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Author Topic: Much worse than a nightmare  (Read 3320 times)

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Much worse than a nightmare
« on: March 27, 2014, 12:16:01 PM »
stop reading this shit, go read the great bullworth story, i actually work on it

Jimmy Hopkins woke up on a Monday, he was bored and there wasn't a chance in hell of him going to Math Class. He was thinking of something to do, and he got an idea. He had never been in any other room in the dorm except for his. So he went to the room next door and slowly opened the door. What he saw would scar him for life. He saw Pedro, Constantinos, and Eunice on one bed, all fully naked. His face instantly turned Cherry Red and he felt very sick. The smell was awful in there. Eunice started to feel Diarrhea coming on and she turned and saw Jimmy. Out of shock, she released her shit, which went all over the place, mostly covering Pedro and Constantinos. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET OUT"  screamed Eunice. "Aw what the fuck? That's so nasty" yelled Constantinos. "Momma, I need a bath!" Said Pedro. Other people in the dorm heard the commotion and walked towards it thinking "What the fuck?". The first one to see was Gary, who quickly whipped out a digital camera and snapped a pic and ran away giggling. Others came and either vomited or burst out laughing. But Jimmy was just frozen in place. Constantinos tried to cover his junk but didn't do it well, he slammed the door and locked it. The 3 in the bedroom didn't know what to do, Eunice was crying, Constantinos was in complete shock, and Pedro was vomiting and crying for his mother. After a while the crowed went away but Jimmy was still frozen in place. To be continued... Maybe....
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 09:39:33 AM by Sphinx »

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Re: Much worse than a nightmare
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2014, 12:39:42 PM »
A long time later, at around 3 AM, they snuck out, it was so late that the Prefects went in. They found some bikes at the gate, their plan was to leave bullworth, they would find a way out. But the police were still patrolling, so they still had to be careful. But that didn't work, as soon as Eunice got on a shitty old bike, which turned out to be Edna's, her weight caused it to break. It made a lot of noise which attracted a nearby officer. Pedro and Constantinos took off while Eunice got caught. While riding through town they got trapped by the Townies, they had their bikes and clothes stolen and were beaten badly. They woke up around 2 PM, and knew they were screwed. No clothes, no bikes, in broad daylight. They found a spudgun that was left behind, Constantinos grabbed it, and they ran to Yum Yum Market while people looked and laughed. They shot the Clerk in the face, knocking him out, and they took all the food and money they could get, running all the way back to the Dorm with food and money while holding off Cops and Prefects with spuds. The smartest thing Constantinos did was steal lots of spuds from the store. He was able to keep the authorities away and get to his dorm room. They locked themselves in. Not coming out for a week. Anyone who tried to get in there would get a spud to the mouth. They didn't care who it was. Russell even tried to get in there, but he ended up losing some teeth. Jimmy was laying on his bed, still frozen in complete shock, Russell carried him to his bed the previous day. They finally ran out, as Russell tried again. He beat them both very badly, he broke Constantino's arm, knocked several of his teeth out, and gave him a concussion. Pedro got a black eye and a broken nose. He tossed them outside, they slowly got up but got surrounded by Prefects, they were busted, and got expelled along with Eunice. Gary had put up posters all over Bullworth. But they would have their revenge. Oh yes, they would have their sweet, sweet revenge.
The end for now

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Re: Much worse than a nightmare
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2014, 09:11:32 AM »
Two weeks later, nobody had seen anything of the 3 lovebirds, and Jimmy finally came back to reality after Gary slapped the shit out of him. Anyone who asked him what he saw that day would get beaten badly and shoved in the nearest locker or trash bin. Russell learned this the hard way since he never saw inside the room or the posters. Jimmy pelted him with firecrackers and spuds. It was the beginning of a new day, and Constantinos was ready to get his revenge. He broke into Jimmy's dorm and stole his mascot costume back, and he trained Pedro. He also stole some weapons from Jimmy's room, including a spudgun, a bottlerocket launcher, some itching powder, and a mysterious giant blue ball made of rubber bands. Constantinos wanted to see what it did, so he threw it against the wall. It bounced off at high speed and hit Pedro in the nuts.
"MOMMMMAAAAA" he screamed as he fell to his knees, tearing up.
Constantinos grabbed the ball before it hit him and put it away. That would be his secret weapon. Meanwhile at the dorm, Jimmy was surprised at what he see, his door was kicked down, and he was missing some of his weapons, including his signature weapon, the rubber band ball. Someone is gonna die for this. I will not lose that ball after working so hard to get it. He thought to himself. He smelled the horrible odor coming from his room and covered his nose
"Aww man it stinks like shit in here. Wait... shit... You can't be serious"
He checked his wardrobe and saw his mascot costume was missing. He knew what to do, he had to get in touch with Edgar and the Townies, they'll find him.

