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Voice files download (Complete)
« on: August 08, 2013, 03:22:58 PM »
Ive took the time to do this (Originally for my own personal use), but then decided i might as well share. Ive got everyones voice files zipped into their own archives. You will need a .RAR file opener to open them. These are ripped right from the SE, so its complete. Hope this dont really break rules, but i seen people asking for it and such, so here you go:!YB0xCJqK!KqC_LGhBCXNy-tU5fZhcZQ

That is a link to the folder containing all files. All files are .wav (So no, you only need Windows Media Player to view them, they are already converted). I hope you enjoy.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 03:42:01 PM by residenteviloutbreak »

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 03:41:53 PM »
This beats my purpose. :P

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 03:42:38 PM »
This beats my purpose. :P

lol. The video files are still useful though. Because those auto play without having to keep selecting new ones.  ;)

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2013, 06:41:29 PM »
Not at all, Nathan....Your Video Section is easy and readily accessible for each of the characters.

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2013, 12:09:55 PM »
Tad Spencer:
Hey Jimmy. We got a little caper plan later. Care to join us?

You'll have to get a better shirt though. Go to Aquaberry's. We DO have some standards you know.

With good reasons my friend. Meet me here when you're decent

You know we can't associate with you until you wear some proper clothes hm?

Would you please dress appropriately?

You'll need to get your own eggs

Can't you afford your own eggs?

Inbred am I?

Who threw that egg?

Dear God! It's all over the wall!

Oh no! Mother's favorite Mappelthorpe!

Oh! Yuck! It's all over the couch!

The vase! It broke! Do you have any idea how expensive that was?

Go out there and find the miscreant!

I don't care! Find him!

You. Get out there and find him

Someone find him!

I know you're out there!

We'll find you yet!

You're not going to get away with this!

That's it! He hit the Kostabi! Everyone, get that damn vandal!

That's great, Pinky! I gotta pee!

I'll call you.

Oh! That's much better.

You creep! I'm not that sort!

Go home, Hopkins! Oh wait. You don't have one because your mommy hates you. I'll never give the password to the likes of you.

Why don't you make yourself useful and go get me a towel.

Do you like hanging out in the bathroom Hopkins?

Are you still here, Hopkins? I thought you were going to do something?

Is this supposed to be the fun way?

How dare you touch me you filthy savage.

Th the devil you peasant!

Uh! No!

Uh! All right! It's Connecticut.

You miserable brute! You'll pay!

Probably just Bryce and Chad horsing around again. You know how they like to wrestle.

Who let you in?

You don't belong here!

Get rid of the squatter!

Let us eject this miscreant!

Go Bif! I'm counting on you!

Bif! Bif! He's our man!

Don't bother getting up!

Look like I'm about to make fifty dollars!

I still think Hopkins will lose!

Fifty dollars says that Hopkins is going to bite it!

I'm going to kill you Hopkins

Yaah! Let's do it!

Come on! Punch him!

That's gotta hurt!

Next round will be the end of it!

Who broke my gnome!?!

Scoundrel! Have at you!

I think some of your friends followed me.

I wonder how they knew.

Oh Gord! You and your cheap thrills.

One day I'll do something like that too

It must be exciting.

Well. Good for a little fun but without the connection you know it won't last

We have to go to her trailer or whatever

Who's that? Get him!

It would seem so!

That was fast!


Damn noisy pleaves!

Alright baby! I'll show them what a difference class makes!

Lola! Hey Lola! Wait for me!

I agree completely!

This is stupid. I got better things to do than hang with you

You'll have to get your other friends now Jimmy. I'm outta here!

Hey! Give him a hand!

Look! He needs help!

Uh! Man! Who caused that?

I can do that! 

So what?

What a worthless kid!

What else would you expect from a loser like him?

You don't deserve that bike!

I should have that bike!

No! It's mine! It's mine!

Come on! It's my bike!

Yeah! Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy?

Now we're talking!

Be cool my man!

Whoa! Nellie!


Okay! Chill out now!

Can you be any more blind!?!

Hey Ray Charles! Watch it!

How much of a spazz are you?


You need laser surgery loser!

Hit the road Jack!

Leave your glasses home again?

Ohh! I gotta burn my clothes now!

You've contaminated my clothes bum!

Hey! Keep the parmaid off my shirt mechanic boy!

You want me to break you in half wimp?

Now I'm mad!

That's it! Someone's gonna get hurt!

Who did that? Who did that?

Jim. I gotta go

Later. I'm going to go try and hit the books

I've had better rides!

Not a bad ride but you need better sharks

Hey guys! Come here and take a look at this!

Guys! We've got a live one here!

Come to papa!

Hey! Let's talk this out man to man!

Jimmy! I'm so not going there!

If you think I'm going there you will need your head examined!

