I opened some .cat files in a hex editor and converted the hexadecimal to word sized unsigned numbers. This example is from "Act.img>Ambient.cat", which is one of the larger files in the folder, 50KB, most are about 2KB. I believe that is because it defines alot of generic animations, as you can see at the end of the file, where, as always, there is a list that names the separate animations from the mess above.
I am not sure of the format, but the pattern goes something like this: A, 0, B, 0, 1 or 2, A+n, 0, B+-?,
not sure. Unsigned words may not be the correct format, it could be signed bytes or even signed words. Whatever makes the pattern look most sensible.
At line A470, the pattern goes away as the file turns to text strings.
The number of three consecutive 0's is closely related to the number of names in the file. It either marks the beginning of an animation. X,Y,Z at default. Or acts as a separator between animations, because it does not occur before the first coord or after the last one.
I decided to attach the example as .txt
"numbers.txt" is in unsigned, word sized numbers.
"strings.txt" is in strings.
Both are the same file.