1. Do businesses make money in selling violent games?
Of course, why else would they put the effort in to produce the game? If there were no guarantee that it would sell, then they wouldn't write the story and create it. It's like an interactive movie.
2. Are the current censorhip rules and laws are tough enough?
Probably too tough. Movies get away with more.
3. Effects of playing violent games? does it harm playing violent games.
No. A sane person who can tell the difference between fiction and reality should be fine. If someone is mentally unstable to begin with, then yes, the game can/may exacerbate the symptoms. BUT - political figures, movies, music and books can also have the same effect, yet unfortunately, games seem to be the popular scapegoat at the moment.
John Hinkley attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan because he was obsessed with Jodie Foster.
Numerous serial killers were not driven to kill based on video games. Many of them came from broken homes. Many were abused, molested and treated horribly at a young age by family, friends, neighbors or even other predators. Some were inspired to kill by books, film, and hate. Albert Fish was a bible fanatic and a sadist. Ted Bundy looked like your average clean-shaven man, but he was abused and molested by his father. Charles Manson was obsessed with The Beatles and his own twisted interpretations of biblical passages. Did any of these men play video games? No. They were already mentally disturbed to begin with. Since they went undiagnosed, their humanity and mental capacities diminished as time went on.
4. Are games different to films/TV and Music.
Yes and no. They are alike because they are all forms of entertainment, but the difference is that they are all different forms of entertainment. A movie is 'set in stone'. You watch it and that's the end of it. What you see is what you get. Television and film could be considered similar, but at the same time, they differ. Television contains more than a two hour film. Music is different because of the genres. You can combine genres, stick to one. Games differ, because they're from a different perspective. Games aren't so linear anymore. You don't always have to immediately go from point A to point B. If a game is based on a movie, you could be a different character and have a different point of view. Or a movie could be based on a game and take a different direction. The possibilities are pretty much limitless, if done correctly.