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Author Topic: The tale of Cassandra  (Read 2317 times)

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The tale of Cassandra
« on: October 06, 2012, 07:13:21 AM »
This is going to be my main story so hope you enjoy! If you have comments post them here and not on my story:

My mum drove the car, I looked outside and saw a sign that said 'Welcome to Bullworth' I put my head down, "sweetie what's wrong?" My 'sweet and caring' mum asked she can be nice at times, "I don't know maybe because your moving away with your new husband and your just leaving me at some boarding school.." I felt like crying I can't believe my mum's leaving me while she's moving to Hollywood to live in some big house, "honey I've already told you this he already has 4 kids and 4 kids is enough I don't want more kids in the house!" My mum shouted, I glared out the window, I looked in my bag and saw my diary I don't even know why I brought this I haven't wrote in it since I was about 11 years old, it had my full name on it 'Cassandra Lucas' but most people call me Cassie, I don't know much about my family I only know my mum, she was an only child so I have no aunt's or uncle's and my 3 past step-dad's shame I don't even know my real father, I don't know what he looks like or anything.. I held back the tears, we arrived at the school. I got out of the car and so did my mum, "okay Cassandra I need to go now honey, hug?" Despite how much I hate her, I love her at the same time. "Gonna miss you mum.." I got the suitcase, my mum got back in the car and drove away.
I didn't even know where I was I looked around until I heard heels clicking on the floor, "you must be the Lucas girl." The lady said, I turned around "pleasure too meet you. Welcome to Bullworth Academy! Ah.." The Lady sighed, "I'm Miss. Danvers and I know you'll be very happy here, very happy indeed.." I just nodded slowly oh this is going to be a joy ride with this school, "anyway I can't spend my life waiting around for little girls." Miss. Danvers said not sounding too exciting to be here and did she say 'little girl' I just turned 16! I'm not little no more, excuse me lady I can drive a car now. Miss. Danvers carried on the conversation "I've got a man to make happy, the headmaster is expecting you Cassandra in his study." Oh the thrill of meeting the headmaster at his study, I walked forward "okay.." I softly said with my Jersey accent, "his study is over there Miss. Lucas. In the main building don't keep Dr. Crabblesnitch waiting he's a brilliant man.. Brilliant." Miss. Danvers said, oh gosh is this teacher in love with him or something, I walked in.. Nice place around here nothing like perverted teachers and students, snotty girls and small kids around the school yep this is going to be a breeze all right. I ignored all the stares from everyone, I could hear one red-head girl gossip to a girl with glasses on, I entered the building and walked into the office. Miss. Danvers led me in the main office with the headmaster.
"Ah yes so you must be Cassandra." The old headmaster asked, I didn't have time for this the man is a joke "yeah but call me Cassie please?" I sat down on the chair, "no I will call you by the name your parents gave you." Crabblesnitch said, I sighed. Crabblesnitch had a file of my crimes from my last school back in Jersey, "now let me see, oh, you've done alot of naughty things haven't you, tagging the school wall, getting in a big fight with a girl and disrespecting staff, oh I'm scared of you Miss. Lucas!" Crabblesnitch sarcastically said putting his hands in the air like he was defending himself, "come on give me a break!" I said sighing, "yes your quite the nastiest little girl I've ever encounter!" He yelled at me, again what's with all the teachers calling me 'little girl' I'm not a little girl! "So tell me why should I waste my time on you?!" The headmaster asked. "I don't know," I said with no expression on my face, "because it's my calling, it's what I do, you excel in causing trouble, and I excel in fixing little girls like you and making you into a respectable member at our community here at the academy, you fix that nose clean Miss or I shall clean it myself." Oh gosh! "Miss Danvers are you back yet?" I heard cups, "yes headmaster and I've got your tea." Suck up. "You are good too me Miss. Danvers," Miss. Danvers put the tray of tea on the table. "No more than you deserve headmaster," I shook my head at this, "take our new friend Lucas here and show her around the school." The headmaster asked, the women nodded her head "certainly headmaster. Come along Miss I haven't got all day!" Seems her attitude changes when she talks to someone other than Mr. Crabblesnitch, I got up "oh and Miss rememeber you will have a clean nose, so keep it clean or we'll clean it for you."
Well looks like I going around the school myself since Miss. Danvers has to stay at the office even though Crabblesnitch told her too show me around oh well I'm not arguing, I walked down I slightly afraid of this school I mean my other school was bad but this school is probably worse, I walked outside and walked forward turning left and right too see which one is the girls dorm. I also saw a car arrive by the school with a kid with a buzz-cut to his hair, guess I'm not the only new kid thank goodness, I walked into the dorm. I saw a teacher glare at me "why aren't you in your uniform young lady?" Well least she said 'lady' and not 'girl' "um..I'm new here." I said to the old teacher, "oh right, well I'm Miss. Peabody and I think your rooms upstairs let me show you." The teacher began to walk I followed closely behind, we arrived by the room and I saw the two girls I seen before going into the headmaster's office, "ladies here's your new room-mate." The teacher told the girls, she exited the room. The red head introduced herself "Christy Martin, nice too meet you." She smiled, I smiled back, "Angie Ng." Angie smiled as well, "well my name is Cassandra Lucas but please call me Cassie." I smiled to them, hey I need friends in a dump like this school, I looked in the wardrobe at the uniform I had to wear, "should we go out while you get changed?" Christy asked, I nodded.
(Moments later)
"Ugh I hate this uniform." A green short skirt, with white socks and black school shoes also with a green tie I slightly changed the uniform by putting a black tee top under the white blouse, "you can come in now!" I said through the door, the two girls came in "oh you look good in that uniform!" Angie said, I nervously said thanks.
Well first part took me an hour to do but thanks for reading. :) I know you know nothing about Cassandra/Cassie but you will. :)

