WAHOO!, thank fuck for that!, and congratulations!
, hopefully more people will be able to follow this tut, nice one dead, its not so difficult once u know how its done is it?, and this is the same method as many other mods you can create with this, like for vehicles and weapons etc, you just change the same thing, the models id's of what needs changing into others of your choosing, the possibilites are endless,
...erm yea about that problem, sadly i don't think this is changeable for now
, me and mad have at least glanced at this problem but not delved into it, and we think that this is because when bodyguareds/peds are spawned, they are spawned to do a certain action which is triggered somewhere in that script (we havn't looked for it yet), eg like hold your hand or cheer like the 2nd bodyguards problem is, their is a somewhat poor remedy for this (which is better than nothing) but by spawning the 2nd model with a weapon in pedstats this is fixed as it changes the spawned peds animation, thus making them useable in fights, at least the clothing problem was fixed today, and yea im sure theirs other files out their which spawn you with bodyguards where the same method can be applied