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Author Topic: Hostility towards New Members  (Read 3942 times)

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Offline SWEGTA

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Hostility towards New Members
« on: February 27, 2015, 11:08:54 AM »
I've noticed a lot of rude and snarky comments towards the new members. Mainly because of their lack of knowledge in Lua and Bully Modding overall.
Here's anf FYI: Not everyone on this planet is as knowledgeable as you in everything.
- This applies to the people who have been acting out towards the new folks.

It's very selfish, arrogant and makes you look like a dickhead when you insult new people like that (or anyone at all for that matter).
We're a community built on mutual respect and cooperation.

Would we rather have good modders who are rude, selfish and arrogant OR new people who are still learning and willing to listen?
I'd rather get rid of members from way back who are acting out, than be rude towards a new member.

So get off your high horse and learn how mutual respect works.
Whether or not someone is a "leech" or a "hoarder" doesn't matter. Move on.

No one is asking you to make these remarks and it only shows your true colors.

// Purple Bunny

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2015, 11:49:27 AM »
Well most of the new members says "do that for me" and rudely asks you to stuff over and over for them. I helped a newbie with a script and then he just said. "about time"  because i spend alot of time on his script.  That's how many newbies acts.  That's why some members are rude to new people

That's what i tried to explain in my topic that you locked for some reason.  To show respect, and to actually appreciate when somone is helping you.

But i do agree that Jedijosh and Unknown can calm down a little,
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 11:53:05 AM by Mick3Mouse »

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2015, 12:33:45 PM »
I agree with you Micke that I should calm down, but I've had past experiences with helping certain people and them saying they did it all by themselves. I promise to be nicer to newer members, and I'm sorry SWEGTA.

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2015, 01:29:30 PM »
Some people are mean, and undeserving. Like if they say "help with my mod now" or something without even asking nicely and showing no appreciation for your efforts, you shouldn't feel bad declining. Even if they are nice, you're not forced to help either. But, whatever the case that you're not helping is, you shouldn't attack back either as it really doesn't help anybody. Just delete them and move on with things more worth your time. So don't feel bad about not helping people who don't deserve it/aren't appreciative, but don't attack them either for it... they'll get the message eventually that treating everybody who may of wanted to help them like dirt will get them nowhere.

Offline SWEGTA

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2015, 04:16:05 PM »
If they show you no respect, then move on. Be the bigger person and show that you won't let them get to you.
We're all part of this great community and it does absolutely nothing good when we turn on each other.

I get that requests can be frustrating. Especially when people give you a huge list and just expect you to serve them with hours of work. I've had people request stuff and get really pissed off when I simply say "I don't take requests. Sorry."
- This is part of people though. Just ask anyone working in retail and they can give you tons of stories of people being ungrateful pricks.

I'll lock this thread now. I do appreciate you guys backing off and taking a different approach. This community needs it and it needs you.

Offline Parker Ogilvie

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2015, 06:34:00 PM »
Apologies if it seems like I'm kicking up the dust here but I just stumbled across the "Hostility towards New Members" thread and of course it’d already been concluded and locked from further discussion by around 4:00 pm earlier today (bl**dy time zone difference).

Again I appreciate it’s not really my place to comment on the subject as I don’t have much involvement in the modding sections, but as a relatively junior member I just wanted to say I've generally found everyone here really rather decent.

I’ll admit I'm not the sharpest pencil in the box and when I first joined the forum I definitely did my fair share of digging up old topics with nothing new to contribute and creating pointless threads about already well-known glitches and loopholes, but if anything I suppose I’d have rather the site’s more senior members be a little blunter with me at the time to save me the eventual embarrassment.

Obviously I can’t speak for anyone involved in these particular disputes over courtesy and gratitude in other threads but to be quite honest; SWEGTA, BloodChuckZ, Al Arlington and everyone else I've met here have been more than accommodating and it’s really made getting through that initial period of being new to the site just that much easier. :happy:

Sorry, I've got a rotten feeling this is in the wrong section but I just wanted to catch the tail end of the original thread.

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2015, 06:39:01 PM »
I don't even see why the original was locked... since well things were being civil and noone was argued, and the topic was still certainly up for more discussion by other people. And this is the modding section so... this post is good and in the right section.

So you're saying you'd rather have a blunt "Don't do that" then everyone being nice and walking away? That would help more.
We should tell newbies when doing something wrong and help well... guide them, but in a nice matter. "This is an old topic, you shouldn't bump topics that are a few months old unless you have something new to contribute" is good and helpful. "Fuck you, you dumb cunt. I fucking hate you. Don't bump this, you moron. I'm going to rip your mom's eyes out and fuck her in the skull for that. You fucking noob cunt... we don't need your meaningless bumps" is mean. (Okay maybe a lil exaggerate but, the point is, help rather than insult for fault)

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2015, 07:26:52 PM »
I'm not talking about someone correcting you, I'm talking about genuine hostility and rudeness.
We have removed quite a few posts these 2 first months and it has been getting out of hand.

When I locked the topic, it was to avoid people dropping names. I had already seen one user mention someone else and fear that if people namedrop, someone might take offense and get very defensive.

Again, I'm not talking about someone saying "Nice bump, man." and then moving on, I'm talking about people making snarky comments or even criticizing someone else's work.
We don't need that here.

I'll merge this with the original topic and unlock it. But this is just to clarify.

Offline DaBOSS54320

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2015, 10:12:08 PM »
Oh alright. I agree with all that then. And yeah this is about something a lil different, guess it went a lil off track there.

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2015, 11:48:47 PM »
I will say, I mostly like all the regulars that are on on the site here today (meaning, in the now, not JUST today).
The Newbies.....Well, they are an unknown factor until we get to know them. And, if anyone has noticed, may of them are from widely different parts of the Planet.
In the olden days, this site was started by an Aussie, and consisted of them and some Americans and Britts....Very few other countries.
Many Newbies now don't speaka our language and use Google to translate.  And it takes time for them to learn the proper etiquette for posting here.
So that's something we should bear in mind.  Courtesy can go a long ways, on the board and in real life. 

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2015, 09:32:59 AM »
Speaking of the olden days....Here's how things were handled then.....

Offline SWEGTA

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Re: Hostility towards New Members
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2015, 01:20:53 PM »
Speaking of the olden days....Here's how things were handled then.....

That conversation just made me cringe.