E2: I also unsubbed from him after being, well, fairly rude to those he actually inspired.
I've got someone who inboxed me saying "Thanks sooooo much u are the greatest youve inspired me to make resident evil peds and weapons to gta sa"
After reading that, I felt a lil bit happier.
I did as well, I liked a lot of his videos but I honestly didn't feel interested to go to his channel anymore. I respect him as one of the best Bully modders, though.
Fixed it for ya.
You accidently put [/quote] twice.
But yeah, I still respect him as a modder, as he was the 3rd person in the world to make a Bully to GTA SA conversion. (He converted Vance)
1st: Some Chinese guy made a poor conversion of Jimmy.
2nd: $ Niki $: HD Jimmy Hopkins (June 2010)
3rd: Governementman123: Vance Medici (July 2010)
4th: Diego4fun: A small Bully pack. (Summer 2011)
5th: Me: LOADS of peds, weapons, vehicles and maps. (March 2012 - now)