Hey I would like if the admins will add my own version to this tutorial like greasers did with Stemans and Madmans tutorials.
I am c00ld0c26 and I know that there is already a tutorial about this but I am making this for the ones who fit a diffrent kind of explansion.
So lets start should we?
All you need is a notepad.Where is pedstats.dat?Pedstats.dat will be found at your bully folder like this : C(Or D which driver that you saved your bully fille on)/Bully (Or how ever you called it)/Config/dat/Pedstats.dat
How do I open the fille?Right click on the fille and put your mouse on the "open with..." option and Notepad will be shown.
If not then add it to there by pressing "Chooce default programm" something like that , My computer is not set to english so the buttons I say to press wont be 100% the same as I write. Make sure you unbox the little box at the side that says "Use as default programm". after you chooce notepad it will always be at the "open with" option.
I have open the fille what is all of this? Okey as you open the fille you will see the following :
# A: PedStat type name (must be unique)
# B: Id of pickup def (c. Pickups.dat)
# C: Likelihood (n/100) of dropping an item
# D: Vision Yaw (in degrees) - note this is total yaw and not angle from facing direction (which is this value / 2)
# E: Vision Range (in metres)
# F: Max Health (n/100)
# G: Health regeneration rate - percentage of maximum rate (n/100)
# H: Fear (n/100)
# I: Chicken (n/100) (chance of tattling/ yelling for help)
# J: Attack Frequency (n/100)
# K: Bike Attack Frequency (n/100)
# L: Projectile Attack Accuracy (n/100)
# M: Projectile Attack Frequency (n/100)
# N: Block Frequency (n/100)
# O: Evade Frequency (n/100)
# P: "Aggresion (n/100) (how likely are they to initiate a fight, and how likely they are to contnue it)"
# Q: Criminality
# R: Sprint Meter
# S: Character Class
# T: Preferred Combat Zone (0/1/2 = short/medium/long)
# U: "Preferred Orientation (Bit field: 0001 front, 0010 side, 0100 back. So front+side = 011 = 3, and 111 = 7)"
# V: Animation Speed factor (100 = 100% speed)
# W: Zone Promote
# X: Special Meter
# Y: Special Points
# Z: Bike Cruise Speed
# AA: Bike Top Speed
# AB: Bike Wait Speed
# AC: Bike Flee Distance
# AD: Bike Catchup Distance
# AE: Bike Wait Distance
# AF: Bike Projectile Usage (n/100)
# AG: Damage_Scale
# AH: Dive probability
# AI: "Tenacity (n/100), indicates how tough they are to knock down or off a bike"
# AJ: Evasion (n/100)
# AK: Bike Flee Speed
# AL: Bike Follow Speed
# AM: Bike Catchup Speed
# AN: Grap1Reversal (Strikes)
# AO: Grap2Reversal (Grapples)
# AP: Night weapon
# AQ: "Name of the bike model which the ped can ride (""""None"""" if the ped can't ride any bike)"
# AR: "Name of the bike model which the ped can ride (""""None"""" if the ped can't ride any bike)"
# AS: "Name of the bike model which the ped can ride (""""None"""" if the ped can't ride any bike)"
# AT: Likelihood (n/100) of having a weapon
# AU: Weapon slot 1: Type of melee/projectile
# AV: Weapon slot 1: Amount of Ammo
# AW: Weapon slot 1: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon - HIGHEST NUMBER WINS
# AX: "Weapon slot 1: Available after mission (use ""init"" to signify start of game)"
# AY: Weapon slot 2: Type of melee/projectile
# AZ: Weapon slot 2: Amount of Ammo
# BA: Weapon slot 2: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon
# BB: "Weapon slot 2: Available after mission (use ""init"" to signify start of game)"
# BC: Weapon slot 3: Type of melee/projectile
# BD: Weapon slot 3: Amount of Ammo
# BE: Weapon slot 3: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon
# BF: "Weapon slot 3: Available after mission (use ""init"" to signify start of game)"
# BG: Weapon slot 4: Type of melee/projectile
# BH: Weapon slot 4: Amount of Ammo
# BI: Weapon slot 4: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon
# BJ: "Weapon slot 4: Available after mission (use ""init"" to signify start of game)"
# BK: Stun Resistance (n/100) how resistant a ped is to stunning
# BL: "Ped can be knocked down (0 = no, 1+ = yes)"
# BM Percent health at which the ped can be humiliated in combat
I will explain a bit more about each if you dont understand what it says :
# A: PedStat type name (must be unique) -
The name of the ped, dont change this.# B: Id of pickup def (c. Pickups.dat) -
Which Item the ped will drop when knocked out.# C: Likelihood (n/100) of dropping an item -
If you put more then 100 it will drop items more often.# D: Vision Yaw (in degrees) - note this is total yaw and not angle from facing direction(which is this value / 2) -
