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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1215 on: February 04, 2015, 11:11:33 PM »
Jessica stood there, unsure of what to do.  Finally, she said, “I’ll...Um...I’ll go get some help, Ok ?”

Peanut just grunted.  Jessica took a couple steps back, then trotted back around to the smaller lot.  Ricky was trying to get up, and Jessica went to him, helping him to stand.  “Ricky...You gonna be all right ?  We got to go get help for the others !”

Ricky shook his head to clear it.  “I’se a little dizzy...Just guides me alongs, Jess....”

Jessica took Ricky’s arm and started off slowly, watching his steps.  It was then she noticed all the empty Egg Cartons scattered about on the pavement.  They moved past the Garages, turned the corner by the inner fence, and made their way out to the Autoshop’s front Quad. 

At that moment, three figures rode through the Greaser’s gate and onto the Quad.  Ricky had tensed, expecting another attack, but was immediately relieved to see that it was Lefty, Lucky, and Norton.  They pulled to a stop in front of Ricky and Jessica. 

“Wheres youse guys been at ?”, Ricky asked them.  “We wuz lookin’ for you all.”

“We gots sneak attacked by some Preps”, Norton answered, without elaborating.  “Dey tied us up, buts dey ain’t no Boy Scouts...We gots outta dem ropes soon after we woke up.  We’s been lookin’ for you’s too....Went to de Bar, but no ones wuz dere, looked around Coventry for a whiles, den decided to come back heres.”  His eyes narrowed.  “Where be Peanut ?

“He’s out back”, Ricky said, “So’s da others. We gots attacked by dat Prep scum too !”

“They’re hurt”, Jessica added, “They need help !”

Without a word, Norton, Lucky, and Lefty rode around to the back, anger in their eyes.  Jessica and Ricky turned back and followed them.  Ricky was walking better now, and by the time they reached the small back lot, they could see Hal sitting up, and Angie was starting to come around.  Lucky was helping here, Norton and Lefty were back with Peanut and Binky in the large back lot.  Jessica went to aid Angie, who was now softly crying, and Ricky went to help Hal up.  Lefty came back and told them that Peanut wanted everyone to gather for a meeting on the large back lot.

When they were all gathered, Peanut addressed them. “Dey ain’t gettin’ away wit dis.  We’s gonna ammo-up, and hits dem tonight, rights now, at dere own place.  Everyones unnerstand ?”

The fire of revenge burned in the eyes of every Greaser, but Ricky spoke up.  “What if’n dere gate’s locked ?  Or dere door ?  How’s do we gets in ?”

“Takes a Crowbar from da Shop”, Peanut said, “We’s pry it open, we’s gets inside, and blow dem Bastids to Hell !  Dey wonts be expectin’ us so soon.”

“What about Binky and Angie ?”, Jessica said.  “They need Medical help right now.”

Peanut thought, and then said, “Yer right.  Lola’s bike is in da Shop....Can you ride ?”

“Like a Champ”, Jessica told him.  “What do you want me to do ?”

“We loads Binks on the bike, an’ you pedals her dere to da Clinic”, Peanut said.  He looked at Binky.  “You thinks youse cans do dat ?”

“I cans”, Binky said tightly, her anger equal to her pain.  “Go and get dem Bastards, Nut.”

Peanut looked at Angie.  “Can yous ride along ?  I’ll gives youse another bike.”

“I...I’m awful sore”, Angie sniffed, “But, yes I can.”  The fire was in her eyes too, she wanted revenge on the Preps also.  Not just for herself, but for what they had done to Hal.

That settled, they all made they way to the front.  Norton picked up Binky and carried her.  Peanut produced a key and unlocked the Autoshop, and they went inside.  They stocked up full loads into their stored Spud Guns, and stuffed their pockets with Spuds for reloads.  Peanut also grabbed a coil of rope and a Pocket Knife.  Going to his Shop Locker, he spun the Combo Lock and opened it, and dug for his hidden stash of M-80s. 

Lefty, Lucky and Norton put their bikes away, then got Lola’s bike, which she had hardly used since the Chem Plant attack, and one other old bike for Angie.  Then they all assembled outside on the Autoshop Quad, and started out.  Reaching the Fountain, the bikes were taken down the short steps to the wide path to the Back Quad of the School.  Carrying Binky, Norton deposited her in the large basket attacked to the handlebars while Jessica steadied the bike.  Sore, Angie got on her bike and nodded. 

Everyone was silent the whole time and no one else was out and about.  The girls pedaled off, slowly at first, then picking up speed as the rode the Quad to the side path around the School and disappeared from sight.  Then the Greasers, armed to the teeth, returned to the Fountain and then crept down the pathway to Harrington House.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1216 on: February 05, 2015, 02:17:37 AM »
Jessica worked up to a moderate speed, but was afraid to go any faster for fear she would spill the bike, and Binky, onto the hard pavement, not to mention herself.  Binky was leaning back in the basket, gripping the handlebars behind her, and that also made it hard for Jessica to steer.  When they rode out of the Front Gates of the Academy and onto the street, the wheels dropped off the curb, jarring Binky, and she cried out in pain.

“Sorry !”, Jessica said.  Binky moaned and gritted her teeth against the throbbing in her foot.

“It’s....Okay”, Binky said, “I knowed it weren’t gonna be easy.”

Jessica chanced a look around to find Angie, who was starting to lag.  “Com’on, keep up !”, she said irritably.

“I’m....Trying !”, Angie panted, “Hard....To breathe...”

The girls crossed the big Iron Truss Bridge and came into Bullworth Town.  “Just a few more blocks”, Jessica said in the way of encouragement.  Binky and Angie didn’t answer, their teeth clamped against their pain.

