... I still don't want to listen to Angie's voice files to dig up this "dark side" of hers. Derrrr.
… Sheldon? Um. He's a brat. He gives me the impression that he wants to be a troublemaker, but just doesn't have the nads to do so (pull the fire alarm, put a firecracker in the toilet... hence why he asks Jimmy to do these things for him).
In addition, he seems like he'd like to bully others. After being swirled, he'll say: "I can't wait until I'm big enough to do this to someone!" There's other quotes as well, such as, "You know, I might just punch you!" and "I wanna punch you!"
Also, the whole "teacher's pet" thing makes him a bit of a douche if you ask me. Threatening to rat people out for minor things and whatnot. Like he feels untouchable or something just because he's close to a few teachers. Or whatever. What am I trying to say here zxcnkeawlk
… meh. I don't even know why I'm going on about this buttmunch.
No matter how nice certain people may act, everybody at Bullworth is a dick in one way or another.