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Offline Pete Kowalski

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Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« on: March 31, 2013, 09:37:08 PM »
                   The Beginning of the End

*Before* Algie was at yum yum market getting some cookies and milk when he saw The
Shopkeeper doing something in the meat locker. Algie clumsily looked inside and saw him eating human meat. Algie tried to escape the cannibal but was caught and no one heard of him until then.

After Algie disappearing in yum yum market Fatty claimed he heard Algie screaming like a girl, this is what he told his friends "I was waiting for Algie to bring me some of the cookies, when I heard a ear-piercing scream, nobody was around and I was to scared to check inside so I ran into the comic shop and told Zach he didn't believe me." Bucky replied with "If algie walked into the market and didn't come back what do you think made him scream and not come out?" Thad replied in a jittery voice "Guys, I think the clerk a-ate Algie!" Fatty said "No way! We need to check this out when the clerk leaves!"

12:00 PM

Bucky: West Side clear Check East Agent Fat
Fatty: East Side clear Check North Agent Thad
Thad: North Side clear Check South Agent Corn
Cornelius: South Side Is NOT clear! There's Blood everywhere!!!
Bucky,Fatty, and Thad: What!?!

*The 3 nerds scramble to the back of the store and see Algie's Glasses*
Bucky: I-Is that Algie's Circle Glasses?
Thad: It says "The Property of Algernon P."
Fatty: There's even more blood in the storage room!
*The 4 Nerds went into the storage and saw something crazy*
Algie: H-Help me!
Fatty: Algie! Your alive!
Algie: Wait, I'm still alive?
Bucky: Why are your glasses off?
Algie: The clerk wanted to make sure I didn't know who was coming.
Cornelius: Put them on.
*Algie puts on the glasses*
Algie: I'm Trapped!
Bucky: No worries! I have a pair of scissors!
*Bucky Frees Algie and they leave*

8:00 AM

Algie: I told my mom about the Incident, she started a mob against yum yum market stores!
Melvin: Wait a second, Everyone thought you were Dead!
Algie: I did too...
Ted: Hey Algie usually I'd bully you, but I'll let you live, what the hell happened in that store?
Algie: Well, When I was going to buy some food, The Clerk was eating a dead body, He grabbed me and tied me to a chair, I blacked out until I saw Bucky,Thad,Cornelius, and Fatty come in.
Ted: 'Kay I tell Everyone about that.

9:00 AM (During the mob rages)

Cop 1: Citizens calm down! The disappearance of these people do not kill everyone!
Citizen 1: You moron! It affects everyone!
All Citizens: YEAH!!!!
Citizen 2: We should tear down those hell holes called convenience stores!!!
All Citizens: Yeah!!!
Citizen 3: Citizens of Bullworth! Attack!!!
*Then the riot sparked*


*Gary Is in his cell reading outdated comic books and news*
Gary: Algie disappears in a meat locker?
Theo: I'm surprised you're reading something new...
Gary: Theo, I don't belong here, I'm a genius, and geniuses don't need permanent time in the mad house!
Theo: In your dreams boy...
Gary: *Thinking* I hope I still have those bolt cutters! *stops thinking*
Gary picks up a pair of bolt cutters from under his bed.
Gary: YES!!!
Theo: Smith! Quiet down!
Gary: What ever...
*Gary breaks him self out of his cell and sneaks for the exit*
Asylum PA: Gary Smith please return to your cell, or extermination will begin...
*Gary ends up in the hall way trapped*
Theo and Jason: Gary! Get back in your cell this instant!!!
Gary: NO!!!
*Gary sees the entrance to the scary parts of the asylum and is in the morgue*
Theo: Damn kids, he's lucky I'm scared of that place!
Gary: I've never seen these people...
Gary: Forget it I'm leaving...

After Gary leaves the asylum a huge amount of REAL crazies leave and roam the city during the riots.

*Author's Notes: I know My Title seems like a ripoff from Evolution's Bullworth: Zombie Fanfic
But The main story has a different twist.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 09:39:49 PM by Pete Kowalski »

Offline Pete Kowalski

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Re: Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2013, 10:06:20 PM »
                 The Time Has Come

When Gary headed to the school after being chased, He saw Algie alive and popular. He was really, really, REALLY confused.

Gary: Algie how the %$&* did you remain alive?
Algie: Watch the language sis...
Gary: You moron its bro...
Algie: What ever Cat, It looks like the town is having a riot...
Algie: Its a long and boring story but I'll tell you...
*One Boring Story Later*
Gary: So that's how it happened...
Seth: Is that Gary? GARY!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!
Gary: Because the asylum... Let me free Yeah!!
Seth: Whatever...

