The media section is a read only forum. This is to keep it tidy so people dont have to search through threads for images or information. If you would like to discuss the topic you are viewing then please follow the link provided at the bottom of each topic, or jump back to the other discussion forums.
Also, if you find any information regarding Bully such as new screenshots or news floating about on the internet that you think may be interesting then please let me know either through the Private Message button or you can email me
[email protected] I would like to create a sort of archive of news- old or new it doesn't matter, this way people can just click the 'Press Archive' forum and scroll through topics and pick which one may interest them.
Lastly i would like to thank everyone who has so far contributed to the items in the media section, without the members of this board i think the buzz surrounding Bully would be dead, thanks guys.