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Author Topic: Family related dialogue  (Read 7624 times)

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Offline Hayley

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Family related dialogue
« on: March 02, 2012, 02:06:34 PM »
I started these ages ago and yeah they're nowhere near complete. I'm just posting what I have done because I can.

I'll do little updates to this when I feel like it~


- My mom calls me “Prince Algie.” She says I’m really special. L-like a prince, ya’know?
- Mommy told me to always wash my hands!
- Thanks Jimmy! Here’s the cash. I’ll tell my mom that not everyone at Bullworth is mean.
- Um, I gotta go call my mommy. Heh.
- Why hasn’t mommy called me yet? I wonder if she’s mad at me.
- Pathetic loser? I’m not a pathetic loser. Mom says I’m not.
- I’m going to tell my mommy about!
- I wonder what mom would say.
- My mommy says that lots of kids pee in their bed, and it’s totally normal.
- Ooooo, I have to tell my mommy that.
- What I hate the most about school is that my mom can’t read me my bedtime stories.
- I bought clean pants this morning, just like mommy told me to.
- Mommy calls me her precious Prince Algernon hehehe.
- My mom says I’m really special.
- Mommy writes me everyday. She’s so nice.
- Mommy never would let me.
- My mom still thinks I’m a winner!
- Mom says I have a real temper! You’ll see!
- I want my mommy!
- Mommy, where are you?
- Why did mom cut my hair like that?
- I’m gonna tell my mommy!
- I’m gonna phone my mom and tell her about that!
- Why am I even looking? Mom does all my shopping anyway.
- If my mommy was here, she would be so angry.
- At least my mom doesn’t hate me!
- Please don’t hurt me! My mom will be upset!
- My mom says I’ll win, haha.
- I’m going to tell my mommy!
- I can’t wait to tell my mom we won!

- If I don’t get that A, my mom will be so disappointed.
- I can’t tell mom about that at all! She’d be so mad!
- My parents are totally stressing me out. I worry about disappointing them.
- I usually get good marks, so my parents are pretty happy.
- I better not let mom see me wear that.
- My mom says tattoos are for criminals.

Beatrice: None so far.

- Wait ‘til I tell my father! He’s an attorney!
- My dad’s jet is way more exciting.
- My father donated all that money to build the new library, and yet I’m still forced to go to classes with these grease balls.
- I think my dad’s gonna bulldoze some low income housing. That should eliminate some of the losers in this school.
- My dad is so gonna fire yours!
- Oh, mommy!

- I should call the folks tonight.
- My old man says he thinks I’m the best QB he’s seen since ‘86.
- My dad told me he use to go to school with a kid who had four hands but no feet.
- My old man has a hat like that. You got class, kid.
* So, you ever been deer hunting with your old man? [listing this because, to me, it sounds like Bo has due to his obvious closeness to his father *shrug*]

- I’m sorry, dad! I’m sorry I failed you! You too, grandpa!
- Winning is the only way my dad will think I’m a man!

- Father has a team of attorneys, you know!
- “Son, I lost a bundle in the stock market,” he says. What if the others find out?
- And we’re the only family at Golf and Yacht without a boat!
- Why doesn’t mom divorce the bum? Oh, ‘cause dad has no money anyway.
- The real truth is my inheritance has gone to my father’s gambling, booze, and women.
- Dad says people only respect two things: money and influence.
- Father says lairs and scoundrels are the ones who make it to the top.
- Father tells me my inheritance is so vast the bank had to open a new branch to manage it.
- The Golf and Yacht Club begged father all last summer to lend my services to them.
- My parents have sheltered me from such realities.

- I’m gonna take off. Granny is calling me.
- Oh, come on! My granny bought me that bike when I was six!
- You know what, I forgot I have to give granny a bath tonight. See ya.
- Sitting on my grandma’s knee is more fun than that piece of crapola.
- Granny’s always talking about weird stuff. She’s pretty smart, though.
- Granny says that Mandy girl is a tart. But all the boys think she’s sweet, I don’t get it!
- Mr. Galloway called me special. Same as my grandma does. Cool, huh?
- My grandma says Dr. Crabblesnitch is a knob and no-good sinner!
- I think my granny is going crazy, but she really likes cats.
- My granny’s gonna throw a party for me ‘cause she loves me so much!
- Owww! Granny's gonna be so angry!
- Who dresses you, your grandma?! …wait… ah…
- Granny says to stay away from that stuff!
- That is nasty! *coughs* Worse than grandma’s feet!
- Granny said if I fight again I’m chopped liver.