Day 3 Since the Incident

School PA: Algernon Papadopoulos, report to the main office...

Crabblesnitch: Mr.Papadopoulos, you seem to have survived a cannibal attack correct?
Algie: Yes Headmaster...
Crabblesnitch: Well thanks to your reporting, we have banned Yum Yum market goods... Better warn the Cook.
*Algie leaves and has a crazy idea.*

*thinking* I should start a riot IN the school! *stops thinking*

Algie spreads rumors to all clique leaders that they should start a riot to stop homework everyone liked the idea. But it wasn't good enough to spark it. He needed a better idea, stopping classes officially. Everyone agreed and started the riot.

Day 1 Since the School riot

Jimmy: What the hell happened algie? Why is everyone fighting?
Algie: Because Jimmy, If I can start a riot in the city.... I can start a riot here.
Jimmy: You moron! People are getting mercilessly beaten up or even killed just because of a stupid cannibal!?
Algie: You don't get it Jimmy... The townspeople have treated us like crap, trashed us, gossiped about you...
Jimmy: What? Oh boy... We need to get to that shopkeeper!
Algie: There's no way out... The military blocked us from leaving or going in the school...
Jimmy: Well... I've heard that scumbag Gary is here, he had bolt cutters we can take it from him.
Algie: Don't even try Jim, Gary locked himself in his dorm room to keep away from rioters.
Jimmy: I used to be friends with him, and I've beaten him he should not underestimate me.

*Jimmy and Algie make it to Gary's room*

Gary talking to himself: Better safe than sorry,BETTER safe than sorry,BETTER SAFE than sorry, BETTER SAFE THAN sorry, BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY!!!
*Jimmy knocks on Gary's door*
Gary: Who's there!
Jimmy: Its me
Gary: Oh the MORON...
Jimmy: Gary come on we don't have time, I'll pay you if you let us in...
Gary: Fine...
Gary: Don't let peestain in, he'll mark the carpet!
Jimmy: Let him in... We need him.
Gary: Algie! Stay OUT!!!
Jimmy closes the door and talks about the riots...
Gary: Right... My bolt cutters are broken...
Jimmy: Gary...
Gary: Okay fine it's in the closet.
Jimmy gets the boltcutters but gets stopped by Gary...

Gary: You don't leave moron!
Gary snaps Jimmy's neck and puts him in critical condition.
Gary came up to Algie and beat Algie senseless with the bolt cutters.

Gary puts both their bodies in the shopkeeper's meat locker.

Jimmy wakes up half-conscious and sees the shopkeeper getting his Knife, and then Jimmy passes out again.

Algie wakes up fully conscious and sees the shopkeeper dead on the floor. Algie sees Jimmy had escaped. Algie realized he was free too. Algie looked outside and saw the place worse than it was before Him and Jimmy got knocked out. He looked around and saw the Army shooting down "Bullworth Militas"

Algie read the tag on one of their uniforms and he said "Bullworth Militas"?
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 02:18:23 AM by Pete Kowalski »

Offline Pete Kowalski

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Re: Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2013, 02:44:52 AM »
            The Bullworth Knights

Jimmy: Algie get on the ground now!!!
Jimmy takes out his pistol and guns down the opposing team.
Jimmy give algie a glock to attack against the "Bullworth Busters"
Algie kept missing when attacking one of them. Jimmy killed the enemy instantly.
Jimmy: Algie, you need to get back to the school, anyone in the city is in grave danger!
Algie: Jimmy what happened!!! There's sandbags, army tanks, dead people, and opposing teens?
Jimmy: While you were knocked out the clerk let me free, He forced me to stab you in the brains, but I resisted and killed him instantly. I cut the ropes that held you and ran for the door, When I left, The city was how it was before we got knocked out, it got intense once the townies started gunning down the cops, the army came and failed, the townies changed their name to Bullworth Busters and started killing citizens, I was armed with a Desert Eagle from Petey and then We got ambushed, Petey was shot...
Petey: Jimmy! I think I'm done for!!!
Jimmy: You can't die on me Pete!
Petey: The bullet wound is too deep, everything is turning black and white!
Jimmy looked around and saw a first aid kid next to a dead citizen.
Jimmy healed Petey and Petey had to be carried from Jimmy and Algie...
Algie: Lets bring him into that cop car, they left their keys in it!
Jimmy: I hope I can drive properly!
Algie: It's like riding a bike Jim!
Jimmy: Erm no it's not...
Algie: What about a gokart?
Jimmy: True...
Jimmy and Algie made it to The school...