It was nearing 4 AM, and there was no one about on the streets as they covered the final three blocks to the Clinic on the corner not far from the Police Station.  Jessica braked to a stop, as did Angie.  Now the job of getting Binky out of the basket presented itself.  Jessica had Angie drop her bike to the sidewalk and come hold hers as she got off, then with some effort she lifted Binky out of the basket.  She then told Angie to drop that bike also as she stood Binky up, then had Angie come around on the other side.  Binky was shaking in pain while trying to balance on the high-boot of her good foot while Jessica steadied her.  With Angie on her good side and Jessica on the other, they managed to boost Binky one slow step at a time up the steps of the Clinic and then inside.

Fortunately, the Staff of the Clinic was having a slow night, the only other patient in the Clinic was a sleeping Ms. Phillips, still recovering from her run-in with Bethany Jones.  Binky was helped to a wheeled cot and was laid on it, and Angie was taken to a nearby bed to be looked after.

The Attendant, whose name-tag identified him as Mark, took a look.  Binky’s foot was swelled inside the boot, and it bulged out.  “We’re going to have to cut that off”, Mark said.

“Noooo...”, Binky moaned, “Not my Greaser Boot...”

“Sorry, if I try to just pull that off, it would damage your foot further”, Mark commented.  He went to get some scissors, and tears began to leak from Binky’s eyes.

“It’ll be alright”, Jessica soothed her, “You can get some new boots.”

“It’s...Not that”, Binky said, beginning to sob now.  “I...I donts want anybodys looking at my feet !”

That struck Jessica as odd.  Puzzled, she said, “Well....Why not ?  What’s wrong them ?”

“Theys....UGLY !”, Binky choked, tears running down her face.  “They is Too Small, dey look like Kid’s Feet !”

Jessica didn’t know what to say to that.  Mark returned with the scissors and began to cut down Binky’s boot that was missing it's heel.  Binky turned her face away.  “Donts Look !”, she begged Jessica. 

But as Mark the Attendant cut down to the arch and started easing Binky’s foot out, Jessica did look.  Binky’s high-heel boots had long pointy toes on them, making her foot size look normal, but once the boot came off, she could see that her foot was small indeed.  Jessica guessed it was a size four, maybe less.  Binky moaned in pain as the boot came off.

Mark the Attendant gently examined her foot, which resembled a bloated white fish with a large bruise on it.  “You’ve got a break there, for sure”, he said.  “Looks like a broken Metatarsus.  We’ll get some X-Rays of that, get it set and put a Cast on it.”

“Will it...Be a big Cast ?”, Binky said anxiously, “Likes, cover my whole foot ?”

“Oh yes, real big”, Mark the Attendant told her, “Cover your whole foot and half-way up your Shin.  Only your toes will be barely poking out.”

That seemed to relive Binky, and her tears slowed and stopped.  Mark took her away to X-Ray, and Jessica turned to check on Angie.  There was a curtain pulled around her bed, and she peeked in.  A woman Attendant, whose name was Jane, was examining Angie, who was stripped naked from the waist up.  Jessica could see a huge ugly bruise on Angie’s left boob, and several other bruises on her belly.

“Well, no serious damage”, Jane the Attendant said, “But you’re going to be sore for awhile.”  She shook her head.  “Really, I thought all this School Violence would be over by now, after that Raid you kids pulled last month.”

“So did I”, Angie said in a low voice.  “Guess not.”

Both girls were given something for pain; Angie was to stay for a few hours, Binky for probably far longer.  As the Attendants were getting the girls settled, Jessica slipped out of the Clinic before anyone started asking her questions.  Outside, she picked up Lola’s bike and left the other one, biking back to Bullworth Academy.  She was now worried about Ricky.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 12:43:43 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1217 on: February 05, 2015, 10:09:21 AM »
The Greasers approached the Preps new gate with caution.  Peeking through, they could see nothing moving in the limited view they had.  Peanut hefted the Crowbar, fully intending to pry open the gate, but as he slid it quietly in place to do so, the gate just came open.  The Preps had forgotten to lock it.  Peanut was relieved, he’d been worried about the noise it would have made prying it open.  Peanut handed the Crowbar back to Norton.  Silently, the Greasers filed through the gate.

“Stays Low”, Peanut whispered as they approached the steps that led up to the Prep’s Quad.  Peanut crept forward and looked over the steps.  The Quad appeared empty, but there was a figure in a chair by the front doors of Harrington House.  There was another chair pulled up beside him there, his leg was extended on to it.  The figure was dark in the waning moonlight, it had to be Chad.  Peanut could confirm that when he saw a small white dog curled up beside the chairs, it was Chester.  Chad wasn’t moving, he appeared to be asleep.  Peanut withdrew his Spud Gun and took careful aim.  These new Spud Guns had an added feature...a better targeting system indicator at the top.  Peanut braced himself, laying on the steps, and took careful aim.  The earlier breeze had died down somewhat, Peanut adjusted for the slight breeze and the drop of the arc from this distance, and squeezed the trigger.

(whump).........SPLAT !!!!!!!!!!!

The Spud smacked Chad near dead center in his forehead, and he fell from the chair without a sound.  Chester made a YIP ! as Chad fell, then started sniffing his Master. “Hal !”, Peanut whispered hoarsely, “You got your Jerky on you ?”  When Hal came forward and nodded, Peanut whispered, “Hand it over !”  Hal reluctancy gave up his Beef Jerky to Peanut.  “Stay Here !”, Peanut whispered hoarsely to the others.

The Prep Quad was dotted with six chest-high square Pillars leading up to the Harrington House entrance, three on a side.  Peanut quietly dashed to the first Pillar, and looked around the edge.  Chester was still sniffing at Chad’s prone form.  Peanut snuck to the next pillar, staying low, something easy for him to do.  Peanut looked around the edge, Chester was sniffing the air now.  When the Dog looked away, Peanut made a dash for the the last Pillar.  He snuck a look around.  Chester was looking in his direction, an issued a low growl.  Peanut pulled out the Jerky and flung it around the Pillar in the Dog’s direction.  Still growling, Chester came to where the Jerky lay and sniffed at it.  Then the Dog snatched it up in his jaws and ran to the Prep’s Side Yard with his prize.

