May make this happen in freeroam. BTW I got all J_Mascot moves, the REAL ones except for Dizzy Headbutt.
Importing the mission script doesn't make the mascot spawn like in his boss fight with a healthbar and all the other stuff. In that case importing 2_B means that derby should spawn with his boss style in the boxing gym. Importing a mission script only enables a few features that only work in that mission, not the whole thing. For example like 80% of the funhouse interactuable stuff doesn't work unless you import the mission script (and I got the book trigger working only).
Also I literally posted the mascot nodes like a month ago in the nodes thread and all of a sudden you get excited by something that has
been there since forever.
About the dizzy headbutt it works pretty much like the tornado kick. In mission 2_B if certain conditions are met (derby has no bodyguards left) then the attack pattern of BOSS_Darby is changed to the chasing uppercut and G_Johnny is changed to the tornado kick. Well... in 4_05 if the mascot has a yellow healthbar then his attack pattern changes from the groin kick to the dizzy headbutt. And no, importing the script doesn't enable the headbutt unlike the tornado kick.
As I said before this is the exact same (incomplete) node that I posted, only with extra code to prevent jimmy from doing any other attack that is not the groin kick:
if IsButtonPressed(15, 0) then
PedSetActionNode(gPlayer, "/Global/J_Mascot/Offense/Short", "act/anim/J_Mascot.act")
until not PedIsPlaying(gPlayer, "/Global/J_Mascot/Offense/Medium/Strikes/LightAttacks", "act/anim/J_Mascot.act")
PedSetAITree(gPlayer, "/Global/PlayerAI", "Act/PlayerAI.act")