Algie: The School... It's B-Broken!!!
Jimmy: I can't Believe it!!!
Petey: I-I know how it happened.
Petey: When you guys disappeared, Some Dropouts came and threw some C4 at the walls, they blew it, and all of them died... Luckily they didn't reach the closer to us, or else this war would end in Dropout victory!
Algie: Oh man *cries*
Jimmy: What's wrong Algie?
Algie: Thanks to me I've had like 200 people die because of some stupid cookies and milk!! *sobbing*
Gary: Jimmy!
Gary: Jimmy, I'm so sorry!!!
Gary: I stopped taking my meds, it was all my fault!
Jimmy: What?
Gary: I knocked both of you senseless because I thought you wanted to kill me.
Jimmy: I'll rip you limb from l-
Algie and a Injured Petey keep Jimmy from beating Gary.
Gary: You can't go here either! The dropouts killed Crabblesnitch!
Algie,Jimmy, and Petey: What!?
Gary: Just Kidding! But Seriously the Dropouts could do that any minute!
Gary: The Dorms, and the Gym are the only safe places.
Algie: What about the library?
Gary: Its FILLED with Dropouts...
Algie: Can't we gun them down?
Gary: There's too much.
Jimmy: Are the prefects guarding?
Gary: Yes, they have no choice, They are the Bullworth Elites...
Petey: Yes, they guard the place with mounted m60s.
Algie: I hope my friends are still alive!
Gary: Algie, everyone is alive...
Gary: Even your mom...
Algie: Can I see them?
Gary: They're in their dorm room playing video games...
The 4 Heroes Go towards the Nerds dorm room and this happens.
Thad Carrying a Winchester 1867 opens the door surprised to see someone who Isn't bad...
Thad: Algie? Jimmy!
Thad: My god, how did you survive that and what happened?
Jimmy: It was the Townies, they threw an attack at the army and won, Bullworth Academy needs to kill those wretched sociopaths!
Bucky: We are all armed with Winchesters...
Jimmy: How'd you guys get those?
Bucky: When we went to Ammunation, The clerk died of a heart attack, we realized this war could be Bullworth victory If we use those...
Donald: In fact all the cliques are armed...
Earnest: You'll need alot of backup if you want to kill the Dropouts... We are instantly on your side...
Fatty Leaves with the 4 Heroes.
Fatty: I know someone who can really help us!
All 5 of them: RUSSELL!!!
Petey: He's in the Bully dorm room,
Russell opens the door carrying a minigun.
Algie: Russell we need you...
Russell: Russell hates Dropouts!!!
Russell: Russell Is in...
Petey: We'll need Derby and Bif
Russell: They live at Harrington House, Russell seed it's not broken.
The 6 people head to harrington house and recruit Derby and Bif
Derby was wielding a magnum 357, Bif was carrying a m4a1 Carbine...
Derby: We need those Greasebags to help us...
Bif: Sadly, It's true...
The 8 people head to the gym and they recruit Johnny and Norton
Johnny was wielding a luger 9mm
Norton was wielding a sledgehammer...
Norton: We need those Jock scumbags...
Thad: Can't believe they'll probably help us...
The 10 people asked every jock, they all said yes...
They had 19 people.
The jocks didn't use weapons they would beat the living crap out of those townies...
They named themselves the Bullworth Knights...

« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 01:55:42 PM by Pete Kowalski »

Offline Pete Kowalski

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Re: Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2013, 02:49:05 PM »
                              War Never Ends

Algie: Bif, does war ever end?
Bif: From what, My daddy told me, no...
Jimmy: Well this will be a war that will end...
Fatty: Where are we going? We've been walking around in circles for hours...
Ted: Jimmy, why the hell aren't we killing those scumbags yet?
Gary: Jimmy how about we stop going around in circles and find something else to do?
Jimmy: Shut up! I know how we can ambush them!

*Dropouts POV*

Edgar: Okay Bullworth Busters, we need to kick those school kids asses, they've been killing our troops, even one of them died by them nerds, You guys are pansies!
Sid: Hey Edgar! How about you stop being an asshole and give us a damn order!?
Edgar: You can goto hell than.
Edgar Pulls out his 357 and kills Sid...
Edgar's army flees from him...
Edgar: You mother#%$^ing cunts get back here!!!

