Some pretty good works right here. You should try the Autoshop gates got them working myself, also along with the Doors from the boss fight with Derby. The props are pretty interesting though most of them work with PAnimCreate and have their own valid animation's. I wonder why the props don't use regular action node sets its pretty weird. I also got the The Earnest boss fight super spud guns working somewhat. I am trying to figure out how to spawn my very own transformers for my Zombie mod now though.
AreaSetDoorLocked(TRIGGER._NERDPATH_BRDOOR, false)
PAnimOpenDoor(TRIGGER._NERDPATH_BRDOOR) Setting the very first door next to the library open or closed.
Gonna try messing with the observatory door seeing if I can spawn my very own. Also trying to spawn some barricades. PAnimGetPoolIndex("SC_ObservTrans", 33.179401397705, -130.37600708008, 10.680999755859, 1) This is the pool registered code but I can't figure out how to spawn the whole transformer at a set spot I will try playing with it eventually. I will put one near the autoshop.