Here Is a list of quotes when Characters start talking to them selfs
algie my mommy calls me price algie she says im really special like a prince.
Trent total utter gross out
thad thizzle thizzle thizzle
gord Im really starting to like that lola girl to bad daddy wouldn't approve
constanions I'm hungry already
russell Meatball hero no match for my stomach
buckey Alright tonight is bath night then i can watch tv till ten!
Yuri It hasent shrunk has it no its just a viscous rumor!
fatty my farts smell like wet hotdogs
parkerI got to stop likeing people or Gord And Tad will make fun of me.
IvanI can sleep with my eyes open.
Gordan Why cant the world live up to my standards?
peanut Peanut, heh, call me peanut
DavisAll I need is one more bottle rocket and my set will be finished.
donald I will be rich one day and girls will like me
jimmywhos a bigger jerk, hattrick or burton?
seth I really got to beat someone soon.
contanionus I'm hungry already.
mr hattrick Children are like dogs they only learn through frequent punishment
damon One day i'm going to fight a gorilla.