The Army shoots down all of Edgar's rebellions and they die. The army shoots a flare in the sky to warn the rest of the army.

*Bullworth Knights POV*

Juri: Did you guys hear that?
Petey: I did
Bif: Someone threw a flare in the air...
Bob: If someone threw a flare in the air and we heard gunfire the Dropouts must be coming!

*Edgar's POV*

Edgar: Die you mother#$%^ing tank using wimps!
Edgar guns down the entire army and then 10 loyal Dropouts come to support him...
Edgar: Okay everyone! You need to attack that school! They are all going to kill us all if we stay put! We will blow up the bell tower and kill Hopkins!!!
Gurney: Give me the bazooka I can handle this!
Gurney fires the bazooka and then it goes back to the Bullworth Knights POV

*Bullworth Knights POV*

Algie: a rocket, its gonna hi--

The entire group feign death as the school bell tower explodes.

Bob: What the #%@^ Happened!
Gary: The townies shot a missle at the bell tower! Look!
All 19: Woah!
*distant gunfire getting closer and closer*
Fatty: Is it just me or is that gunfire getting louder?
Casey: Please let it be you!
Algie: It's not! The townies are almost here!
Johnny: We need to do something about it!
Jimmy: We need to hide quick!
Luis: Guys! Hide in the school basement quick!

The 19 Heroes go and hide in the Basement they hear students dieing.

Algie: What are we going to do?
Gary: I remember reading something like this in a comic, these terrorists are attacking and a group of people hide and ambush them like crazy! We can do that!
Algie: I know that one! It's Piff The skull comic 11! That's old!
Damon: Algie, we don't have time to talk about comic books...
Russell: Russell hear someone else in here.
Johnny: I knew someone else heard that noise!
Kirby: I should've brought this up long ago, but I heard that too!
Russell: Russell thinks its perverted Janitor I shoot him into human smoothie!
Luntz: Aha! I've got- ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Russell is firing his minigun at Luntz and killed him.

*Dropouts POV*

Edgar: Someone is firing! I heard it from the basement lets go!
Gurney: Coming!

*Bullworth Knights POV*

Derby: You moron! The dropouts heard that!
Algie: I don't know about you, but I'm hiding.
Everyone follows algie.
Bif: *Whispering* They're in here hide immediately!
Everyone hides as Gurney checks it out.
Gary: Shoots Gurney in the head and forces everyone to attack.
Edgar shoots and injures Kirby horribly and kills Dan Wilson.
Fatty blows the brains off of Otto and Clint
Algie Shoots Edgar in the groin and Edgar falls back.
Fatty: We did it!
Kirby: Help Me!
Petey Heals Kirby and Kirby is back to normal.
Juri: We lost Dan! His heart isn't beating!
Jimmy: All that matters is that Edgar is gone

*Edgar's POV*

Edgar: MY BALLS!!!
Edgar: MY #$%^ING BALLS!!!

Omar: Jesus, Edgar you can't live much longer...
Edgar: Obviously that fat nerd shot me in the balls!
*Duncan holds his pistol at Edgar's head and Omar mouths "Shoot him"*
To make a long story short, Duncan killed Edgar.


Johnny: We should go in the school building there, we'll be "safer" right?
Ted: No you moron! There's Busters in there!
Algie: No! The prefects are guarding it!
Norton: Shut up Algie!
Juri: GUYS! There's prefects in there lets go!

The 18 Heroes enter and see nothing but Dropouts in there, It was too late to turn back...
Petey: Juri, You moron! These Dropouts are everywhere!
Duncan: Omar There they are attack!
Russell: Russell kill tiny dropouts!
Russell gets shot in the leg and gets crippled.
Fatty fires his shotgun at Jerry and misses.
Algie fires his pistol at Jerry's groin and Jerry Faints.
Gary throws a grenade at The group of Dropouts behind them and then the whole group of dropouts die.
More Dropouts come and one kills Kirby.
Juri picks up Kris and beats him senseless with a locker door.
Algie guns down a group of people trying to shoot him.
Fatty throws a flash bang and all of them fall back...

Petey: War Never ends... Ever...

« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 06:43:28 PM by Pete Kowalski »

Offline Pete Kowalski

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Re: Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2013, 05:35:31 PM »
                            Is it Time?
(This entire episode will be in the dropouts POV, deal with it.)