Peanut rose and motioned the others forward.  They all came up to the doors to Harrington House.  Ricky tried them.  “They’re locked !”, he whispered.

Norton pulled out the Crowbar, but Peanut said in a low voice, “Wait !”  He pointed to Chad.  “Search his pockets !”  Lefty and Lucky fell to the task, and pulled out a Key Ring attached to a pink Rabbit’s Foot.  Peanut took the Key Ring and tried out every key until the right one slid into the lock and he unlocked the doors. 

Peanut opened them slowly and peeked inside at the Foyer. There was no one behind the Counter, the small room was empty.  Peanut held the doors open for the others to enter, when Ricky whispered, “What about him ?”, pointing to Chad.

Peanut thought, and then said in a low voice, “Bring him inside...And Hogtie him !”

Hog-tying was something the Greasers learned from their country cousins, the Hick Greasers.  They didn’t use it much, but it was very effective.  Chad was drug inside and laid on his stomach, then his wrists were bound behind him and then his ankles were bound.  Then, his legs were bent back at the knee, and the bound wrists and bound ankles were bound together by a short piece of rope.  It was nearly escape proof.

The Greasers smirked and quickly Hogtied Chad.  “Should we gag him ?”, Lefty asked.

“No...He’s be out for a long time”, Peanut said, “And we’s will be finished by then." 

They turned their attention to the doors to the Prep's huge Parlor Room next.  Peanut grabbed the doorknobs and prepared to fling them open as the Greasers lined up behind him with Weapons at the ready.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 10:19:50 AM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1218 on: February 05, 2015, 07:05:38 PM »
Tony decided to throw in the towel.  He’d searched Spencer Warehouse high and low for most of the night, and had only found that one Listening Device.  If there had been others, they must have been in the burned-out offices on the second floor.  Tony sighed and went to the damaged set of double doors where he had come in, and walked back downward into the tunnels. Not wanting to walk clear back to the Rail Yards, he took a left turn at the next tunnel, walking for awhile until it sloped up to the doors he and Nick had opened and stepped into the Warehouse that had the dead Rats and Cocaine smell.

He walked to the West part of the building in the fading flashlight beam to the front broken-out windows with mesh wire that he remembered.  Tony looked around for the door, found it, but it was barred shut with thick rusty bands.  Tony then remembered the overhead walkway that led to the building he remembered seeing across the street, the BULLWORTH PAINT SUPPLY.  He searched around for some stairs and eventually found them and the overhead walkway.  This part of the building seemed less filthy and unused.  There were several crates stacked near the walkway to the other building that looked newer, but Tony didn’t bother with them.  He took the walkway across to the BULLWORTH PAINT SUPPLY building, and found some stairs leading back down. 

Contrary to his impression of looking at the building from across the street, the inside of the Paint Supply Building was neither dilapidated or deserted.  There were fresh stores of Paint Cans stacked all over, with a large section for cans of Spray Paint.  It was no wonder that the Yum-Yum Stores always had Spay Paint, the cans probably came from here.  There were also offices, and on a whim, Tony decided to check them out.  It was here he found another Listening Device, stuck underneath an important-looking desk.  Just why there was a 'Bug’ in a Paint Supply Store, Tony couldn’t imagine, and he didn’t bother trying.  He was tired and badly in need of sleep.  Finding a front door, he was able to unlock it and step outside at last.

The moonlight was waning, and to the East faint light was showing.  Tony started the long walk back to the In and Out Motel, where he would crash and sleep when he reached his room until the afternoon.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1219 on: February 07, 2015, 05:35:34 AM »
Peanut flung the inner doors to reveal.........Nothing.

The giant room was empty of Preps.  The fact was, the downstairs parlor room of Harrington House was pretty empty of everything, except for the two Suits of Armor by the double entry doors and the big overstuffed chairs near the always-lit fireplace.  In the past, this had been the Prep Party Room for all their fancy high-class affairs.  The lights were on, as they always were in Harrington House.  Preps never had any worries about paying the Electric Bills.

Regardless, the Greasers entered the room with Weapons drawn, silently looking in every corner, making sure no one was sitting in the chairs, even.  Finally, Peanut pointed toward the stairs to the second floor.  “Upstairs !”, he whispered.

The Greasers crept up the stairs, quickly but cautiously.  When they reached the landing, Peanut sent Lucky and Lefty to the right to go and check out the Preps Game Room, and sent Ricky and Norton up the third floor stairs to check out the Arboretum, while He and Hal guarded the hallway that led to the Bedrooms.  In a few minutes, they returned, in brief whispered conversation.

“No’s body upstairs”, Norton reported.
“Yeah, justa buncha Plants”, Ricky added.

“Aints no-bodies in de Game Room”, Lefty reported.
“Checked da outside balconys too, alls clear”, Lucky chipped in.

Peanut curled his lips in a smile.  In their arrogance, the Preps had simply gone to bed after their ruthless attack, believing the Greasers were too beaten to retaliate right away.  That was the way it usually happened in clashes between  Cliques, the beaten had to 'lick their wounds’ and recover before mounting any payback attack.  But not this time.

Peanut motioned the Greasers down the hall to cover the Prep’s bedrooms.  In contrast with the rest of Harrington House, the bedrooms were small, smaller even than the rooms in the Boy’s Dorm.  But they were in a whole lot better shape.  The room on the corner had to be Tad’s room, Peanut correctly guessed.  It had had formerly been Derby’s room.  Lined up and down the hall, they waited.  Peanut gave the signal, and the doors were all kicked in at once.


The Preps were shot with a hail of Spuds before they even had time to awake and react.  One by one, they were rendered unconscious as they were hit multiple times in their bodies and heads.  The light from the hallway gave just enough illumination to show the Greasers where to aim, and it only took as long to bushwhack them as it took time for the Greasers to repeatedly pull the triggers on their Spud Guns.

Only Peanut held back fire after he kicked open Tad’s door, knowing that Vanessa was most likely in bed with him.  At the sound of his door being bashed in and all the commotion, Tad suddenly sat up in bed.  Vanessa came awake and screamed.

