Hey all, just thought i'd throw up a message to everyone. Ok, its a really long post so please read as much as you can.
As most of you know i'm the owner, maker, admin whatever of Bully-Board.com
With one day before release i'd just like to say a huge thanks to everyone who has joined up to Bully-Board, this website is becoming more successful than i could ever imagine and its you guys that are making it. We have huge amounts of information on here now and it can only get bigger and better.
To achieve this we must still work together, please can i ask everyone to limit the amount of new topics they make once they recieve the game and look for the right forum to post it in, as you may have noticed there are a few new forums in 'The Grounds of Bullworth' category, this is to take the amount of new topics appearing in the 'General Bully Forum' down.
I know there is going to be shit loads to talk about but if you find something new or you feel you need to share something with people urgently then please first look for an already open topic to post it in, if not then i suggest you use the 'Bullworth Experiences' forum as i'm really looking to keep the 'General Bully' forum tidy as possible. There are going to be a lot of thread and post moving and deleting by myself and the moderators i'm sure, but this is to ensure that all information can be found easily by each user, so don't be offended if your topic gets closed or moved, just next time have a quick search before you post.
New forumsOk, as you can see on the forum list i have added several new forums. The main forum is
Mission Walkthroughs.
I have created this forum where you can post how you did a certain mission, or how others completed it. This forum will work best if only Moderators (Prefects) post new topics. For example, if you are doing a mission for Crabblesnitch and you can't do it and you need help you would click the forum and then find the relevant chapter then find the mission you are looking for which could be named something like
Crabblesnitch#1 there you would find other users posts on how they completed it. (you should use the 'search' function to assist you on finding a certain mission)
As you can imagine, there are going to be loads of missions so its going to take a couple of weeks to get everything down in there so bear with us, this is where the guide may come in handy when its released to get every single mission into the forum. If anyone picks up a guide soon then could you contact me.
Hints, tips and cheatsIn this forum i am going to make a topic called 'All Bully Cheats' then people can reply with a cheat they have found and i will add it to the list then we will end up with every available cheat for Bully. Again this may be better with the guide so we can get all the cheats. Also in this forum you can post things you have found to help other users.
Bullworth ExperiencesA place where you can post your stories of what you got up to while playing Bully, this forum has also been made to take some pressure off the 'General Bully Forum' as many posts that appear in there saying 'wow check this out what i just found' and threads like that are likely to be moved into this forum. So please, before you post a new thread, think where you should put it.
Dont Spoil The Game!I've mentioned this in several posts but if you have missed it, please try not to spoil the storyline of Bully for the people who have yet to play the game.
If you are posting something that you think will ruin the storyline or give something away then please, highlight this text and click the
button in your 'new post toolkit' Or, when posting or replying in your topic title include something like 'spoiler warning' or something along those lines.
People deliberately ruining the storyline for other people will be instantly banned, ok once or twice is an accident and you will be sent a polite warning but continually doing so will result in a permanent ban for the sake of other users.
I've also got to say a massive thankyou to everyone who was involved with the re-designing of Bully-Board, namely djrussell, Murdoc, Julius and The Phenomenol Dream and everyone who gave their oppinions and input.
Lastly, Enjoy the game people. I'm from the UK so i wont recieve my copy till next friday but i'm sure you guys will have plenty to share with us less fortunate ones to keep us occupied. to keep our anticipation levels at a maximum!
Thanks guys, DGAF