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Author Topic: Characters that you can pay to be your Bodyguard.  (Read 2036 times)

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Offline BifTaylor21

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Characters that you can pay to be your Bodyguard.
« on: August 10, 2008, 09:37:14 PM »
I want to know which characters you can pay to be your bodyguard.  I know already that you can pay from the Bullies:  Russell, Ethan, Troy, Tom, Wade, and Davis. I know that from the nerds you can pay:  Fatty, Algie and some others, though I would'nt hire them for their lives. From the Greasers:  Norton, Hal, Lefty, and Ricky.  Jocks i can pay Casey, Juri, Luis, and Dan. Preppies are Tad, Gord, Chad and others.

Now here are the two ppl that I would want to pay as Bodyguard:
 Bif and Damon
Anyone know how to pay them!  I could use them for backup when takin on the cops and prefects

Offline TheBullworthChampion

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Characters that you can pay to be your Bodyguard.
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2008, 02:23:15 AM »
I dont think you can pay them to be your bodyguard. Ive talked to them over and over but they dont ask to be. You can tell if some can be you bodyguard by targeting them and if you see you money on the top right that mean they can be your bodyguard.