“What’s the meaning of this ?”, Tad cried in confusion.

“Dis means your whitebread ass is toast !”, Peanut said grimly, firing a Spud into Tad’s belly.

“OOOOFFFF !!”, Tad grunted, his face suddenly draining of color.  His stomach was his most sensitive spot.  Peanut followed that with several more Spuds, to Tad’s shoulders, legs, and groin.  SPLAT !!  SPLAT !!  SPLAT !!  SPLAT !!  SPLAT !!

Vanessa screamed again.  Clutching his belly and nuts, Tad groaned, gasping, “You....Filthy....Dirtbags !!”

Peanut lowered his Spud Gun and pulled out an M-80. “Heres extra fer whats yous done to Binky.”  Lighting it, he tossed it on the bed and quickly lit another, tossing it after the first.

BAM !!!!!!!!!!  BAM !!!!!!!!!!

The M-80s landed between Tad and Vanessa on the bed, exploding and blowing them both off the bed to either side and knocking them out.  The smell of sulfur and gunpowder filled the room.  One by one, their task done, the other Greasers crowded around the door of Tad’s room.

“Dey is alls out”, Norton reported. “Nows what ?”

A grim smile of retribution came to Peanut’s face.  “Hogtie Dem....Alls of Dem.”

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1220 on: February 07, 2015, 07:56:44 AM »
Jessica was waiting for them by the Greasers Gate as they returned from Harrington House.  She ran to Ricky and threw her arms around him.  “I’m so glad you’re safe !”, she said tearfully, “I was so worried !”

‘Piece of cakes”, Ricky told her.  “We puts all dem Bastids down.  Dey wonts be be gettin’ up fer awhiles, neither.”

Peanut and Hal asked how Binky and Angie were doing.  She told them what had happened, and they both were going to be at the Clinic for awhile, Binky longer than Angie, who would probably get released the next day. But they both would recover just fine, Jessica said.  With that news, Peanut and Hal seemed relieved, and Peanut decided that they should all just go to their original destination for the rest of the night, the Blue Balls Bar....Not to party, but to recover themselves.  It had been a long night.  He told the Greasers to get their bikes.

“I’m coming too”, Jessica said. “I can ride Lola’s bike, if that’s all right.  Maybe I can help.”

Peanut agreed, remembering there was a First-Aid Kit underneath the bar at Blue Balls.  Then he went and unlocked the Autoshop so the Greasers could get their bikes out.  After that, he and Norton went around to the back lots, where the attack had happened.  On the way, they stomped over a lot empty Egg Cartons.

Norton’s eyes widened, he hadn’t noticed just how many there were.  “Dey really laid into youse guys, dinna dey ?  Tooks dem awhile to gets me knocked out over dere., buts Lucky and Lefty wents down foirst.”

“We’s wuz outnumbered”, Peanut said.  “We wuz lucky to hold dem off as long as we dids.  It’s a good thing youse guys got lose an’ come back here when youse dids.”

“Dem prissy-asses are bad knot-tiers”, Norton said. “We wuz free in just a while afters we come to.”

They walked around to where the Junk Parts Cars were at to check the sliding back gate.  Peanut made sure it was secured, then said, “Norton, I knows we’s had our differences....Buts, you did all rights tonight.  Youse wuz a true Greaser Warrior.”

Norton felt humbled.  “Youse knows, I’se sorry I tried to take de Clique over likes I did....Whens Johnny picked you for Leader, he picked rights.  I’se never do dat again, my loyalty is to yous now.”

“Dats all rights, man", Peanut said.  The two shook hands. They turned and started walking back, but Peanut spotted something.  He bent and picked it up.

“What’zat ?”, Norton asked, peering at the object.

“It’s the heel to Binky’s boot”, Peanut said.  “I’se gonna keep it fer good luck.”

“Dats kinda long”, Norton observed, as Peanut stuck it in his pocket.

“Yeah...She’s really short, but she be a true Greaser fighter”, Peanut said. 

They returned to the front, where the rest were waiting.  After locking up the Autoshop, and then locking and securing the front gate, they all set off for the Blue Balls Bar.  The sky was beginning to lighten in the East as they reached New Coventry.  Curiously, they just missed crossing paths with Tony Calderone, returning from his own mission.  Once they reached the Bar, they shuttled their bikes inside, leaving them by the door.  Jessica helped out, getting blankets and spreading them on and around the new stage for them to sleep on, then she tended their wounds, one by one, applying soothing salve to their bruises and bandages to their cuts.  Peanut let her use the back room, since Binky wasn’t there, so she saved Ricky for last, taking him in with her and closing the door.  She had Ricky strip to his Boxers and lay on the bed while she gently rubbed salve on his bruises. “Feeling better ?”, she said softly.

“Oh, yeas”, Ricky sighed, “Buts, I gots a bit of’s a headache.”

“Let’s see if this helps”, Jessica said, but instead of rubbing his head, she rubbed the buldge in his crotch, which got bigger at her touch.  In a bit, Ricky forgot all about his headache, and Jessica rose and stripped all her clothes off.  Climbing on top of Ricky, she freed his member and sank down on him.  The rest of Ricky’s pain vanished as they made love for their first time.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1221 on: February 08, 2015, 08:21:02 AM »
Tony slept until 3 PM the next day.  Shaking himself awake, He got his shit together, dressed (making sure to secure the two 'Bugs’ he had found), and left the In-and-Out Motel.  He was suddenly very hungry, so he walked to the Chef’s Restaurant, where he pigged out on some Apple Croustade and Gâteau Millasson before getting a take-out order to take to Karen at the Girl’s Dorm.  She must be hungry herself, not being able to get out.  To Tony’s surprise, Karen wasn’t in her room, but was in the Parlor Area instead, watching the new TV that had been installed.  Tony was allowed by a grumpy Mrs. Carvin to come in an sit with her.  Karen welcomed the food, all right, scarfing it down in big bites.