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Re: Much worse than a nightmare
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2014, 09:42:10 AM »
The 3 were gearing up for a war, well more like 2. They were hiding in the old tenemants in New Coventry, and Eunice's weight broke the old wooden floor on the second story, it's a miracle she didn't die. Constantinos had the spudgun and rubber band ball, he got lots of spuds. Pedro had a bottle rocket launcher with lots of extra rockets and the itching powder. They also carried some soda for when things got hairy. Meanwhile Jimmy was trying to get the Townies to look for them, they wanted compensation, so they got compensation. 25 bucks each, it was a lot to pay, but Jimmy needed that ball back. He headed back to the school, passing right by the lovebirds hideout, Pedro and Constantinos watched him as he walked by.
"Fucking stupid intruding asshole" Mumbled Constantinos
"My Momma said he was a bad person" Said Pedro
Later on that day, it was time. They walked through the front gates and Constantinos shot down Seth pretty quickly. All prefects were swarming but got cut down quickly. They both reloaded their weapons and headed for the boys dorm. Sheldon was on the path but since he was Pedro's friend before, he got off easy getting shoved in a trash can. They kicked the doors down and unloaded into the dorm. Several bullies and a nerd were the first to go down. Another nerd, Bucky, heard the shots and quickly took cover behind the couch, preparing his own spudgun. He popped out and fired a shot at Constantinos, the spud grazed his head. Pedro threw a packet of itching powder over the couch with good aim, Bucky was drawn out and shot down with a spud. Meanwhile on the other side of School, Jimmy was sneaking around in the girls dorm, looking for Zoe. Everyone in the hallway and living room was down, time to kick down doors. First door to go down was Jimmy's, but nobody was in there. They skipped their own dorm thinking nobody was in there, but the room was cleaned and Russell was moved in there. He was a heavy sleeper and HATED to be woken up
"Russell....smash.....Earnest...." he mumbled to himself in his sleep.
They kicked down one door, and found several greasers, watching some cheesy 50s movie. They were quickly cut down and all the noise from yelling and explosions finally woke Russell up. He smashed through his door and found the source of the noise. Before either of the could fire any shots he picked up Pedro with one hand, gave him several punches to the face which broke his nose and cut him up, and threw him agaisnt the wall hard.
Constantinos shot Russell in the stomach with a spud which made him stumble back a bit, and Russell kicked Constantinos hard which sent him to the floor. Russell was advancing on him but Constantinos grabbed his spudgun and started firing as fast as the gun would allow, Russel was knocked out and he got up. Gulping down his soda, he grabbed Pedro's weapons and got went to the next room. The Jocks were partying hard, Smashing a punching bag and playing some loud music, Constantinos tossed the rubber band ball in there and watch everyone go down. As the ball slowed to a roll he picked it up and continued. He broke into every room in the dorm and took out everyone. He lost the rubberband ball when it broke a window and flew out. Jimmy was heading back to the dorm as he saw his precious ball rolling towards him. He ran as fast as he could and grabbed it.
"I'm glad I found it, but where the hell did this come from" His question was answered as he heard yelling and explosions in the dorm. He put his ball away, and ran towards the dorm. Constantinos had taken out the nerds in the last room, and was out of everything, no spuds, no rockets, no powder. But that's okay, the tough work is done now. Now for the easy part, to leave his mark. He took a can of spray paint out and painted SHOULDN'T HAVE EXPELLED US CRABBLEBITCH

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Re: Much worse than a nightmare
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2014, 09:51:23 AM »
As Constantinos finished his tag, Jimmy made it in the dorm. He saw the people knocked out on the ground, he looked to the left and saw Constantinos tagging, he ran up and tackled him. Constantinos got up and saw his attacker. His face became red with anger, but it wasn't noticable since he had his costume on.
"I HATE YOU HOPKINS" Yelled Constantinos
"Come on then" Said Jimmy
It was on now, Constantinos started attacking Jimmy with wide swinging punches which were easily blocked and Jimmy got some punches on him. But Jimmy let his guard down, Constantinos was tougher now. He caught Jimmy with a right hook and Jimmy tasted blood in his mouth. Constantinos kicked Jimmy in the groin and starting yelling at him
Jimmy quickly got up and tripped Constantinos, he got on top of Constantinos while he was on the ground, ripping his mask off and punching him in the face several times before knee droppnig him
"I... want to die..." groaned Constantinos
Jimmy started kicking him while he was still on the ground and Constantinos rolled out of the way. He headbutted Jimmy which made him dizzy for a few seconds while Constantinos started punching him. Jimmy got up and blocked some punches while delivering his own. He finally stunned Constantinos with a blow to the stomach and got him hard with an overhead punch. Constantinos was down for the count. He was gonna add insult to injury. He dragged the two failures behind the dorm and convinced Mr. Luntz to get him a ladder. He tied them both to the entrance of the Girls Dorm. And went to bed. The Nurse would be very busy dealing with all the kids knocked out, but this is gonna get good. He went to bed with a big smile on his face.

Offline Sphinx

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Re: Much worse than a nightmare
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2014, 10:03:00 AM »
Constantino was barely conscious, and he was confused.
What is that noise, are there people laughing? This pain is unbearable. Why is it so cold out here?
He came to quickly and saw the whole school laughing at him. He could hear the girls laughing more than the boys, and he realised he was naked. Even Crabblesnitch was in the crowd chuckling. He saw Jimmy talking to Zoe and Russell and he started to remember the events of yesterday.
Everything got silent and Jimmy looked at Constantinos and grinned
"Better luck next time buddy"
Constantinos kept yelling loudly at Jimmy, saying very rude things
"That's very rude Brakus, there are small children here. You should watch your mouth" Jimmy said as he took out his custom slingshot and hit Constantinos dead in the nuts. Constantinos screamed and got silent, tears started running down his face.
The end. How did I do?

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Re: Much worse than a nightmare
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2014, 01:03:01 AM »
Well, while entertaining and amusing, there were some structure problems, most glaringly was the long, long paragraphs.  You should break those up into smaller ones. 

And try just putting a big space between them, like this.  Makes it far easier to read.

Overall, It was funny and enjoyable.  Eunice in a 3-way ?  Only a twisted soul could come up with that.

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Re: Much worse than a nightmare
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2014, 09:58:16 AM »
I know I need to work on my paragraph lengths, but I was thinking of something to write, then it hit me, Eunice and Pedro doing god knows what in a bathroom stall, and Constantinos being the lonely loser he is. Now that I wrote this, I'll never look at the 3 the same again.

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Re: Much worse than a nightmare
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2014, 01:43:50 PM »
It is too gross to even think about. 
By funny in a sick way, haha.