Well, his username is an actual S-E Asian name, I do know that.
There was, at one time, a vice-president over there somewhere with that name.
Very old history, and I don't know just why I recall that.
Over here, 'KY' refers to the state of Kentucky.
I can't stop him from using 'my' Avatar...(well, I could), but as he is not copying the rest of my information onto his profile, I've let it pass.
Still, the proper thing to do is just not to copy anybody, and be your own person. I certainly don't feel the need to co-opt anyone's Avatar.
But...I've had Chucky Doll for too long, maybe.
The only other Avatar I've ever used was Bender, in my first year or so.
Maybe I should hunt me up, say....A bloody face or something.
But it would have to be a cool Avatar, like DaBoss.