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Author Topic: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun  (Read 8177 times)

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Offline Al Arlington

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[WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« on: March 31, 2012, 01:12:50 PM »
Hello Bully-Board.
I have started modding/hacking my Nintendo Wii and I have done pretty damn well except when I use the "Every Weapon" hack/mod I get to the BB Gun and my Wii freezes on me.
Kinda like this video: At 4:44 But instead it's not a glitch, it's a hack/mod.

Any help here?
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 01:22:47 PM by Johnny Vincentfan1 »

Offline MadmaN

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2012, 02:11:37 AM »
The reason behind this is because the bbgun is missing some scripting to allow it to be used as a pickup item/weapon since it is only meant to be used in the shooting gallery.

Steman and I ran into this problem ourselves back when we were doing the model id lists in hex and the bbgun along with other things were causing crashes upon either spawning the item or trying to pick it up. The joke candy which is a deleted item also does that.

You can tho give peds the bbgun via pedstats on the pc version but they hold the gun wrong and if they drop cannot pick it up without crashing the game.

I hope to fix this with the lua scripts but rather then make it a actual weapon in your inventory, I plan on replacing the potato gun on the tripod outside the observatory with the bbgun itself on the very same tripod....might be

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2012, 05:55:38 PM »
Joke candy?
lol sounds interesting. :D

Anyway, I'm running the Wii version I cannot install your mod if you release it. :/
Also I found a "Super Spud Gun" in the World.img.
If you have trouble rendering it in Bully, I'll rig it for SA so you can see what it looks like.

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2012, 09:46:54 PM »

Maybe we can work together on a mod I have planned at some point in teh future.

Planning to combine the gta san andreas world map with the bully one since I know how san andreas uses its world map...which is pretty similar to the bully map.

I can explain in further detail if you want to know what I have planned.

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2012, 08:57:48 AM »
I have extracted the schools.nif files but I cannot find the schools .nft files. :/
Also I have no clue on making maps.

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2012, 12:55:06 PM »
I have a map editor for bully that is in a unfinished alpha stage for when this gets to where I actually have time to work on it. The map editor is not released yet due to some things it needs that are not present in the game files.

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2012, 06:42:18 AM »
Seriously, There needs to be a Bully modding site. Kinda like GTAGarage.

Also it'd be cool making own maps for Bully, but like the SA map editor, wouldn't it cause crashes/bugs if you spawn objects in the middle of paths in missions?
Say in the mission "Fighting Johnny Vincent" if someone spawned the Boy's Dorm in the path, wouldn't it render that mission unplayable?

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2012, 05:05:44 PM »
There is a bully modding site that I have been working on and it will be unvielded this week to the public with a link put in a post here.

I also have purchased a domain name for this too so....Soon as I get the domain name sorted and I finish the last bits on the site in the next day or so....I will have it up.

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2012, 05:26:26 PM »
Well it's about time someone opened a Bully only modding website.
Just a few pointers from what I learnt on GTA Modding websites.

1.)Let there be a sign up section so users can upload there own mods.
2.) Create various sections E.G have 1 section dedicated to data mods, another dedicated to textures and another (maybe) for new models for Bully. That'll stop users getting confused. Maybe add a console modding section too.
3.) Make sure the uploads consist of the authors own work. That'll stop flame wars. Believe me I have seen countless arguements on GTAGarage saying "OMG u stole my work!!! fuking n00b! u suk!!"
4.) If you can, try to include some sceenies of the the mod. That way then it'll  help users download mods that they are looking for.
5.) Do NOT make someone an admin just because they ask. Only let people who have uploaded mods and helped others out if they had trouble installing etc. Or maybe make some people here temporary admins. (Not me since I don't offically mod Bully, but people like Bullymodder123?)

Also when your site is up, Tell me and I'll advertise it on my YouTube channel. Maybe on my Bully videos.

Hey! that reminds me! I could upload my Bully mods from Wii. (Infinate health and no trouble for Wii?)

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2012, 05:52:15 PM »
Heh....already ahead of ya m8 on the design and other stuff....

Far as sign ups goes....that will be on the fileserver itself and I plan to add a dropbox that lets anyone upload somthing and if it checks out as not not malicious and so on...then after all that checks out will be added.

I dont plan to have any form based system on the main site for sending any data since this allows sites to be easily hacked and the server as well depending on the hack....hacker themselves and so on.

As far as your WII mods goes, all mods are welcome and I will have a section each for each console version of bully as well as the pc version. The pc version will be the main highlight of the site due to its ease of modding and my modding bible once done will be the main feature for ppl to download or view on the site.