I think its there vision rate I aint sure..# E: Vision Range (in metres) -
This is the peds vision range in meters if set to 20 the ped can see you or others from 20 meters distance.# F: Max Health (n/100) -
How much health the ped will have , Be noticed that this wont work in some missions due to lua scripting.# G: Health regeneration rate - percentage of maximum rate (n/100) -
How fast health will regenerate. Works only from 101 (100 is normal that means it dosnt generate health)# H: Fear (n/100) -
This one dosnt work on Jimmy only on peds , Baisicly this one changes how oftenly the ped will be afraid of bullies and Jimmy I guess..# I: Chicken (n/100) (chance of tattling/ yelling for help) -
Brackets says it all.# J: Attack Frequency (n/100) -
Now this one makes changes the chance of a ped to attack on fights , If setted to like 1000 the ped will attack a LOT if setted to like 50 the ped wont attack so much during fights# K: Bike Attack Frequency (n/100) -
Same as Attack Frequency but while riding a bike.# L: Projectile Attack Accuracy (n/100) -
I think this sets how often the ped will hit the others using projectile for example if setted to 1000 the ped will hit Jimmy a lot of times , when setted to 2 the ped will miss a lot of times. (I may not be 100% right on this one)# M: Projectile Attack Frequency (n/100) -
Same as Attack frequency but with projectiles.# N: Block Frequency (n/100) -
How often a ped blocks in fights , If setted to 1000 the ped will block a lot of your hits , If set to 0 the ped wont block any of Jimmy's punches.# O: Evade Frequency (n/100) -
Same with Block Frequency but how many times he dodges attacks (By dodge I mean the preps dodges from attacks) # P: "Aggresion (n/100) (how likely are they to initiate a fight, and how likely they are to contnue it)" -
Brackets says it all.# Q: Criminality -
The higher you set the more bully he becomes.# R: Sprint Meter -
This one sets how much the ped can run without getting tired.# S: Character Class -
This setting changes the characters class for example Hal is a Grappler which means that if he runs towereds you and attacks he will grapple you and wont punch you like strikers. The only way I know to fully change a peds class is to change its fighting style too.# T: Preferred Combat Zone (0/1/2 = short/medium/long) -
Aint sure about this one but It seems to chooce the combat zone of the ped : Short - Close to the enemy. Medium - Medium distance from the enemy. Long - I guess this one is using projectiles like a sniper , They prefer to fight from a distance using weapons.# U: "Preferred Orientation (Bit field: 0001 front, 0010 side, 0100 back. So front+side = 011 = 3, and 111 = 7)" -
Dont know... I recommand not to change this# V: Animation Speed factor (100 = 100% speed) -
This one is the speed the ped will doanimations the higher the number you set the faster you / the ped will be. Make sure you dont set Jimmy's speed too fast , or you wont be able to lift stuff and open doors.# W: Zone Promote -
Dont know.# X: Special Meter -
Dont know.# Y: Special Points -
Dont know.# Z:
Bike Cruise Speed - I guess this is the speed of a ped in free roam while riding their bike normally.# AA: Bike Top Speed -
This is the speed of a ped while he rides a bike at full speed I guess.# AB: Bike Wait Speed -
Not sure about this one.# AC: Bike Flee Distance -
Aint sure...# AD: Bike Catchup Distance -
This seems to be the speed of a ped to catchup with the player that tries to run away from them on a bike.# AE: Bike Wait Distance -
Not sure...# AF: Bike Projectile Usage (n/100) -
How often they will use a projectile on a bike, for example : Eggs.# AG: Damage_Scale -
How much damage the ped does to the player / other peds.# AH: Dive probability -
Not sure.# AI: "Tenacity (n/100), indicates how tough they are to knock down or off a bike" -
Brackets says it all.# AJ: Evasion (n/100) -
Not sure.# AK: Bike Flee Speed -
Not sure.# AL: Bike Follow Speed -
I guess this setting is how fast they follow the player / other peds on bike.# AM: Bike Catchup Speed -
How fast they catch up with peds / Player.# AN: Grap1Reversal (Strikes) -
The higher you set the faster they will get released from your grapple when using strikes (Grapple Punches and knees)# AO: Grap2Reversal (Grapples) -
The higher you set the less they are grapable.# AP: Night weapon -
What weapon the ped will spawn with at night.# AQ: "Name of the bike model which the ped can ride (""""None"""" if the ped can't ride any bike)" -
All the following 3 are which bike models the ped can ride on# AR: "Name of the bike model which the ped can ride (""""None"""" if the ped can't ride any bike)"