Omar: We have lost, Edgar, our only leader, we have killed 2 people, how is this possible?
Ned: Well, Omar, Edgar was shot in the balls, so Duncan had to dispose of him.
Gregory: Yeah, because he was killed by a nerd.
Duncan: I could've let him live, but It'd be embarrassing to die by a nerd.
Omar: We are going to raid the boy's dorm, because they deserve it.
Gregory: Lets go.
The group of dropouts enter the boys dorm and open the first door, the nerds'
Thad: Shoot them!
Ned takes out his desert eagle and guess what happened to all the nerds in there... You guessed it. They died.
Ricky: I heard that! The dropouts are here!
Tom: Boys! Attack!
Constantinos: Lets get them!
Peanut takes out a Glock and grabs Ned and wastes a whole magazine of ammo on him.
Gregory takes out a mp5 and guns down all of the bullies.
Ray takes a m3 and shoots Gregory in the head.
Duncan shoots down the rest of the boys in the dorm. (Forgets about Peanut)
Omar: Okay, we are going to use our C4 on this dorm.
Harold: I already have some...
Omar: Set it to one minute, and make sure nobody else is in here.
Harold checks Jimmy's dorm room.
Harold: What is this? A Magazine of p-, oh fuck it.
Harold checks Gary and Petey's dorm room.
Harold: Hmmm, Gary Smith, that name sounds very familiar...
Harold checks the Nerds' room.
Harold: Just a B-G and some food.
Harold checks the Jocks' room.
Harold: My god, this place smells worse than them nerds!
Harold checks the Greasers' room.
Harold: One of our team is dead...
Harold: Empty I guess.
Harold checks the students' room
Harold: Boy, this looks cleaner than any other room.
Harold: It's empty I'll set up the C4
Harold sets the explosion time to one minutes and the dropouts leave, they lock the door just encase Harold made a mistake.
Peanut: Ok, gotta defuse that bomb!
Peanut gets to the bomb and sees its an old fashioned one.
Peanut: That manual says it was the red wire or the blue wire?
Peanut: I'll cut the blue wire.
Peanut gets scissors and then guess what happened...
The Boys dorm exploded.
Omar: Its time boys, we are going to win.
Marley: Lets bomb that place called "Harrington House"
Victor: Harold has more C4
The evil Dropouts head to the Preps home and get in.
Parker: B-Bif! I mean someone hel-
Parker gets shot in the head.
Tad: I can't die.... Gord go!
Tad pushes Gord down the stairwell and Henry smashes Gord's head in.
Justin: You traitor!
Justin gets shot by Walter
Tad shoots down the dropouts and they retreat.
Omar: Harold just set up the C4...
Harold sets the C4 to 1 Minute.
Pinky: What.... Oh...My...GOD!!!!!!!
Pinky runs into her room after discovering dead people in Harrington House...
Bryce finds the bomb and defuses it.
Omar: Damnit! The Bomb didn't explode!
Harold: Someone must've defused it.
Victor: Why weren't you watching the damn bomb?
Harold: No worries, I can just make it go off.
Harold presses the button to explode the House, but the bomb didn't budge.
Harold Pulls out a different one and explodes himself...
Omar and the other Dropouts lived it except Harold.
Omar: What was he, trying to kill me?
Omar: Lets get our Unwired C4
Omar places 10 things of Unwired C4 around Harrington House and give Henry the honor to explode it.
Harrington House disappeared off the map of Bullworth...
Omar: Boys... It's time to use the Nuke...

« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 11:38:39 PM by Pete Kowalski »

Offline Pete Kowalski

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Re: Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2013, 12:05:32 AM »

