I'm not really used to Modding, however you may of spotted them before, I went to the config folder in the Bully folder, I clicked on the 'dat' folder, looked around abit, and I found something to do with the Exit Markers and the Blip locations, does that count? Because I just wanted to know wherever it could be useful or not. The files are called 'Bliplocs.dat' and 'ExitLocs.dat', I looked at both of them with Notepad++ but on BlipLocs, all I could see were the locations like the Warehouse, Observatory, well almost every interior, but to the right, there were just a bunch of Zeros? I don't know why, but it seems interesting.
One more point, also in the files, I found out that hidden somewhere is the Testroom developers used before the making I think. Also with the ExitLocs file, it had the co-ordinates of the interiors and how to exit them and stuff, sorry I'm just a noob at trying to find out stuff!
Maybe someone could check it out? Thanks.
It is definitely interesting, I wonder if it has actually anything do with Hidden Interiors?