I felt kind of bad about the girl's reactions to tell the truth, even though it's just their reaction to Jimmy being in the dorm and they even say "pervert" and "it's a boy" sometimes.
Also, I found a new, much more simple way to make the second twin appear.
Using the Super Mod, choose Delilah's skin and then warp to the Freak Show. Inside, change your style to TO_Siamese and Jezebel will appear. Then just warp to any place outside, and she'll be there. She will be glitched, so just choose the TO_Siamese style again and they will be normal.
But I'm still curious about what caused her to appear in the other occasions I didn't do this. I was just playing normaly, without ever going to the Freak Show or playing as Delilah previously. It's weird because I chose Delilah and the TO_Siamese style many times before, and this never happened except in the Freak Show tent. I was messing with the mods for a while before it happened.
I wonder if it's possible to find out what causes her to appear in the game files?