but it would be nice to release mods what people don't have and want it would make the community a better place even if you have comments calling you a ''leech'' .
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 09:58:33 AM by Azuku »

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2015, 06:32:05 PM »
NOTE: This topic has been moved to the Bully Modding Board.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2015, 11:43:32 PM »
I have been quietly sitting back and watching everything going on from the background and I do not like what I see. Not one bit.

When I came here to this community way back before we actually had a modding community, I seen potential in starting up a real modding community and decided to do just that. Everyone loved it and I basicly took the reigns as the unofficial leader to give everyone a direction to follow and to teach what I knew about the game....modding....teamwork....making friends...etc. I wanted the community to NOT go in the same direction the gta community did and rather then go in the proper direction, it has started to go down that route. People fighting over fame, glory, credit, complaining about leechers, complaints like: Modder X came up with Mod C but never released it....but Modder Z comes up with a mod that is very similar and releases it which pisses off Modder X due to Modder X not getting the fame that he/she felt they deserved.

From this point forward...I am going to lay down some serious ground rules and start getting everyone back on the right foot. I hate to do it this way but it seems this is the only way anyone is going to actually learn something useful and the only way to save the community. As it is, we are very close to the point of no return and will end up exactly like the gta community and many others that are NOT friendly towards new members/modders.

Starting now....ANYONE who starts a nasty argument will end up with an instant 30 day ban.

ANYONE taking part in that argument will get a 15 day ban.

Repeat offenders will get banned forever.

I don't mind if people want to debate about something...but we have a section just for debates and if you want to debate about something dealing with modding...then create a topic there and make it an actual debate rather then slinging baseless accusations back and forth between one another.

The rest of the staff know my plan as of now and are prepared to deal with anyone that tries starting crap. This just scares away new would be modders because they feel that they will be targeted due to asking for help or making their version of a mod that already exists.

I will be making big changes to the modding section of the forum and will be setting in some new requirements all modders need to meet. No exceptions! The reason for this is i and the other staff would like to keep things neat and organized and not have to wade through endless nonsense in order to get to what is needed/wanted.

Regarding mod releases:

I would like for all modders that release any mod to upload the mod directly to the BB file area and include a properly formatted ReadMe file with each mod they upload. I have coded up a ReadMe file generator program to assist in making these and this way you can put in anything that is important to the use...installation.....uninstallation....etc of each mod. Plus any other notes as you see fit to include. This will help keep the help threads from getting out of control with numerous threads about the same thing or same problem that xxxxx users are having with this or that mod.

I also would like to see a copy/paste of that same readme to be included in the mod upload topic as well so that this information will be seen by the members downloading them.

I also plan to add mini help topics for each released mod or for each modder to use as their own help topic in order to better serve the needs of the members who need help with this mod or that mod. I will be discussing this with the rest of the staff to see if they are on board with these changes to the modding section and maybe this way....I can show all of you the proper way a modding community NEEDS to be maintained.

I retired from active modding with the hopes that the rest of the modding community would take up the slack and provide everyone else with leadership and showing teamwork skills with one another in order to make this stand out above the rest....seems that I need to jump back in and start taking charge again in order to make sure our community becomes THE community for everyone to be part of...even if you join and don't play or mod bully at all....we are more then just a modding community.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 12:45:47 AM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »

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Re: Needs to change asap
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2015, 02:55:34 AM »
The number of topics I've had to chop up or remove entirely in the past couple months has reached ridiculous proportions.  Everyone needs to respect everybody else, and post in a civil manner.  I look at it this way, something posted on here becomes public property, for the use and enjoyment of all.  Point in fact, I posted a rather long story on here for all to read and enjoy, and the only thing I wanted in return was readers.  Not cash, not glory, just to give a good Bully story.  I got some ideas from other members, in fact incorporated a few members into the story.  I will never receive any compensation other than knowing others read and gained some enjoyment from reading the story.

So it should be with your Mods.  Much of these I understand is a collective effort, of discovery.....For the good of all.