“What, were you out all night ?”, Karen asked between bites.

“Just about”, Tony replied, “It was breaking dawn by the time I got back to the Motel.”

“Did you find any of those Bugs ?”, Karen asked in a low voice, although there wasn’t anyone else around.

“Yeah, a couple”, Tony said lowly, pulling them from his pocket to show her.  “Only one at Spencer Warehouse though....The other one I found at Bullworth Paint Supply.”

“Paint Supply ?”, Karen asked, “Why would they be bugged ?”

Tony shrugged his shoulders.  “Beats me.  They ARE the only paint supply place in the whole Valley, though.  All the paints and spray paints must go through there.”

“So, where you planning to plant those ?”, Karen asked, still eating.

“I donno”, Tony replied.  “Hadn’t decided yet....Where do you think they should go ?”

“Let me think while I eat the rest of this”, Karen said.

Karen finished up her food as Tony looked around.  “Pretty dead in here for a Saturday”, Tony commented.  “Where is everybody ?”

“Well...I know Hanna, Claire, Nina, Gloria, Joan, and Misty went down to the Football Field”, Karen said, chugging down some Bean Cola.  “Whitney and Hayley, they’re in their room.  Amber is staying over at Russell’s house for the weekend, Paige is with Trent and the Bullies....Haven’t seen Angie or Jessica today at all, but they’re probably with the Greasers somewhere.”

“That’s quite a list”, Tony said.  “You keeping track of everyone ?”

“Mostly”, Karen replied.  “Think somebody should.  I left out those who are staying with their Cliques, like Mandy, Binky, Jimmette, and Vanessa...And Pinky, she’s staying over in the Vale somewhere.”  Karen’s nose wrinkled in disgust at that last name.  Tony was afraid Karen would ask if he knew where Pinky was, but she didn’t.  Instead, she suddenly got to her feet.

“Hey, look what I can do now”, Karen said, and proceeded to hobble around the Parlor on her cast. 

“Wow, I didn’t know you could do that ?”, Tony said, rather amazed. “That just happen ?”

“How do you think I got downstairs today, Silly ?”, Karen retorted, prancing around.  “And before you ask....No, it doesn’t hurt.  So I want to get out of here....I feel like a Girl Hermit.  Where are you going today ?”

“Well...Um, thought I’d go over to the School Basement”, Tony said.  “Listen in, see if I can pick up on whatever Tad is scheming.”

“Well then, let’s go Mister !”, Karen said brightly.  “Sooner we crack this mystery, the sooner we can have overtime for ourselves.”

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1222 on: February 11, 2015, 08:22:25 PM »
The Preps came awake that afternoon also, and were horrified to find that they could not move.  The Hog-tying we so effective that the most they could do was squirm around on their bellies.  One by one, their cries went up, heard but unheeded by the others, for there was nothing any of them could do.  Chad, in particular, was worse off than the rest, not even knowing that a counter-attack had occurred, or just why he awoke to find himself in such a situation.  Alone in the alcove inside the front doors of Harrington House, he called out uselessly for help over and over. 

Upstairs, Tad groaned as he came to.  At first, he didn’t understand why he couldn’t move.  Then he remembered....Those dastardly Greaseballs had done this to him somehow, invading his very bedroom and attacking him !  How was that possible after leaving them unconscious and beaten on their own turf ?

“So, you’re finally awake”, Vanessa said from the other side of the bed.  Tad strained his neck around, but could not see her.  “What now, O Lord and Master ?”, she continued disdainfully, “How do we get out of this mess ?”

“I...I don’t understand !”, Tad gasped, “How is it I can not move ?  What did those Devils do to us ?”

“Tied us up somehow, isn’t that obvious ?”, Vanessa retorted.  “Some plan you had.  Look where it got us.  I didn’t come to Bullworth just to be trussed up like a Turkey.”

“The plan worked....We beat them", Tad shot back angrily.  “You went along with the plan, if you recall, and I’ll bet you enjoyed doing it !”

“Yes, I did go along with it”, Vanessa admitted, remembering how the three Greasers had feasted their lusting eyes on her body as she danced nearly naked in front of them.  “But that doesn’t help us now.  My side hurts from where those little bomb things went off.  I think some of my nails are broken", she pouted.  “So, how do we get out of this mess ?”

To that, Tad had no answer.  He heard the other Preps calling for help down the hall, their weak cries filtering to his ears.  Tad tried to move forward by using his chin, but only succeeded in falling over on his side.  Tad seethed in anger.  Damn those Greaseball Cretins !!

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1223 on: February 14, 2015, 02:05:13 PM »
The Greasers were up and about that afternoon also, though most of them elected to just hang around the Blue Balls Bar.  Jessica once again put salve on their wounds, although many of the Greasers were still stiff and sore from their experiences from the night before.  Jessica was becoming rather popular with the Greasers of late, and her tending to their wounds only made them like her all the better.  Unlike the mysterious Binky or the ditzy Angie, Jessica had an outgoing personality and a charming manner that appealed to them, and her actions in helping out the night before paved her way to acceptance into the Greaser Clique. 

Jessica also had an effect on how the other Greasers regarded Ricky Pucino.  Previously, they had been disdainful of him after his behind-the-scenes manipulation of Norton in taking over the Clique, which came to a disastrous end just a month later.  Ricky’s hostility towards Peanut on his return was quickly stifled, as Peanut damn near choked him against the Autoshop wall.  Every since then, and especially since Johnny had returned from Detroit, Norton and Ricky had been relegated to lower respect among their fellow Greasers.  And while Norton had humbled himself and now apologized to Peanut for the abortive takeover, Ricky had not, rightfully maintaining it had been Norton’s idea all along.

