There is only 2
Russell and SID
Most likely Sid wasn't even confirm to be on the prototype version.
Every game has this thing when they make prototypes they add in 1 weird character to be playable or walking around for a test.
Like Fighting Force prototype DR VULCAN (Big boss that only Ai's get more attack to perform)
was in there just cause it was a Prototype and wasn't confirm to be playable on the final Version.
Therefore Sid is in the game but re modeled.
And on his Bio he was meant to be the meanest character in the game who had very tough dialog so I'm guessing he is one of the Townies.
Here are examples about prototyped games uses random modeled character just for testing through out the map and Tenchu no one suppose to have fully automatic guns due to its years based around 1800's
Tenchu Prototype
This ninja wasn't suppose to be the main character as the main is Rikimaru
Nor that enemies suppose to have guns they only meant to carry around with blades, staff, old rifle, etc. No new stuff lol. And that jumping sound effect was never gonna be added to the game
Just a test.
Tenchu [Beta / Early Prototype - PSX]Fighting Force Prototype (Judgement Force)
At the right DR VULCAN (Tested model to go through out the map)
Fighting Force Beta Sega Saturn - Part 1/2Perfect Dark prototype
Game wasn't confirm to be published on Xbox only used for testing.
Perfect Dark Zero [XBOX 1 Beta Prototype - UNRELEASED!]Im not trying to spam the page this just show Some character in games beta are prototype and was there for testing through the map.
GTA 3 BETA Picture
Character in the back has no face tested prototype cars with exact same rims wasn't confirmed just a prototype for car models before matching the real rims.