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Author Topic: AvengingAngel saying hi :)  (Read 7454 times)

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Offline MadmaN

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Re: AvengingAngel saying hi :)
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2014, 04:55:18 PM »
To clear things up a bit....

BlackWidow happens to be MY former clan leader and the one who recruited me literally instantly into XF way back....I think if memory serves...was around mid 2004 give or take a month or two.....and my close friend |XF|-Llama was the one who arranged for us to meet since back then, I was very well known for running one of the best servers there was for avp2 (I was recruited on my own server!) and one of the most popular. It was almost always full but then....this was back when I ran a t3 line to my house too so....heh....well.....I was kinda pretty well known for that...among other things.

Flash forward a few months.....Wid appointed me to a species captain and I have held several species captain positions in XF...namely marine capt and alien capt before a short time later being promoted to a co-leader. Was instantly given the position of website admin as well which I held that position the entire time XF was active...even after geno, guth and I redid the clan and site.

To put things another way....XF was among the most feared and respected clans of the time when we were active and the avp2 community was still thriving.....but as with all things.....everything came to a unfortunate end when a former hacker wannabe that I literally took off of the face of the internet.....xJOONASx started going around and hacking ppls chat accounts and posing as them and basicly turning the entire community against itself.....he also was a known cheater who released a ton of cheats to the public which caused rampent cheating to rapidly ruin online play for everyone......I worked with a fellow modder by the name of bunny-s at the time to develop anti-cheat measures for the avp2 dedicated server app itself and XF was among the clans who beta tested all of the features.

Fast forward a couple more years.....Sierra ended up in the end shutting down the master server for avp2 which effectively ended the avp2 community and while the community still is around...barely anyone is playing these days.....I think DMH came back and I know ALPHA is still they kept things going since Rommie (another modder) perfected a master server patched dedicated server app as well as officially being the one for the new community master server that lets ppl continue to play the game......XF kinda dropped off the radar after that.

geno and I kept XF going though and we ended up going into several games for a while....the gta samp server that I created was among one of the most popular servers for that game which we ran for a while using several server mods that I coded (still have the big one) and a short while after that...the clan just became inactive...mostly due to noone agreeing upon specific games to play and adopt as our "home game".

That is just a very basic rundown of the history of XF for anyone that is curious.....I still wear my clan tags out of honor and also in the hopes to get the clan going again one day....since XF in all reality was the best thing that ever happened to me.....made a lot of great lifetime friends in XF as everyone can easily see here with Wid coming back and tracking me down like if I am very hard to find anyways...rofl. My reputation kinda makes hiding....a bit on the impossible side....hahaha.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 11:28:40 PM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »

Offline genozide

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Re: AvengingAngel saying hi :)
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2014, 07:06:00 AM »
hi multiankles..

long time no hiss..

About remaking XF.. A server will be no problem. Have actually been thinking about renting one recently as the game multiplayer now works without the saviour patch. Latest rommiemod would do it and can get a good deal with GD. For the clan i'm in atm we have a gameserver and ts3 server from them. Had several deals with them over the years.
The game still works and is a blast. Seen some friends get interested in it. But the biggest issue will be members. Active members. The rest is just a matter of how and when.
I miss the "bugmatrix". Will help if need be and when i can.

EDIT: the domains are still alive too.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 11:18:52 AM by genozide »

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: AvengingAngel saying hi :)
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2014, 10:55:30 AM »
So is this the one you've been telling me about this whole time, Mad?

Hehe, welcome aboard, Spider (or something, I dunno).
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 09:37:28 AM by Red Blaster »

Offline AvengingAngel7

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Re: AvengingAngel saying hi :)
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2014, 12:43:43 PM »
Mad and Geno.......... wow...well.....I'm speechless!

It all seems surreal, all these years have passed by and here we are!