# AS: "Name of the bike model which the ped can ride (""""None"""" if the ped can't ride any bike)"
# AT: Likelihood (n/100) of having a weapon -
How often they spawn with a weapon (Due to lua scripting this wont work perfectly)# AU: Weapon slot 1: Type of melee/projectile -
What weapon the ped will spawn with. write Unarmed to make the ped not to spawn with a weapon.# AV: Weapon slot 1: Amount of Ammo -
How much ammo he will have of the weapon.# AW: Weapon slot 1: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon - HIGHEST NUMBER WINS -
I aint sure about this one I guess the higher you set the harder it will be for the ped to carry that weapon I think.# AX: "Weapon slot 1: Available after mission (use ""init"" to signify start of game)" -
Okey this one sets when do you active the weapon spawning for example : If you write here the code of "fighting Johnny vincent" which is 3_B then the ped will only spawn with the weapon you have setted after you finish "Fighting Johnny vincent". To make the ped spawn with the weapon from the start of the game set this to "init".# AY: Weapon slot 2: Type of melee/projectile
# AZ: Weapon slot 2: Amount of Ammo
# BA: Weapon slot 2: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon
# BB: "Weapon slot 2: Available after mission (use ""init"" to signify start of game)"
# BC: Weapon slot 3: Type of melee/projectile
# BD: Weapon slot 3: Amount of Ammo
# BE: Weapon slot 3: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon
# BF: "Weapon slot 3: Available after mission (use ""init"" to signify start of game)"
# BG: Weapon slot 4: Type of melee/projectile
# BH: Weapon slot 4: Amount of Ammo
# BI: Weapon slot 4: Selection weight for melee/projectile weapon
# BJ: "Weapon slot 4: Available after mission (use ""init"" to signify start of game)"
# BK: Stun Resistance (n/100) how resistant a ped is to stunning -
The higher you set the less time it will take the ped / player to get back to fight (Stun = The player / ped cant attack or block for a few seconds)# BL: "Ped can be knocked down (0 = no, 1+ = yes)" -
Not sure.# BM Percent health at which the ped can be humiliated in combat -
Okey for example : you set this to 100 then the ped can be humiliated when he has 100 health points.Okey now that we know what each does , now lets learn to to recognize each of the stats.
I took Earnest for this example :A = Peds name which is Stat_N_EARNEST B = Ide.pickup which is None and so on :
B= none
C = 0
D = 360 25 100 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0 0 0 0 60 Ranged 2 1 100 1 0 0 20 100 20 10 10 10 15 100 80 60 100 70 50 90 4 4 unarmed None None None 0 unarmed -1 1 init unarmed -1 1 init unarmed -1 1 init unarmed -1 1 init 30 0 0
Weapons id list for spawning Jimmy or peds with weapons : This is taken from Madman's tutorial about pedstats above this tutorial. (I have edited some of the descreptions of the weapons for better understanding.)
Model Name Weapon NameRBandBall Rubberband Ball
NerdBooksE books
NerdBooks books
NerdBooksB books
NerdBooksC books
NerdBooksD books
leadpipe a lead pipe (The one Johnny uses)
supersling Super Sling Shot
slingshot Slingshot
cherryb Firecrackers
spudg Normal Spud Gun
SuperSpudG Super Spud Gun
brocketlauncher Bottle rocket launcher
eggproj Eggs
stinkbomb a stinkbomb
WCamera camera, not sure which one
spraycan spray paint can
W_PGun not sure what this is
apple a apple. anyone hungry?
bat Baseball bat
cricket Cricket bat
Polo Polo stick
twobyfour Two by four
Wmallet not sure what this is
Billyclb not sure what this is
W_Crutch Crutch
poolcue Cue Stick
JBroom Janitor's broom
brick A brick
chshielda Shield (From "Showdown at the plant")
chshieldb Shield
chshieldc Shield
lid I think this is a trashcan lid
Wtray Lunch Tray
Psheild The shield inside the safe house you earn from "Preps challange"
newsroll Rolled up newspaper
snowball Self Explanatory
monkeywrench not sure what this is
yardstick Yard stick
2handstick A stick
fireexting Fire Extinguisher
sledgehammer Norton's Sledgehammer
kickme a kick me sign
anibball a ball
bagmrbls Bag of marbles
Wdish ?
dec_plate Deck Plate?
plantpot Pot for a plant
pvase_proj Tall Vase
snowshwl Snow Shovel
w_deadrat A dead rat
wftbomb Football Bomb
wtrpipe Waterpipe (The one Edgar uses)
wtrpipeB Waterpipe B
wtrpipeC Waterpipe C
wtrpipeD Waterpipe D
W_Itch Itching Powder
W_Candy Box of candy
WBALLOON Water Balloons
Banana self explanatory
sswhip this is gary's halloween ss whip
Mission id list for making peds or Jimmy spawn with weapons after a mission : This is taken from Steman and Madman's offical Modding Tutorial.