I have a very rough design done....its been done for about three months and has been on the backburner while I work on other projects. I also have been preparing the server itself that this site will reside on and I should have a fully functional public site sometime this week. I won't give a exact ETA on this for many reasons....but lets just say that I have basicly been biding my time on creating a site and waiting until there is enough modding material to work with since why put a site up if there is barely any mods? Serves no real purpose...but now that we have plenty of mods....this will be the right time.

The site uses html5 and has a nice menu system which is already in place and properly named but I will have to add to the menu and reorganise things so that each section is correctly placed for each area.

Later on down the road I will design a complete flash site for this to make it fancier and more eye well as be very functional and be a major frusteration for anyone that attempts to hack it.

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2012, 07:35:31 AM »
Sweet, but if the website is based on your IP (most sites are) you got to have a damn good anti-virus since I do know how to shut down websites from my own PC (Don't worry I won't do it to you) and if they don't have anti-virus, the attack will go on and temporarily shut the website down.
If you have good anti-virus however, the attacks will be blocked and your site will remain safe.
How To Shut Down Someone's PC Using CMD

I know this from personal experience.

Plus also as well (you probably know this) but make sure your password is a sentence and consists of letters and numbers it'll be harder to detect that way. Also make it don't make it obvious by naming it after you something you like, try naming it after something you secretly like.
5had0wm053515land (Shadow Moses Island)
(Also I writ that incase anyone who has trouble with passwords or internet security so it'll come up on Google and more people will get re-directed here.)

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2012, 02:21:39 PM »
Good tips m8. But I personally already know all of that myself. My server uses a completely custom security system which is built into my network so I don't worry too much about attacks like that.

That remote shutdown app you showed a screenshot of basicly does ddos attacks on a specific ip that you name and at the same time uses a few very well known windows exploits to shut the server down.
However....this type of app won't work on mine since mine is unix based and has filtering in place to help deal with if you did try shutting that would be at it for quite a long time before you would likely gain any result.

And then there is the part with my hand tailored virus guard dog that is on my network that attacks any remote ip that attempts certain hacks. There is no way to avoid getting infected since it takes less then a second to infect someone with it and less then 10 seconds before it does its work. This is one that can damage hardware and most modern hardware is vulnerable to it due to nearly everything using firmware thats writable. Firewalls will not block it nor will any antivirus because it is undetectable and since it is not released to the wild....I have no worries of it being detected. So it basicly happens to be my last line of defense.

It has already proven itself useful since a few ppl have already been nailed bigtime with it with a couple actually tracking me down in person to apologize for trying to hack me......heh

maybe one day I may see if i can market this as a solution for businesses to protect their networks since its quite a nasty little critter when it is doing its dirty work....but at the same time....there is a legal grey area over using such a defense.

At any rate, my passwords are pretty hard to bruteforce.....while not completely nothing really is, it would keep someone busy for a very very long time....and as really not worth any real hackers time.

I am going to suggest a section here dealing with computer problems and security to chrissy and the others and see if somthing like that would help ppl since I do have a lot of knowledge in that area and you seem to as well.....maybe we could teach some of the members here a thing or two about keeping virus free and safe online, plus this can also help draw more ppl to modding bully on the side.

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2012, 05:01:20 PM »
Lol neat.
But believe me, someone will have the amount of time on there hands to wait for your password. The kind of person who hasn't seen daylight in ages.

I do know a bit on computers myself, but nothing like how to create a new program etc.
Aside from modding my best skill in IT is internet problem solving and why Windows won't boot up.

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2012, 05:53:48 PM »

IT Problem solving and things like that are good skills to have and build on.

My own skills and knowledge span many areas and while I am no expert by far.......I am the closest thing to one on this forum and I take this stuff very seriously.

On a side note.....I am almost done coding the upload system which works on a account based setup as I mentioned above (I think) and not every single person who asks will get a account. Accounts will be based on contributers only since the accounts are only for uploading. No account is required for downloading since I personally could care less who downloads what. Just as long as said downloaders don't try to re-upload what they have downloaded as their work when it is someone else's.

My site is by no means a replacement for bully-board....however I do consider and will always consider bully-board my main base of operations and think of my site as a more organized mirror of all things bully related from here.  8)

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Re: [WII] Bully Crashes When Rendering BB Gun
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2012, 07:32:29 PM »
You also put a sly advert in by saying "Having trouble with Bully modding? Post a topic here and we'll try to help"

So the system of your website is similar to GTAGarage? Anyone can download but only registered people can upload?
As I meantioned, I'll advertise it on my YouTube account when it's up.
My subbers are either Nintendo, GTA or Bully fans and modders. Maybe even all 3, lol.