Something that I have always wanted to know is... how are we going to code our own scripts?
For example we all know that "gPlayer" is Jimmy so each time we want to make X change to Jimmy we will have to use that name as an argument for the functions (like PedSetWeapon(gPlayer, 305)). But how is it going to be with multiple players around? Each player has their own name so we can make changes to each one separately? what about peds?
Also are we going to be able to script custom respawn points? So we don't spawn in the boys dorm or the infirmary all the time.
And,how does that Noclip thing works?
Flag 43 determines whether a ped can go through walls or not. As far as I know it works on the player but I'm not sure about peds.
Every Player get's an unique ID ranging from 0-MAX_PLAYERS (not a permanent UID more an "slot" system based on every server), you are able to decide where the player spawns if he dies or first spawns.
Also, just for making it clear the server won't use bully's lua functions (which should be obvious) we provide a own set of lua functions all tailored to specific types of things as example Vehicles, Players.
Having multiple players requires also more thinking about the structure of your scripts, but it's still simple enough.
Hope this answers your question.