Chapter 1
Mission .lur Mission Name
Mission 1 1_01 Welcome to Bullworth Part1
1_02 Welcome to Bullworth Part2
1_02A Welcome to Bullworth Part3
Mission 2 1_02B This Is Your School Part1
1_02C This Is Your School Part2
1_02_Dummy Load Error
Mission 3 1_03 The Setup
Mission 4 1_04 Slingshot
Mission 5 1_05 Save Algie
1_06_01 Load Error
Mission 6 1_07 Defend Bucky
Mission 7 1_08 That Bitch
Mission 8 1_09 The Candidate
Mission 9 1_10 Help Gary
1_11_Dummy Reload
1_11_HallStrt Reload
Mission 10 1_11x1 Halloween
Mission 11 1_11x2 The Big Prank
1_11x2unlock Load Error
Mission 10 1_11xp Halloween
Mission 12 1_B Russell in the Hole
Mission 13 1_E01 Peteys Errand
Transition Chapt1Trans Automn
Chapter 2
Mission 1 2_01 Last Minute Shop
Mission 2 2_02 Comic Klepto (Chapter 3) (Area id not loaded)
2_02_Conv Load Error
Mission 3 2_03 The Eggs
Mission 4 2_04 Race the Vale
Mission 5 2_05 Tad's House
Mission 6 2_06 Movie Tickets
2_06supplemental Load Error
Mission 7 2_07 Beach Rumble
Mission 8 2_08 Weed Killer
Mission 9 2_09 Boxing Challenge Part1
Mission 10 2_B Dishonourable Fight Part2
Mission 11 2_G2 Carnival Date
2_R11_Chad Load Error
Mission 12 2_S06 Panty Raid (Area id not loaded)
Boxing_util Load Error
Transition Chapt2Trans Winter Interiors/Peds
Chapter 3
Mission 1 3_01 Jealous Johnny
Mission 2 3_01A Balls of Snow
Mission 3 3_01C Nutcrackin'
Mission 4 3_01D Rudy the Red Nosed Santa
Mission 5 3_02 Bait
Mission 6 3_03 BETA MISSION
Mission 7 3_04 Wrong Part of Town
Mission 8 3_05 The Tenements
Mission 9 3_06 The Rumble
3_07 Crash
Mission 10 3_08 Christmas is Here
3_08_Dummy Reload
Mission 11 3_B Fighting Johnny Vincent
Mission 12 3_G3 Lola's Race
Mission 13 3_R05B Discreet Deliveries
3_R08 Load Error
3_R08_SignUp Reload
3_R09 Load Error
Mission 14 3_S10 Tagging
Mission 15 3_XM Miracle on Bullworth St
Transition Chapt3Trans Spring
Chapter 4
Mission 1 4_01 Paparazzi
Mission 2 4_02 Stronghold Assault
Mission 3 4_03 Defender of the Castle
Mission 4 4_04 Funhouse Fun
Mission 5 4_05 Nice Outfit
Mission 6 4_06 The Big Game
Mission 7 4_B1 Nerd Boss Fight
Mission 8 4_B2 Jock Boss Fight
Mission 9 4_S12 Here's to you Ms. Philips
Transition Chapt4Trans Late Spring
Chapter 5
Mission 1 2_S07 Small Offences (Chapter 2)
Mission 2 3_S08 Mailbox Armageddon
Mission 3 5_01 Rats in the Library
Mission 4 5_02 Preppies Vandalized
Mission 5 5_03 Finding Johnny Vincent
5_04 Load Error
Mission 6 5_05 Revenge on Mr. Burton
Mission 7 5_06 Busting In, Part I
Mission 8 5_07a Busting In, Part II
Mission 9 5_09 Making a Mark
Transition Chapt5Trans Endless Summer
Chapter 6
Mission 1 3_R07 The Collector CHAP 5
Mission 2 5_B Showdown at the Plant CHAP 5
Mission 3 6_01 Go See The Principal CHAP 5
6_02 Complete Mayhem Part1
6_03 Complete Mayhem Part 2
6_B Final Showdown
6_Dummy Reload
DodgeballGame Load Error
Mission 1 PhotoFilters (Unknown Photography)
Wrestling1 Load Error
Main Crash
Mission 2 1_GS The Diary (Chapter 1)
Mission 3 1_S01 Hattrick vs. Galloway (Chapter 2)
2_R03 Load Error
2_R03_Conv Load Error
2_R04 Crash
Mission 4 2_S02 Glass House (Chapter 3)
Mission 5 2_S04 Character Sheets
2_S05 Load Error
Mission 6 3_S03 Cheating Time
Mission 7 3_S11 Galloway Away
Mission 8 4_G4 Discretion Assured
Mission 9 5_G5 Smash It Up
Good luck!