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Author Topic: Spawning circle blips on ground  (Read 6201 times)

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Offline Unknownsoldier

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Spawning circle blips on ground
« on: July 09, 2015, 10:39:57 PM »
I know MadmaN made a similar tutorial for this, but that was for radar blips. Also, it was an old topic, meaning a reply on that thread would be a bump. So here are the blips:

Code: [Select]
BlipAddXYZ(X, Y, Z, 1, 0, Blip Type)

Blip types:
1 - Yellow Circle
2 - Blue Bouncing arrow
3 - Blue bouncing arrow
5 - Large Boucning Arrow Blue
6 - Hanger/Wardrobe Blip
7 - Yellow Circle
8 - Blue Circle
9 - Orange Circle
10 - Red Circle
11 - Yellow Circle
12 - Green Circle

The "1, 0" perimeters I have no idea what they do. I tried to see if it was just rotation, but I dunno right now.

And I think the green/blue door arrows are not just in scripts. MAYBE there is another argument, or possibly only trigger.

If you have any more, you can add onto this.

Here is DeadpoolXYZ's notes on them:
Code: [Select]


1. Blue cross
2. Prefect dot (only peds)
3. Big yellow cross
4. Dollar
5. Orange/Grey bell
6. Grey bell
7. -
8. Save book
9. Garage
10. Grocery store
11. Bike store
12. -
13. Haircut
14. Clothing store
15. Totem? (unused)
16. Parked bike
17. Yellow arrow
18. Sleep zzZZZ
19. Errand
20. Race
21. -
22. Tattoo
23. Hobo
24. Red star
25. Yellow star
26. Red cross
27. Ally dot (only peds)
28. Bus stop
29. Yellow cross
30. Blue cross
31. Big yellow cross
32. Yellow star
33. Red star
34. Red cross
35. Transitor
36. Rubberband
37. G&G Card
38. Gnome
39. -
40. -
41. Crash game

BLIPRADAR+ARROWCOMBINATION: (Color depends on blip type)

1. Radar blip only
2. Color arrow only
3. Radar blip only
4. Radar blip and color arrow
5. Radar blip and color arrow


1. Yellow circle
2. Blue arrow
3. Blue arrow
4. -
5. Big blue arrow
6. Clothing circle
7. Yellow circle
8. Blue circle
9. Orange circle
10. Red circle
11. Yellow circle
12. Green circle
13. -
14. -
15. -
16. -
17. Haircut circle
18. Big blue arrow


BLIPRADAR+ARROWCOMBINATION: (Color depends on blip type)

1. Radar blip only
2. Color arrow only
3. Radar blip and vision range
4. Radar blip and color arrow
5. Radar blip, vision range and color arrow

« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 10:21:11 PM by Unknownsoldier »

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: Spawning circle blips on ground
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2015, 11:11:58 PM »
This is a really cool discovery, nice job. I remember one of my old friends doing this before too but, they didn't share it with anyone.


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Re: Spawning circle blips on ground
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2015, 12:21:51 AM »
Made this a while ago maybe someone will find it useful:

Code: [Select]


1. Blue cross
2. Prefect dot (only peds)
3. Big yellow cross
4. Dollar
5. Orange/Grey bell
6. Grey bell
7. -
8. Save book
9. Garage
10. Grocery store
11. Bike store
12. -
13. Haircut
14. Clothing store
15. Totem? (unused)
16. Parked bike
17. Yellow arrow
18. Sleep zzZZZ
19. Errand
20. Race
21. -
22. Tattoo
23. Hobo
24. Red star
25. Yellow star
26. Red cross
27. Ally dot (only peds)
28. Bus stop
29. Yellow cross
30. Blue cross
31. Big yellow cross
32. Yellow star
33. Red star
34. Red cross
35. Transitor
36. Rubberband
37. G&G Card
38. Gnome
39. -
40. -
41. Crash game

BLIPRADAR+ARROWCOMBINATION: (Color depends on blip type)

1. Radar blip only
2. Color arrow only
3. Radar blip only
4. Radar blip and color arrow
5. Radar blip and color arrow


1. Yellow circle
2. Blue arrow
3. Blue arrow
4. -
5. Big blue arrow
6. Clothing circle
7. Yellow circle
8. Blue circle
9. Orange circle
10. Red circle
11. Yellow circle
12. Green circle
13. -
14. -
15. -
16. -
17. Haircut circle
18. Big blue arrow


BLIPRADAR+ARROWCOMBINATION: (Color depends on blip type)

1. Radar blip only
2. Color arrow only
3. Radar blip and vision range
4. Radar blip and color arrow
5. Radar blip, vision range and color arrow

Offline denizthebest

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Re: Spawning circle blips on ground
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2015, 11:42:38 AM »

Offline Shrimp

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Re: Spawning circle blips on ground
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2015, 03:04:22 PM »
Does anyone have the combonation for the Prefect one? When I try add it, It has a range but I just want a Red dot.
Set out like this.
AddBlipForChar(Ricky, 2, 2)


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Re: Spawning circle blips on ground
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2015, 03:14:16 PM »
Does anyone have the combonation for the Prefect one? When I try add it, It has a range but I just want a Red dot.
Set out like this.
AddBlipForChar(Ricky, 2, 2)

Try AddBlipForChar(Ricky, 0, 2, 1)

Ricky (your ped), 0 (idk what is this leave it as 0), 2 (red dot), 1 (adds the red dot blip to the radar)

Offline Shrimp

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Re: Spawning circle blips on ground
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2015, 03:32:44 PM »
Thank's, but some reason Vance has a Blue arrow on his head. I don't care really. Thank's; for the help anyway btw.

Offline Unknownsoldier

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Re: Spawning circle blips on ground
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2015, 04:58:31 PM »
Thank's, but some reason Vance has a Blue arrow on his head. I don't care really. Thank's; for the help anyway btw.


Try this:
AddBlipForChar(Vance, 6, 3, 3)