Ricky had other personality traits that the others didn’t like, such as acting all superior and condescending much of the time.  The other Greasers were always quick to remind him of the incident where Nick Penty had forced him to drink a bottle of piss, and the fact that his last girlfriend left him for a Jock.  Ricky had nothing to say about the piss-drinking, and would just shut up and seethe inside whenever it was mentioned, but lately he had a comeback when being reminded of his former girlfriend....”Yeah, well I gots one now, Pal...Where’s yours ?”  However, this only worked on the Greasers who didn’t have girlfriends, which was now down to Lefty, Lucky, and maybe Norton, depending on how his strange relationship with Whitney worked out. 

But now, the others were looking at Ricky in a new light, wondering how in the hell he could attract a cool girl like Jessica, and with a bit of jealousy as well.  Being with Jessica had mellowed Ricky somewhat, and the others had began grudgingly affording him a measure of respect.  That his relationship with Jessica had obviously just gone to a new level was a further cause in the change of their way of thinking about Ricky, a change for the better.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 08:07:20 PM by Red Blaster »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1224 on: February 15, 2015, 01:44:37 PM »
Peanut and Hal decided to ride over to Bullworth Town to check on the girls at the Clinic not long after.  On the way though, Hal became more and more wobbly on his bike, and complained of his head hurting...The punches he had taken in the Boxing Ring, combined with the attack of the night before, had taken their toll on the beefy Hal.  By the time they reached the Clinic, Hal could barely ride.  Inside, seeing Angie, she noticed his condition and insisted Hal get checked out.  The result was Hal was put into a bed in the Clinic with a possible concussion.  Angie was being released, but stayed with Hal the rest of the afternoon and on into the evening.

Peanut went over to see Binky.  Though clearly upset by the attack, she still harbored anger towards the Preps for what they had done to her and the others.  “Did yous get ‘em, Nut ?  Makes them pay ?”

Peanut smiled grimly.  “Oh, we gots dem, all rights”, he said, and proceeded to tell her about the retaliatory attack.  Binky seemed to relish the part where Tad and Vanessa were surprised in bed.  “Good....They seen it comin’ then”, she said.

“At close range”, Peanut assured her.  “And den, we Hog-tied dem.”

Binky actually knew what that was.  A painful smile touched her face.  “Goods...Dey won’t be gettin’ loose for awhiles.  But.....You shoulds have stomped on dat Bastids feet, like he did mine.”

“I, um, didn’t thinks of dat”, Peanut said, almost apologetic.  “It was....Heat of the moment type thing, Y’see....” 

Binky merely nodded.  She was quite sure that Peanut had at least shot a Spud in Tad’s nuts as payback for what he had done to him.  She pulled back the sheet covering her legs.  “Look”, she told him.

Peanut looked at the big cast on Binky’s left foot, and could see the tips of her little toes poking out.  They looked swollen.  Peanut’s eyes shifted then over to her other foot, and wasn’t surprised to see that she was still wearing her other high-heel pointy Greaser Boot.  “How...How bad is it ?”, he asked.

“Two broke bones”, Binky sighed, “A Meta-sompthin’ and one other next to it.  Nut...I cants walk....Cants even stands up....I gots to pee in a pan....”  A tear leaked from her eye and she quickly wiped it away.  “I gotta stays here awhile....Maybe a weeks or two, afores I can puts any weight on....”  Binky choked up then, unable to finish. 

Peanut didn’t know what to do, so he just bent down and embraced her.  This was quite a bit different Binky than what he had grown used to.  Instead of the wise-cracking, smirking, Devil-may-care attitude she usually exhibited, this Binky was vulnerable and probably scared, finding out that being a Greaser was a tough person to be sometimes.  It was a cold, cruel world out there.  Binky reached up suddenly and grasped him, her sobs breaking through.  Peanut let her cry it out while he held her.

After a few minutes she subsided.  “Nut ?”, she said in a small voice.  “Will you do’s sompin’ for me ?”

“Sures”, Peanut told earnestly, “Anything you wants !”

In a low whispery voice, Binky told him what she wanted.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1225 on: February 16, 2015, 02:24:46 PM »
“You hearing anything ?”, Karen asked, holding her hands up in a gesture.  With Headphones on, Tony couldn’t hear her, but understood the gesture.  Shaking his head No, he pulled off the headphones.

“Nothing, nobody talking, but it’s strange”, Tony said.  “There’s these weird noises....”

“What do you mean, weird ?”, asked Karen, “Like how ?”

“Here, you listen", Tony replied, “See what you think.”

Tony handed her the headphones and Karen put them on her head.  They were sitting at the table in the basement, the Receiver in front of them.  Mr. Riddle was apparently gone somewhere for the weekend, much as the mysterious Mr. Luntz had always come and gone.

Karen listened intently, trying to hear the strange noises Tony said he had heard.  At first she heard nothing, but after awhile she detected faint noises in the background.  “I hear it !  It sounds like.....Like....”   Shouting, she wanted to say, but it wasn’t quite that.  It reminded her more of the background noise in a disaster movie, one of those where Aliens had invaded and were busy with trying to take over the planet.  “.....Like, maybe they left their TV on”, she finished lamely, pulling the headphones off.

Tony took back the headphones and listened some more. Try as he might, he just couldn’t make out what the faint noises were.  Apparently, they were too far away from his planted 'Bugs’ to be made out.  On the one 'Bug’ he planted upstairs, the faint noises were louder, on the other ‘Bug’ downstairs they could barely be heard.  Tony finally had to conclude that Karen was probably right, that it was probably the TV in the Game Room.  It would be just like the Preps to leave it on while they were away. 

Tony listened for an hour more, and finally gave up.  So far, his bugging plan had produced zero results, and he was beginning to wonder if it would work at all for uncovering Tad’s plans.  The Preps were probably over at the Glass Jaw, or possibly staying at the Spencer Mansion for the weekend.  He decided he needed a break, anyway. Turning off the Receiver off and putting it away, Tony and Karen left out of the basement door on the West side of the School, and went to the Garages by the Parking Lot.  There Tony unlocked the far door and got out the Go-Kart, then he took Karen to the French Restaurant for dinner.  Later on, after dark, they went to to Overlook for some long-delayed romance.