Offline Jimmette

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Re: The tale of Cassandra
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 02:36:59 PM »
(The Tale of Cassandra: This is your school POV)
(Cassandra's POV)
"Wanna a tour of the school?" Christy asked me, I quickly replied "I'll meet you in the school I need to do something first." I smiled, Christy and Angie went out the room. I walked over to my bag and picked up my hand mirror and checked my face for any spots and/or zits; I catch them too easily, I can admit I have insecurity when it comes to my looks it all started when I was 14 and the kid I fell in love with called me ugly, he also called me fat at one point but I have no problem with my weight.. I quickly left my train of thought and put the mirror down luckily no spots could be seen.
I walked out the dorm everywhere in this dump was crazy, I entered the school and saw Angie and Christy they both walked up to me, "hey Cassie," Angie said, I waved back at her. We both started walking "so like..What do you want to see firs-" Christy stopped seeing the other new kid; "oh look it's the other new kid..What was his name..James, Jimmy, I'm not sure." Angie explained, I saw the new kid he looked tough, I know he'll survive around here but me nope..I'll get in a fight along the way and won't be able to defend myself since I'm weak in the ass I got beat down in my last one and the girl who beat me up framed me for starting the fight! Okay maybe I did but she called me a brat and a user! What was I supposed to do anyway Christy and Angie started walking again. I don't know much about these two maybe ask people while there not around.
(Christy's POV)
Two new kids in one day.. Little fishy, but I'll give them a shot I mean, I don't know much about any of them so I won't spread a rumor about them just yet. "What if I spread a rumor about me being a princess?" I said, I haven't spread a rumor in weeks I need to get back on track, Angie just looked at me like I was an Alien.
(Cassandra's POV)
Okay I can tell this Christy girl likes to spread rumors around, better be careful not to cross or tell her too much of my past life, she might spread a rumor about me.
(10 Minutes later)
Christy and Angie showed me around the school, "Cassie there's one question I need to ask," Angie said, uh-oh she better not ask about my past life. "Do you like bunnies?" Angie asked, I sighed in my head in relief "yeah there okay, I guess.." I pointed out, why would she ask a question like that, "yes! See Christy I'm not the only one who likes bunnies!" Angie smiled and crossed her arms, the red-head sighed "yeah but you really love them Angie!" Christy smirked, Angie giggled a bit. "So Cassie, do you have a crush on anyone yet?" Christy had that sly smile rolling here, I had shock on my face "I just got here." I said with a blank expression on my face.
After a while I went to my locker, I went back down the stairs of the school, I went towards the girls bathroom but I saw a girl and possibly the new kid making out with each other, there was a kid standing by Jimmy, I just kept looking at them as they kissed it was gross I don't even know why I'm watching I quickly walked away.
(The tale of Cassandra: Get to class)
I saw my first class was chemistry, great..I'm so not good at this lesson. I entered I saw the other new kid, I went by him. "Hey," I waved awkwardly, he ignored me the first time. Great I just embarrassed myself, "hello?" I said again trying to get his attention, I hate being ignored, he finally saw me "um hi.." He said he then went back to mixing the chemicals probably trying to concentrate on the lesson, I moved my hair a little "well I'm just saying hello..You're new here so am I..Just wanting to say hi!" I coughed a little "I saw you making out with a girl..And there was a dude standing by you.." I tried to start a conversation with this new kid, just trying to learn his name. "Oh you saw that, well I got the chick's Chocolate's back and she made out with me! Oh the dude standing next to me was called Gary he was showing my round the school, I saw you by two girls before I went to the headmaster's office..By the way my names Jimmy Hopkins." The kid said, finally I know his name, "Cassandra Lucas, but please call me Cassie I prefer that name better." I smiled warmly at Jimmy.