                   Algie: We need to go right now! The dorm is gone and Harrington House is gone!
                   Derby: I heard they are planning on nuking the place...
                   Gary: Lets Lea-
                   Omar grabs Gary and shoots him in the head.
                   Jimmy: Quick run!
                   Omar throws a machete in Johnny's leg and blasts his head off.
                   Henry grabs a gun and kills Norton
      *Greasers Destroyed*
                    *Russell's Pov*
         Russell: Russell... Is.... Dea--...
     *Bullies Destroyed*
                   Victor shoots a nail into Juri's Eyeball
                 Fatty: Must... Run...
                 Damon picks up Fatty so Fatty doesn't get killed.
                 Bob sacrifices himself for the group as he runs...
        The Bullworth Busters go to Bob and beat him senseless and Omar finishes him off.
                Bob: P-Please, Don't do it!
                Omar: Sorry Bro, time to die...
               Omar kills Bob.
                Ted and Damon are the last two Jocks to live.
                 Fatty: Thanks Damon!
                 Jimmy: Lets get into that van.
                Ted: Seven people in a van for six?
                Fatty: I'm NOT going in the trunk.
                Algie: I'll be in the front seat.
                 Jimmy: I'll be driving...
                Petey: I'll sit in the trunk.
                Ted: Alright "femme boy" get in there.
                Omar: Hey punks we won't kill you, but we will tell you this, Bullworth is going to get nuked...
                Algie: Shut Up!
              Omar: Screw you fatso!
               Algie brings out his gun and shoots Omar in the leg.
             Jimmy: Seriously algie?
            Ted: Quickly Jim, Drive!
            Omar: Get Them!!!
          Bif gives petey the m4a1 and Petey guns down the dropouts following them...
          Algie: Jimmy, where are we going?
          Ted: I think we are going to the carnival, why?
           Jimmy: Ted... I'm not going there...
           Fatty: Then were are we going?
           Derby: We are going to Tad's house.
           Jimmy: Exactly
           Damon: What are we going to do in there?
           Fatty: I remember Tad mentioning boats in his house.
           Bif: Yeah, he has a whole bunch of them.
           Algie: Well, we're here.
           Fatty: Its locked!
           Jimmy rushes the van into the gate and the gate is destroyed.
           Fatty: You could've killed me!
            Derby: I've never been to Tad's House...
           Bif: Tad's house looks a little better than yours, I'll admit.
          The 8 Heroes go inside Tad's home and find his boats.
          Algie: There's this huge canoe!
           Fatty: We'll need 2 of them!
          Ted: Man, Tad's house makes our place look like the greasers' junkyard!
          The people get the canoes, but then get harassed by the dropouts...
        Omar: People in Spencer manor! You will be disposed of in 10 minutes!
       Duncan: Those 10 minutes are when that nuke goes off!
       Petey: Oh no! *quietly sobs*
       Algie: Oh my!
      Derby: What?
     Bif: Jesus!
     Jimmy: No way!
     Fatty: Huh?
     Ted: Oh no...
     Damon: Oh man...

Fatty throws a knife straight into Omar's head, instantly killing Omar.
Duncan: Victor! Bazooka!
Victor fires the bazooka at the window Fatty was in, but not hitting Fatty.
Bif throws a molotov at the car they used and kills the rest of the dropouts in Bullworth.
*Dropouts/ AKA Bullworth Busters Destroyed*
Victor slowly mutters whilst dying, 8--- Minutes---
Fatty: 8 minutes! Quick we need to get to the beach!
The group use the van the Dropouts used to reach them...
They reach the Beach but Algie realizes they wasted 5 whole minutes getting there.
Algie: 3 Minutes!!! We need to start leaving!
Seth shoots Damon and Ted down.
Seth: The Bullworth Elites smit the Dropouts while you clowns attracted more...
Edward shoots Bif but misses Derby.
Derby shoots Edward in the head.
Max and Karl shoot Derby, Petey and Jimmy
Algie and Fatty: Jimmy! Petey! Derby!
Derby: Guys... I'll take them down...
Derby kills the rest of the Elites.
(Prefects Destroyed)
Jimmy: Leave me... I'll die rather than escape...
Ted: Hey nerds! Here's the paddles!
Fatty and Algie get in the canoe and paddle as quick as possible.
30 Seconds were remaining...
Jimmy: Heh-heh I remember when you guys were alive, healthy, doing things normally.
Petey: Yeah.
15 Seconds were remaining...
Algie: Quick! Paddle faster!
Fatty: Don't worry Algie, we are already far from Bullworth!
5 Seconds were remaining...
Jimmy: Goodby-
The Nuke went off...
Algie: Did you hear that?
Fatty: They already died, deal with it...

*Algie wakes from a nightmare*
Fatty: Hey algie! Wanna get some cookies and milk?
Algie: NO! NO!! NO!!!
Algie: I'm never going back to that convenience store!
Bucky: Algie, is something wrong with you?
Algie: No, I just had this terrible nightmare that there was this riot and only me and Fatty lived!
Fatty: Heh-heh Algie all that's well that ends well...
Jimmy: Did you guys hear about that cannibal at Yum-yum market?

The End
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 03:58:16 AM by Pete Kowalski »

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Re: Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2013, 04:46:58 AM »
So... Is it finished?

If so, that was quite an interesting read... Really interesting  :blank:

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Re: Bullworth: The 14 Hour War Fan Fiction
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2013, 06:08:13 AM »
"The End" usually means finished.

Violence, Anyone ? 

Anyway....Nice.  Always wanted to knock some of them off.