- Anyways, Edna. Maybe you could give some recipes to my mom some time?
- Dude. That’s my sister you’re talking about.
- Galloway is hitting the bottle again for sure. Just like dad.

- So I asked mother why can’t I access my trust fund yet. I mean, I’ll be eighteen in a couple of years anyway. […] She said it was for my future. That I should be grateful she was looking out for me.
- Don’t tell my dad I’m doing this.
- You know who my dad is?
- No care package from mother this month.
- I failed biology and my dad won’t pay for an A.
- No. Daddy says I’m meant for bigger things.
- Dad wouldn’t let me get steroids!
- Hit me hard and my daddy sues.
- Call my daddy! Call my lawyer!
- Hello. My dad owns a very large conglomerate.
- My daddy’s going to sue! Everybody! *cries*

Christy: None so far.

- I wish my mom would get off the cough syrup.
* Please…! I got three kids to feed! [although I still believe this is a load of bull, I’m listing it anyway]

- Did I ever tell you that my parents actually dislike me?
- You shoot worse than my mom.

- Mr. Galloway smells like my grandfather.
- I failed myself! … Mommy!
- My mommy always said, “If you can’t say something kind, better to say nothing at all.”
- Mommy! Help me!
- Oh, I want my mommy!

- Perhaps. Either way it belongs to my daddy and I won’t have those few loaders uh… freeload! [oh god preppy Damon]
- My dad is going to kill me.

* [Said by Cornelius] Thad’s older brother Dan thinks he’s all tough now.

Duncan: None so far.

* [Said by Dan] That’s right Ernie, go home to your mama!

Edward: None so far.

Gurney: None so far.

- I hope mom doesn't find out what I'm doing!
- I'm worried my mom will find out that I dropped out of school.
- B-but my pop left me!
- Ever since my pop left, everything's gone wrong!

* [Said by Chad] Johnny Vincent’s parents are in jail.

* [Said by Chad] Pinky’s dad just bought her an ice cream factory. Like, the whole thing.


Note that I have gone through the files for Beatrice, Christy, Duncan, Edward, and Gurney, but they don't mention anything about family. However, other's might mention something which I why I simply put, "None so far."
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 02:10:24 PM by Hayley »

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2012, 10:04:26 PM »
These are Great, HayLo.  Stick in more when you can.  Some of these I recall, but others I don't remember ever hearing.  I've always been curious about the family connections of the characters.


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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 10:10:57 AM »
Why am I just noticing this now? Anyways, nice job!

Offline Ethansaboss

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2012, 10:31:36 PM »
Doesnt Zoe say stuff about her mom

Offline Hayley

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2012, 10:32:45 PM »
I believe so.

Offline SWEGTA

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2012, 03:11:03 AM »
Nice post!  :euro:

Offline Binky

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2012, 04:57:43 AM »
Jerry says "Since Pop left everythings gone down the drain" after being swirlied


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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 11:59:45 AM »
He also says something about his Mom and how he hopes she won't find out what he's doing.

Offline Binky

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2012, 12:55:28 PM »
Yeah, something like "Mom will have to know I dropped out someday" Or something like that

Offline Hayley

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2012, 02:11:58 PM »
Added Jerry's quotes.

I should start doing these again... maybe I'll do a few more later.

Offline Hayley

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2012, 08:42:34 PM »
... was there a need to quote all that. :'D

Also I don't see what jiu-jitsu has to do with family. :P

Offline Erik

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2012, 08:50:21 PM »
Also I don't see what jiu-jitsu has to do with family. :P

I just started cracking up when I read this.   :laugh:

Offline Hayley

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2012, 08:51:51 PM »
... am I missing something here. :'D

Offline Erik

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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2012, 09:05:41 PM »
If you are, then so am I.   :ajajaxh5:


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Re: Family related dialogue
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2012, 10:53:15 PM »
He also says something about his Mom and how he hopes she won't find out what he's doing.

It was Jerry's first quote Hayley has listed. That's the one I thought of.