- has extremely low confidence
- bullies other girls (probably to assert dominance/make herself feel better than she feels)
- judges people based on their appearance, probably because she's used to people doing that to her
- harbours special resentment towards the nerds (even before a certain incident in the game which I'm not mentioning because I don't want to spoiler anyone)
- is either bulimic or a purging anorexic
- seems to confuse popularity/being considered attractive with actually being liked by people
- wants to become a model
- worries about her reputation
- hates Lola, possibly because she's jealous of her (see point above- maybe she resents Lola for not caring that people think she's a slut?)
- freaks out when boys she likes kiss other boys (in other words, she's probably not a slash!writer.
- can actually fight when someone tries to take her on/annoys her