Angie arrived late back to the Girl’s Dorm.  Most of the rest of the girls were still down at the Football Field, mingling with the Jocks.  Wore out and still sore from the night before, she just went right to bed.  It wouldn’t be until the next day that she began blabbing the story about the twin attacks to the other girls, ensuring another long night for the Preps to remain Hog-tied on the floors inside Harrington House.

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1226 on: February 17, 2015, 09:42:38 PM »
Angie was up late the next morning, and planned to go to the Clinic to be with Hal, but before she left, she began blabbing to the other girls about the Preps attacking them Friday night at the Autoshop.  She even lifted up her shirt, showing the bruises on her belly where the rock-hard Eggs had smashed into her guts, but didn’t show her bruised boob.  She made mention of a retaliatory attack, but since she had no real details, she was unable to blab about that, other than to say the Preps had been “Got Back” somehow.  Shortly afterward, she had departed for the Clinic to be with Hal, who really hadn’t been in much shape to tell her what the Greasers had done in Harrington House the night before going to the Clinic.

The story made its way back to Karen, who heard it in a slightly distorted form from Hannah.  Karen called Tony on her Cell Phone right after that and told him what she had heard.  It seemed Tad had already carried out his plan against the Greasers virtually right under their noses.  Although Tad had beaten Hal in the Ring, that apparently hadn’t been the end of it.  Tony felt like an Idiot.  While he had been spinning his wheels yesterday, listening futility for clues, Tad and the Preps had already pulled off an attack on the Greaser’s own turf.  They all must be laughing their asses off about right now.

But Karen also mentioned that she had heard that there had been a retaliatory attack of some kind, and that Angie had been injured along with one of the other girls, and that she was going to see Hal in the Bullworth Clinic.  His mind racing, Tony made the decision to go to the Bullworth Clinic to see what more he could find out, as it was closer than going further into New Coventry to the Blue Balls Bar.  But little did Tony know as he headed over on his way that the full truth of the attacks would not be revealed today, and one crucial element would be left out of the stories he was about to hear.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 06:53:59 AM by Red Blaster »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1227 on: February 18, 2015, 08:41:34 PM »
Arriving at the Clinic, Tony spotted Hal and Angie right away, as they were in the short-term outer ward.  Hal was asleep, and Angie told him basically the same story he had heard from Karen, with a few additions about being surprised by the Preps and being stuffed in a Trash Can.  She also related her ride to the Clinic along with Jessica and Binky in the basket of the bike.  “Look where they shot me !”, Angie exclaimed, and yanked up her blouse, practically shoving her Boobs in Tony’s face.  On her left Boob was an ugly bruise, and Tony decided he had heard enough and seen too much. 

Tony then sought out Binky, who had been moved to one of the separate rooms.  Walking in, he also found Peanut by her bedside.  Tony set about electing from Peanut the story of the Prep attack and the retaliatory attack that the Greasers had done.  “Dem Bastids just showed up and started shootin’ on us”, Peanut related.  “Dey’s got the drop on us, and we runs to the back to finds a place to defends ourselves, buts dey followed and shoots down Hal, Ricky, and Angie.  Me and Binks run back around and took cover behinds da Junker, and we fired back on dem till we runs out of ammo.  Den I calls Tad out, and he fights me, but kicks me in da Nuts.  Binks went afters him wid a Trash Can lid, ands that new Prep girl attacked Binks, and den, Tad stomps on Bink’s foot and brokes it !  Den theys all runned off afters that.”

Peanut went on to relate their counter-attack, once Lefty, Lucky, and Norton showed up and told of being attacked by the Preps at the Bike Park.  “Den I realized dat dey had planned all dis, it weren’t no spur ‘o the minute thing....Tad used his his new slut-whore to distract dem and bushwhack dem, so’s dey coulds come afters us.”  Peanut felt perfectly justified in launching the surprise counter-attack on the Preps, and Tony was inclined to agree.  “We’s snuck up on dem, took out Chad, den we went to theys upstairs....Dey wus all sleepin’, not expectin’ us so soons...We gots our paybacks.”

“Dat bastid oughtta have his legs broke”, Binky said from her bed.  “And dat Bitch Vanessa, I’ma gonna clean her clock whens I heals up.”

Peanut gave out a few more details but neglected to reveal that the Greasers had left the Preps tied up inside Harrington House.  Tony told Peanut that Tad needed to be stopped before things got further out of hand.  “We need to make him adhere to the Agreement that everyone signed, or the whole School is gonna go back into chaos.  We need the cooperation of the other Cliques to enforce sanctions on them.  I’m going to call a Clique Council meeting for tomorrow after School, in the Auditorium.  I don’t want you to be messing with them now, your retaliatory attack was probably justified....”

“It WAS justified”, Peanut said, “We’s never done nuttin’ to thems, even after Hal lost dat fight !  Ands, even whens we didn’t have nuttins to do whit whats happened to Bif !”

“I believe you”, Tony told Peanut, “But your retaliation cancels out their attack.  Still though...Tad started this whole thing somehow....I don’t know how....But be at that meeting, tell your side.  It’s the only way to put a stop to this.”

Binky gripped Peanut’s hand.  “Do It”, she said, her face bitter.  “I’se can fight da Bitch later.”

Peanut looked back at Tony.  “I’lls be dere, den.”

Tony nodded, and left.  On his way back out of the Clinic, he passed another room’s open door, stopped, and looked back.  He went to the doorway.  “Um...Hi, Ms. Phillips.”

“Oh...Tony dear”, Ms. Phillips said surprised.  “I’m glad to see you !  How are things going ?’

Tony gave a weak, but he hoped convincing, smile.  “Um...We are holding our own, Ma’am.”

“That’s good, dear”, Ms. Phillips responded, “My Gally-Bear needs all the help he can get.  Are you here to visit someone ?”

“Er...Yeah”, Tony evaded, “One of the new girls broke her foot, I was just seein’ how she’s doing.”