Gotta take more gym classes

Now calm down Dad. Calm down

There's no reason to hit Mom, Dad

I got Derby's number. They'll see

I need to see my therapist

I wish I could make my daddy proud

One day I'll show daddy

Oh boy! I am so pissed this time!

Can you believe this insanity!?!

Okay. Yeah. What?

Nice one!

That was cool!


Yeah anyway!

Like I care about that!


Galloway can't even find his way home some nights! He's so plastered!

That nerd, Thad hit Peanut on the head with a yardstick and nothing happened. Can you believe that?

That weasel Jimmy is more than he seems!

They'll have a hard time topping last year's carnival

I know Jimmy is doing something for Edna!

I think Thad's lisp has gotten even worse this year

I heard Gary's getting all "buddy-buddy" with the new kid

You hear the junk Gary said about Jimmy?

Looks like the greasebags found some dare elect dump to move into

I'll bet it's some nerd in that mascot uniform. Maybe Melvin.

That game was messed with! You mark my words!

I wouldn't go near the industrial zone! There's something going down around there!

That figures!

That's no surprise is it?

I knew that!

No way!

Once I made my dad cake for his birthday and he stabbed me with a pitchfork!

I only have to work in getting people to distrust one another even more!

If this year ends without me on top my dad will string me up!

If only I wasn't so worthless.

I would be on top. Not Derby

Yeah. I hate that too

That sucks so hard!

Only a wuss like you would care about that!

How lame on you for caring!

You can't trust anybody anymore.

What's a prep school coming to when alliances actually work?

This whole school is just like a giant version of my Dad!

I guess friendship means nothing around here!

Catch you later!


See you!

Wait until Gary hears what I'm going to tell him about Jimmy!

When I get through with him you'll see that Peanut isn't hard to crack

This is the year I'm going to take those Greaseballs out forever!

Derby might not be so happy with Bif after I have a chat with him

That's so cool!


Yeah! Pretty decent!

Ever see Galloway on a bender?

Ever sneak into Crabblesnitch's office at night?

Are you one of those people who sneak into the kitchen and see what Edna's cooking?

Come on! Admit it! You've led panty raids in the past!

Yeah! It wasn't anything special!

Yep! Just another day in a life!


What kind of loser do you think I am?

No but maybe this year!

Man that guy is so dead!

Oh I am going to be watching that dude!

Who cheated?

Which one of you dinks screwed up?

Someone is going to get their butt kicked I'll tell you that

When I find out who messed us up I'll tear him a new one

That is so beneath me!

Hey! We're friends!

Do you always hit your friends and family?

Come on! What am I? Your wife all of a sudden?

I learned this move from my dad!

You are so gonna get killed!

You want a burial or cremation?

You are a pathetic fighter!

No Daddy. Stop. Stop

Why Daddy? Why?

I'm sorry Daddy. I'm sorry

Please Daddy. Don't hit me anymore

I'll do better next time Dad. I promise

Don't punish me Daddy. Please

You can't even get a job, can you?

You are so dead!

I'm going to pound you like my dad pounds me!

My dad has taught me the meaning of pain. Now I'll teach you!

You're going to that prep school in the sky!

Not so tough when there's no ref, are you?

Why am I even wasting my energy on you wimps?

Ooh! Daddy! Ooh!

Ooh! You are in so much trouble!

Give it to him! Come on!

Kick him! In the Johnson!

Take him out!

I wanna see some blood!

That was a stupid thing to do!

Okay! Who's the brave boy?

Oh! Darn!

Hold on! Are you threatening actual violence against me?

What? Wait a minute.

Hang on. What's going on?

Soups on you, losers!

I wonder if these people get specially shaped coffins when they die!

They have very short lifespans, you know.

Jim! You shouldn't have!

That's awfully decent of you, Jim!

Come on, Jimmy! Your buddies told me you're loaded!

I know you got some greenbacks in there for me!

Don't make me shake all of that change out of your pockets, Jim!

Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

Remember, Jim. Those are bottomless pockets.

I knew this would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Hang on to this!


What's up?

How's it going?

Hello mam!

Hello sir!

You're learning how to dress, Jim!

Wow! You got it going on I'll tell you that!

Hey Jim! Cool new haircut!

Hey Jim! Nice hat!

Hey Jim! Those pants are a chick magnet!

Hi Jim! You're going to need to those shoes to run from all the babes, I'll bet!

Jim! I think the babes are going to like that shirt!

Let me see. Who am I taking down today?

Okay! Derby wants me to give who the run around today?

Now you listen to what I need!

Okay! Here's what to do!

Jimmy! I could use a friend like you to help me out!

Jim! I need a man I can trust here!

Okay! What the hell was that?

Are you stupid or just crazy?

That was dumb! Real dumb!

Erm, hello

Try suicide, loser!

Give it up!

Just kill yourself and do us all a favor!

That's beyond pathetic!

Hahahahaha! Hey! That's pretty funny!

I am ready to have that feather plucked!

Someone open their mouth!


Hey! I was wondering what happened to my lab rat!