Blasts from the pasts but awesome ones' :)

To everyone else, I'm |XF|- BlackWidow (wow been a while since used tags) aka Scouse Spider amongst other names. I was quite disliked by
the hackers and arseholes in AVP2 because I told it how it was and would tolerate no crap! Also being a kick ass female sniper didn't help, a lot of the males didn't like gettting their arses handed to them by a woman :)

@RedBlaster - Please do tell what Mad has been saying about me, I'm curious, Spiders are ;)

@Shay - Hi, Mad's pretty much covered how we met

@Everyone else - Thank you for the warm welcome, much appreciated and kind from people of whom I don't know and vice versa :)

I feel like I need a drink but it's too early, 17:40 GMT in Liverpool, UK.
Fond memories, so much to catch up on...... xx

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Re: AvengingAngel saying hi :)
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2014, 04:24:56 PM »
Brit Girls are Super.   :cheernutz:     We've had several on here in the past.

Offline MadmaN

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Re: AvengingAngel saying hi :)
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2014, 10:10:04 PM »
Well....Wid (I always got a bad habit of shortening ppls nicks....haha) happens to be someone who I hold in very high regard and respect very highly.

She is partly responsible for me being who I am today when it comes to my drive to do things. Whether that be taking a leadership position on something or trying to help people...or just generally having a good attitude with people. She also is someone that I consider to be a second mother to me in a way because of how close we both got as far as friendship went. Wid,  geno, guthix and myself happen to be extremely close when it comes to our friendship and in all reality...we are basicly just one large worldwide family...hehe.

I do have to admit that Wid.....I seriously owe you a match one of these days on avp2....since whenever we had a usually was a stalemate....haha.....not many ppl can fight even up with me on that game....but you, geno, guth and TeCup aka Phrieze are able to.....haven't talked with Phrieze in longer then we idea what he is up to anymore....probably still going strong as a hair dresser.....

Anyways Wid...while I have added you to my steam acct....I rarely am on it but am trying to get on that more often now in order to talk to geno since he is almost never on xfire these days due to his new clan he is part of....which is keeping him very very busy. But sending a pm to me here or posting a msg somewhere around here is the best surefire method to get hold of me since I get email alerts for every pm sent to my inbox...I do try to be on xfire as often as I can spare...but here lately dad has been keeping me very busy along with ain't easy being a jack of all trades....rofl. My services around here tend to come into high demand when warm weather is around so....

That said...I am glad you managed to find me you did...I have no clue...but I do know you have this way of knowing where I am and well....due to what I have accomplished here with the community....and the wonderful work I and many other great modders here have done....well ...lets just say that I am kinda starting to be a household name anymore and am too well known in the modding circles to bother trying to hide.....kinda hard to do I think...heh.

If you stick around will see why I call BB my home this community has some of the most wonderful people to chat with and have as friends....Just about everyone on here is a friend to me and I to them and we basicly are just one big family that sticks together. Reminds me of how XF was back in the day since we were much the same....a bit smaller prehaps...but we did stick together through thick and thin and that to me..matters a lot.

Reminds me...I should show you my latest artworks since I now do 3d art on a professional level (wish I did it as a career...but thats another story) and am in the process of writing a fantasy story of which I am still designing all of the characters for....and will also be doing all of the art for it as well....not many authors can lay claim to not only writing the books...but also doing all of the art on their own too. So this should be something special once I get it to teh publishing stage. Figured now that I got plenty of time on my hands...might as well try my hand at writing and see how much fun I can have with it. Since I seem to be reminded a lot of how good my writing ability is. Might as well put it to good use.  8)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 12:18:29 AM by |XF|-MadmaN[AR] »

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Re: AvengingAngel saying hi :)
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2014, 12:39:04 AM »
Yeah...Write a story, Mad.  That, I'd like to read.

Show her some of your Renders, also.
They are really awesome.  :cheernutz:

Offline MadmaN

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Re: AvengingAngel saying hi :)
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2014, 01:21:05 AM »
here very soon...I will post a couple chapters to see what everyone thinks of it....this will give me a better idea what to expect as far as general public opinion goes for this....since I do value everyone's opinions as you all well know.

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Re: AvengingAngel saying hi :)
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2014, 10:25:52 AM »
Haii welcome to our family

Offline Red Blaster

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Re: AvengingAngel saying hi :)
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2014, 06:42:45 PM »
@RedBlaster - Please do tell what Mad has been saying about me, I'm curious, Spiders are ;)

Nothing but great things about the time you two were running the clan together (like how, as you say, you were one hell of a sniper on AvP2, or how you were not one to be crossed on the forums back in the day, hehe). Is that enough info for the Spider? :P