algie has a mum
Everyone has (or had) a mum, it's really (at least imo) just a question of how much they're a part of somebody's life. It's a bit hard to tell though since dialogue about family is really scarce and what we do have to work with doesn't really tell us much.
Examples: Bif mentions his father a bit but the things he says doesn't exactly let us know how close they are. Casey mentions his mom, dad, and sister but again we have no idea how much he likes or dislikes them.
On the other hand, Bo is clearly on good terms with his father, Bucky adores his grandmother, Bryce is pretty pissed at his father, Tad's father is an abusive dick, etc., and yet... we don't hear anything about how they feel about the rest of their family.
... I dunno, family relations is something I've always been curious about and I'm itching to know about what happens in the students' household and tons of other "off screen" stuff but this game really falls flat on those details.