All the factions
Prefect = 0
Nerd = 1
Jock = 2
Dropout =3
Greaser =4
Preppy = 5
Student = 6
Cop = 7
Teacher = 8
Townsperson = 9
ShopKeep = 10
Bully = 11
Player2 = 12
Player1 = 13
they are in the attitude.dat file
And the code to make a faction hate another faction is this :
PedSetTypeToTypeAttitude(2, 13, 11)
The first number is the faction who will change is attitude at the other faction
The second is the faction who the first faction will hate,ignore etc..
And the third one is the Respect they have for example if you put 1 will hate you
Here is all the numbers :
0 = Abhor
1 = Averse
2 = Dispassionate
3 = Dig
4 = Adore