I'm assuming you mean the spot on the West side of the parking lot, directly across from the "reserved" sign -- Where the other side is the small area where one of the G&G cards was....There's a break in the fence there, and you can fire weapons through there and I would guess throw stuff through that fence break as well....Which means, if Jimmy could jump high enough, could get over the wall in the first chapter if he had a bike to do so...But no shop class in Chapter 1, right, so not possible then...
I did try to make the jump, but failed, will try out some different bikes, see if that works...Tried the other side, but barred from climbing up on the rocks to jump up on top of the wall there....Question would be, what the hell is that there for, and what is the reason behind having that section of fence missing....Most of the missing fence sections have a purpose in that Jimmy can climb or jump them for some reason or other....But what is the reason for this