PlayerGetPos() - Its actully PlayerGetPosXYZ(), the command will return the value of the current location of the player. Example :
X,Y,Z = PlayerGetPosXYZ()
The code I just wrote will spawn a ped where the player is standing at.
PedGetPos - Its PedGetPosXYZ, its the same as the player one but here you use it with peds example :
PedMoveToPoint() - This will make the ped move to a certain point inside the trigger files. Example :
PedCreatePoing() - Haven't used it yet
PedIsInTrigger() - The command is used to make conditions when a ped gets to a certain trigger (Interor usually). Example :
if PedIsInTrigger(NAME,TRIGGER) then
PedFollowPath() - The command makes a ped to follow a path in the trigger files. A path is a few points which creats a special set of points which the ped will follow. Example :
collectgarbage() - This command has no parameters, it simply removes lags, used mostly in the cleanup function so that when the mission is over, it'll clean up lags and messy stuff (Not peds and stuff like that)