Adrien Sahores as Pete. It's the face.
Cole Mohr as Gary. It's the hair.
Dimitri Vankerkoven as Derby.
John LaVelle (Derby's voice actor) slightly resembles Derby to me. Just gotta bleach that hair.
Damien Verhagen as Kirby. I also thought
this guy looks like Kirby, but I don't know his name.
Louie Torrellas as Lefty. Same voice actor! Just give him a scar and we're good to go.
Milla Jovovich...
or Molly Ringwald for Lola.
Shea Fairbanks as Justin.
Keegan-Michael Key (as Coach Hines) as Mr. Burton. Yes, he's African-American/mixed, but whatever. I lol'd at the resemblance.
Tom Gillard slightly looks like Gord. In the face. But it might just be me.
I want to find moar now. I had a really good Jimmy, but I lost the name...