I have another question. The code you (Walter20210) gave me:
MissionSetup = function()
local l_1_0 = 270
local l_1_1 = -110
local l_1_2 = 6.4000000953674
AreaTransitionXYZ(0, l_1_0, l_1_1, l_1_2)
PedSetTypeToTypeAttitude(2, 13, 2)
PedSetTypeToTypeAttitude(1, 13, 2)
PedSetTypeToTypeAttitude(4, 13, 2)
PedSetTypeToTypeAttitude(5, 13, 2)
PedSetTypeToTypeAttitude(6, 13, 3)
PedSetTypeToTypeAttitude(11, 13, 2)
MissionCleanup = function()
gMissionRunning = false
It works almost perfectly, but the only problem I have is that time, classes, and missions all disappear from the game completely. I'm guessing that I need a code to set the game, after using this modded mission, into a specific state in time in the story (i.e. Chapter 2 Mission 3) so that it can load all the other circumstances that come with that state in time, including being able to do missions and go to classes. I think the code is:
DATLoad("2_03.DAT", 2)
Is that correct? And if so, does this belong under MissionSetup or MissionCleanUp? Or, is there something else to it?