After talking at length with Rise....I have decided to go ahead and cancel all work on this mod effective immediately.
One of the reasons for this is because I take teamwork very seriously and if at least ONE person on my team doesn't agree to something...then I will simply not take that action.
The other reasons for cancelling all work on this mod is simple: I am noticing a lot of bad feelings about this mod and the constant arguing and comparing it to super mod...etc etc etc and I just do not want to see conflict here on the forum.
I know this may anger some members here but this decision is for the best since in all reality, super mod does all the same things and while yes we do have working strafes and most of the fighting styles fully working....Rise simply believes that the community as it currently is just does not deserve access to a mod that we all have worked so hard and long on since there is simply just way too much arguing and constant begging (I have been getting a LOT of pms about this mod for some time now begging for early releases or a unfinished release and even begging for the source code) and while this may seem totally out of character for me to do this, I just cannot in good conscience release a mod that will just cause a lot of pointless squabbling and and contests over who has the best mod , which mod is most popular, who is the best modder, etc since those contests...while fun once in a while...really serve no functional purpose and just causes people to take sides and then things escalate from there.
The GTA community went down that same EXACT route and if we are not all careful...the Bully modding community will head down that exact same path and I don't want this to happen. The bully community has given me so much over the time I have been part of it and I have tried to give back the same in return.
So...that being said..I will be focusing on other mods and will immediately start work on finishing up the mega mod instead.
The mega mod will have a basic model selector but the functionality will be exactly the same as in the demo and no further since I will NOT release the other more refined stuff for the player selection if Rise is not ok with it and I will NOT release any of that behind his back. He has been a very faithful friend and team mate and I just cannot backstab him in that manner so I will ask that anyone wanting model selection to just stick with using the super mod instead.
The extra features that psmm was to have listed on this topic WILL be added to the mega mod like the vehicle selection...the menu systems.....the cheats....custom weapons....weather changing...mission selecting..etc but the core code for the psmm will remain out of the public eye and IF and a big IF...IF the community can show patience.....stop with the constant give me this , give me that, please release this early, please do this mod, etc and stop the conflict...and actually learn to work together...then Rise MIGHT change his mind later on and allow the full core code to be released in the form of a standalone single mod.....but this will be totally Rise's call to make and NOT mine. He did a lot of the core code anyways and rightfully owns the right to decide whether it should be released or not.
I do not want anyone to take this update personally and start rage posting or sending angry pm's or asking WHY I won't release the mod...since everything is explained here.
I am altering this topic so it no longer reflects a possability of a release since I don't want to confuse anyone and I am sorry if this makes anyone sad or angry...but this is the decision I and my team have come to and the reasons are very valid. I am sure quite a few members here that know my team and myself well will agree with this decision and support it and I ask that everyone else to please do the same.
I just don't want to spend all of my free time diffusing potential arguments over this mod when I can be using that time to finish writing my novel and making new and exciting mods for others to enjoy. This mod has just caused way too many problems and the community did kinda over hype things a lot with it which did not help matters any.
I will update the original mega-mod topic with new information in the next few days and with new screenshots showing progress and get that released hopefully by or before xmas and continue my modding duties in that manner.