“Oh, how nice of you”, Ms. Phillips commented, and then said, “I’m able to walk a little now...Think I’ll finally be out of here next week !”

“Oh...That’s great !”, Tony said sincerely.  “Next term, I want to take Art Class again.”

“That would be wonderful, dear”, Ms. Phillips said.  “You can take the Advanced Class.”

They talked on for a few minutes more about the new Advanced Art course, then Tony said he had to get back to the school.  “I gotta go, some Mediator stuff I gotta do.”

“Well, you go on then, keep the School safe”, Ms. Phillips said.  “Have Karen come see me sometime, would you ?”

“I’ll, um...I’ll do that”, Tony said, and left.  On his way back to the School, he began thinking of how to convince the other Clique Leaders to attend the very first Clique Council meeting without telling them too much beforehand.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 08:44:44 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1228 on: February 19, 2015, 08:49:20 PM »
Tony had checked the Dragon’s Wing before returning to School, but the Nerds weren’t there, which meant that they were probably at the Observatory.  As Tony approached the school, he called Karen back, telling her what he was going to do and that Peanut had essentially confirmed Angie’s story.  He then headed down to the Observatory via the Football Field.  Luckily, the Jocks were out on the Football Field, running some plays on their own.  Tony found Ted and pulled him aside, explaining what was going on and telling him of the Clique Council meeting set for the next day.  Ted readily agreed to be there, as Tony figured he would, since there was no love lost between the Jocks and the Preps. 

Tony next went to the Observatory.  After gaining admittance, he found the the Nerds were preparing to go run some G&G battle simulations.  Tony pulled Melvin aside and told him of the Clique Council meeting meeting set for after classes the next day.  Melvin appeared a little reluctant to come until Tony explained what had happened late Friday and early Saturday between the Greasers and the Preps.  Once he heard that, Melvin agreed to be there.  There was no love lost between the Nerds and the Preps either.

On his way back, Tony approached Harrington House.  He had yet to tell Trent about the meeting, but figured he could catch the Bully leader at the Motel Parking Lot later that evening, as the Bullies weren’t around the School on Sunday.  But Tad had to be told also, and Tony figured he’d better get that over with.  By now, with all he had been through, Tony was no fool.  He went through the unlocked gate with his Weapon drawn.

He found the Prep’s quad deserted, as well as the side yard.  Over by the entrance doors were two overturned chairs and....Chad’s Dog, Chester.  Tony approached the entrance doors, but Chester began to growl menacingly.  Tony could have just shot the Dog, but held off.  Chester wasn’t threatening to attack him, he saw, but was guarding the doors.  When Tony backed away, Chester quieted down.  Tony didn’t know what to make of that.  He had been to Harrington House before, had been inside a few times, and the Dog never acted like that before.  Something was fishy here.     

Tony left the Harrington House Quad and headed to the side Garages by the Parking Lot, calling Karen on his Cell Phone along the way.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 08:51:37 PM by BloodChuckZ »

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Re: The Bullworth Never Ending Story
« Reply #1229 on: February 22, 2015, 01:03:08 AM »
Tony got his Flame Job Bike out of the Garage and headed off to the Vale.  First he stopped at the Glass Jaw Boxing Gym to see if the Preps were there, licking their wounds.  He went inside with his Spud Gun drawn, as he had zero trust in the Preps considering what had happened.  But the inside was empty, both downstairs and upstairs in their Club Bar. 

Next Tony biked off to the Beach House, not really expecting to find them there, and he was right.  Not in the Beach House or anywhere around on the beach.  Tony next rode up to Vale Valley Road where Spencer Mansion was located.  The front gates were closed and locked and there was no one in evidence outside. Tony rode back around to the fancy Garage and found that gate unlocked.  Proceeding with caution, he approached the Mansion from the side, walking around to the front door.  He knocked and then pounded on the front door with no response.  Before leaving, Tony checked the Gazebo in the side yard with no results. 

Tony returned to his Bike and rode up and around to the upscale Basketball Court that was behind the old Bathhouse, where the Preps had been lured to by Lola before being sneak attacked by Algie last winter, and then he rode through the Park, seeing no Preps anywhere.  Finally, he rode back down to the upscale Business District of the Vale and check out the Vale Hotel and Shay Lewis, then even looked in the Aquaberry Clothing Shop.  Lastly, he rode to the Boardwalk by the River not far from the Glass Jaw and looked.  No Dice.

Frustrated,  Tony called Karen on his Cell Phone, and told her of his failure to locate the Preps, and that he was going back to the Motel and try to track down Trent to tell him of the next day’s Clique Council meeting.  “But, something seems hinky here....Has anybody at School seen the Preps today ?’

“Not anybody I’ve talked to”, Karen said, “Course it’s Sunday....They don’t much hang around anywhere else on Campus except Harrington House on Sundays.”

“Well that’s what’s odd”, Tony said, telling her about Chester guarding the Prep’s doors and the overturned chairs outside. 

“Maybe they’re just licking their wounds”, Karen suggested with a giggle.

“Well...Maybe”, Tony said.  “But there was something strange about how that Dog was acting.”  Tony thought for a moment while Karen waited.  Then he had an idea.  “Say....See if someone can find a Prefect and have them check Harrington House....Preferably Edward, he seems to like those rich creeps.”

“That’s because he used to be one himself”, Karen laughed.  “I’ll see if some of the girls can find him to go check.”

With that, they finished their conversation, and Tony rode to the In-and-Out Motel.  There at least, he was in luck...The Bullies were there, all right, entertaining themselves playing a game of Hackysack.  Tony got Trent aside and told him of the next day’s Clique Council and what had led up to it.  Trent readily agreed to be there.  The Bullies had always had beefs with the Preps going back for years, the latest had been when Derby and the others had tried to horn in on their drug trade last year.  There was no love lost between the Bullies and the Preps either. 

Tony mounted up and rode to the French Restaurant.  There he would get a delayed meal and get some take-out for Karen before heading back to School.  Maybe there would be some news of Tad and the Preps by then. 