Hello, I have been wanting a new clique called the slum kids. They have a gang and I wan't mostly dropout's retextured for it, however keeping the dropouts. I canot make this clique since i have no idea how to, so I was wondering if a helpful member from our board could make them for me.
I will list details below.
Leader: Jack Sampson (Gurney retexture please!)
SIC(Second in Command): Reece Woodford (Otto Retexture)
Peter Walsh (Omar Retexture)
Randy Kip (Leon Retexture)
Ryan Rourk (Clint Retexture)
Danny Peterson (Duncan Retexture) (Also please could Daniel attend the Academy?)
Dropouts: 0%
Preppies: 50%
Nerds: 50%
Bullies: 50%
Greasers: 0%
Jocks: 50%
Hangouts: Several allie's in Bullworth, 1 or 2 uncommonly spotted in Blue skies, In New Coventry(Allies too) Found Everywhere (except bullworth) at night. Attending classes (For Daniel)
I would not mind if several things are unable to be made. Just post them down here and I will tell you if it is fine. Ok hope you can make it!