Oh! It's you!

What do you want?

Hey dink!

What's up Jim?

Oh hey!

What's going on?

Do I know you?

Now come on. No need to get rough about this

Hey! Do you want money! I have plenty!

What do you want? I can get it for you

I can get you anything!

Do I have to bail you out again?

Can't you ever fight your own battles?



Someone tell me why I had to see that!

Don't call us! We'll call you!

No Dad! Stop it! That's mine!

That's mine! It's mine!

I gotta get some of those!

Now that's what I need!

Uh! Little baby smell!

It's too much!

This is for losers, this is for bigger losers.

Who would spend money on this junk?

Come on! I'll treat you like your family!

Aha ha! For a minute I thought you sounded like my dad

Hey! I'm not your enemy! I'm your buddy!

That's really ghetto Jim!

I know who did it!

I don't mind telling you who the guilty party is

I've got some finger food for you!

Your buddies told me to give you something!

I got a message from all your so-called friends!

You understand sign language?

Here's a message from your deaf friends!

You want me to go over there?

All your friends told me what a wimp you are!

I'm gonna pound you!

Everyone knows you're the biggest wimp at Bullworth!

You think I can't cream you?

Gary told me you can't fight!

I'm going to go over there and bust your loser butt!

Oh! Sorry about that! I didn't know you were friends with Gary and the guys!

Hey! Forget it! We got some friends in common!

It's cool! We're on the same side!

That's it get mad! Get madder kid!

Go ahead hit me back! Come on wimp!

You're gonna take it, Jim? Your friends say you will.

I don't think you're going to hit me back Jim! I really don't think you are!

You better watch your back, new kid! That's all!

You're not wanted around here! Get out!

Hey it's the latest fashion statement on the internet!

You want me to find a lawyer to sue your barber?

If you think any girls are getting close to those pants think again

You should wash your shoes with quicksand and do us all a favor

That tattoo is going to look real great when you're fifty you dink!

You're always going to be covered in eggs in my book!

I can't believe people were afraid of a dink like you!

You can wear the nicest clothes on earth but you'll always be a total dink!

No Daddy! Please no!

From what your so called friends tell me I'm not worried about you!

You've got nothing for me to bother with!

You don't think I'm going to waste my time with a non entity like you do you?

Please! Even your friends think you're a wimp!

You think you got friends Jimmy? Think again!

Don't give me that! I know what you do for Edna!

Careful Jimmy! Things here aren't always what they seem!

Are you sure you got backup Jimmy? Are you really sure?

Oh yeah Jim! Get mad! Get real mad!

Not so cool now are you, Jimmy?

What are you, my father?

You're starting to sound like like Daddy!

No! Wait! Daddy! No!

Jim! This way!

Follow me, Jim!

That was nice work, Jimmy!

Look, Dad! I go potty! I go potty!

But I'm trained now! I don't need a diaper!

Take the diaper off my head Daddy!

No! It smells!

Stop! Stop or I'll drown!

You'll kill me down there!

You are going to be left in the dust as usual!

You're pretty dumb for trying this loser!

I knew you were a loser but you're stupid too, huh?

They've got nothing on us!

Don't worry about those sad sacks!

What's your team called? The unvaluables?

Nice hat! Getting ready for the 1980's, huh?

Hey! Thanks!

Whos your daddy?

My pants don't smell! No way!

No flies on this guy!

I'm sorry! I'll be good!

I'll never do it again Dad!

Oh yeah! We're on top!

We win! As usual!

Party! Party!

Ah! I've been wanting to do this to you for a while now!

See? I've got mine! Now you get yours!

What's the matter? Sorry, kid. Your father's not here right now!

You watch yourself! I've got a lot more of these for you!

Hey dummy! That's not the right direction!

Wrong way, compass head!

I thought things would be better when I left home but no!

Hey! Looky here!

Oh man you're so gonna get it!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 12:49:06 PM by Red Blaster »

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2013, 12:18:44 PM »
Was that really necessary?

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2013, 05:33:51 AM »


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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2013, 07:07:48 AM »
Ehh...Nice to have, only wish they woulda tagged on who said what.

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2013, 08:32:46 AM »
Seems a couple files have seemingly "Vanished" from the live folder on mega. I will reupload those later.

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2013, 01:58:03 PM »
ALLYATL and ALLYHM. What does this mean?

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2013, 02:20:03 PM »
ALLYATL and ALLYHM. What does this mean?

Um... what?  :mellow:

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2013, 06:27:35 PM »
ALLYATL and ALLYHM. What does this mean?

ALLY About To Leave and ALLY Help Me.

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2013, 06:18:00 AM »
Luis Quotes? They are absent)

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Re: Voice files download (Complete)
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2013, 12:19:39 PM »
Seems some of them randomly vanished.  :blink:

If anyone could tell me what ones are missing I will attempt to restore them. It looks like Luis and Lola are missing.